

 Amber看世界 2022-05-14

1.Earlier this week, Dr. Kwaku Poku Asante of Ghana got the phone call he consistently dreads. 


2.It was his son's school. 


3.His child had a fever. 


4."I'm not sure whether it's malaria," he says, "but I'm troubled."


5.Asante's son is 14, so he's not in the high risk group of children ages 5 and younger. 


6.Still, parents in much of Africa are terrified by a youngster's fever, which may signal malaria.


7.The disease defines much of Asante's professional life too, as director of the Kintampo Health Research Centre. 


8."I've witnessed many, many, many, many children at the hospital," he says. 


9."Sometimes [they] come in convulsing. Sometimes they come in with severe anemia. Sometimes they come with vomiting."


10.And sometimes these children die. 


11.In 2020, the World Health Organization counted almost a quarter billion cases of malaria in kids and adults, primarily in Africa, resulting in 627,000 deaths. 


12.For years, the best protective measures have been preventative — insecticide-treated bed nets, antimalarial pills, shutting windows at night and reducing mosquito habitat.


13."With all these interventions, there came a time when we plateaued," says Dr. Rose Jalang'o who works with the National Vaccines and Immunization Program at the Ministry of Health in Kenya. 


14."At that point, we needed new tools to further reduce the burden of malaria disease."


15.“Having a malaria vaccine has the potential of reducing the deaths associated with malaria, so I think it's a really big deal," says Jalang'o. 


16.She says that community members have told her that their children are contracting malaria less: "For example, a mother tells you that a child who's been vaccinated might have only 1 or 2 episodes of malaria in a year compared to 4 or 5 cases in the past."


17."You know, it's not perfect," says Dyann Wirth, a geneticist at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. 


18."Would I like a vaccine that's 100% effective and easily given in one dose? Absolutely. But that's not the reality." 


19.Wirth chairs an independent malaria advisory group at the WHO and observes, "The vaccine shows some protection. I think not using it would not be justifiable. It is important that it be available to the populations that can benefit."


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