

 ldjsld 2022-05-23 发布于广西



本文对战略研究的内容介绍主要来自于John Baylis,James J. Wirtz,Colin S. Gray编写的《Strategy in the Contemporary WorldAn Introduction to Strategic Studies》一书,目前我还没有读过该书的中文版,因此就把英文版进行解读和扩展,全部内容都是笔者总结提炼和理解基础上的整合,并结合战略研究领域的其他著作供读者参考。



从早期的军事学角度而言,更多将战略的定义与军事手段的应用与战争胜利的结果联系在一起。如克劳塞维茨(Carl von Clausewitz)将战略定义为Strategy [is] the use of engagements forthe object of war[2]克劳塞维茨作为拿破仑一世战争时期的军事家,更多是将他的学说应用(或认为可以应用)到欧洲的陆战中,当然,笔者认为克劳塞维茨的《战争论》对智力的提升和思辨远远不止是对战争的了解,当然他的战略概念确实更偏重军事内涵,不过《战争论》书中对进攻与防御、以及战争必备的三要素(政治、暴力、偶然性)、还有战争手段与政治目标的相关性介绍,都体现出他超越时代的战略视野。利德尔·哈特(Liddell Hart)对战略的定义超过了纯粹的战争目标,认为:Strategy is the art of distributing andapplying military means to fulfill the ends of policy[3]他对大战略的定义就更为经典:Grand strategy should both calculate and developthe economic resources and manpower of nations in order to sustain the fightingservices . . . it should not only combine the various instruments, but soregulate their use as to avoid damage to the future state of peace—for itssecurity and prosperity[4]哈特突出了政治目标,而且如果看到哈特在《间接路线》一书中的战略理解,是强调战争状态与和平状态之间的战争手段动力问题,这源于他对一战、二战和战后和平缔造的理解,但对哈特的思想也是褒贬不一,如米尔斯海默在《李德·哈特与历史之锺》里,就强调哈特的思想更多缺乏实践指导,而且在战略形势发生变化后,人为强化自身的学说影响,当然,还是希望读者可以自己阅读哈特的著作、进行不同视角的评判。

劳伦斯·弗里德曼(Lawrence Freedman)对战略的定义是:The realm of strategy is one of bargainingand persuasion as well as threats and pressure, psychological as well asphysical effects, and words as well as deeds. This is why strategy is thecentral political art. It is about getting more out of a situation than thestarting balance of power would suggest. It is the art of creating power。这里的定义是笔者觉得比较全面的,因为它涉及到讨价还价和政治游说,物质和精神层面的威慑内涵,以及行动和语言的政治艺术。这既考虑到了战略的理性平衡,也涉及到艺术(不容易掌控的、容易受到非理性因素的影响)。如果读者看过理查德·勒博的《国家为何而战?》,就能更深切理解荣誉、恐惧等战略动机是如何诱发国家陷入战略冒险甚至是主动营造必有一战的战略决心的。

Because strategy provides the bridgebetween military means and political goals, students of strategy requireknowledge of both politics and military operations.[5]尽管战略研究包罗万象,笔者建议读者看看钮先钟教授的《战略研究入门》一书,该书将战略这门学问的重要性极为拔高(至少是笔者阅读过的本国学者中对战略研究最为推崇的一本书),但因为战略的核心(或者说国际关系的高级政治问题仍然是首要的)是军事手段与政治目标的关系,因此战略研究的前提是要了解军事与政治相关的知识体系。“Strategy deals with the difficult problemsof national policy, the areas where political, economic, psychological, andmilitary factors overlap”。这句话足以体现战略研究的交叉性与服务国家目标的属性。鉴于跨学科,如果有志于做战略研究的读者,可能需要至少对以下学科有所涉猎(当然可以一种学科为主,其他学科就是碰到问题需要研究时可以随时补充骨架即可):Strategy is best studied from aninterdisciplinary perspective. To understand the dimensions of strategy, it isnecessary to know something about politics, economics, psychology, sociology,and geography, as well as technology, force structure, and tactics[6]



(一)人性恶:In an anarchical system, power is the only currency ofvalue when security is threatened.[7]

(二)自修昔底德以来所强调的国际政治的强者为尊、国家自助、安全第一位:Who wins in international relations doesnot depend on who is right according to

some moral orlegal ruling. As Thucydides demonstrated in his account of the Peloponnesianwars, power determines who gets their way. In international relations, mightmakes right.

(三)国际法、道德、国际制度作用是有限的。. In an international system without asupranational government, states will agree to laws when it suits them, butwill disregard them when their interests are threatened. When states want tobreak the rules, there is very little to stop them from doing it apart fromcountervailing force.




The emergence of geopoliticsreflected a new sense that the world was now a unified political space at theend of the nineteenth century, which emerged as a result of the imperialcompetition of European great powers.

   It also reflected a shifting constellation ofpower, with British economic strength in decline and Germany and the UnitedStates rising as new powerful actors in world politics.

   Classical geopolitical thought linksterritory to power and sees world politics as a competition between the mostpowerful states. It proposes that geographical and other environmental factorsexplain why some states thrive while others decline.


凯南的遏制战略就是一种地理与权力变量的战略应用思考:Containmentwas first developed at the onset of the cold war by George F. Kennan, adiplomat who had studied the Soviet Union closely. He proposed a strategy whichrelied on countering Soviet influence 'bythe adroit and vigilant application of counterforce at a series of constantlyshifting geographical and political points’Bythe 1950s, the competition for spheres of influence between the United Statesand the Soviet Union acquired a global dimension, partly as a result ofdecolonization in Africa and Asia. Containment was reformulated and expandedinto what became known as 'domino theory’—the idea that Soviet influence had tobe countered everywhere, since one state turning communist could easily spreadcommunism to neighbouring states until an entire world region would fall.Containment was a form of geopolitics, but one which encompassed ideologicalcompetition as well as competition for resources. It required the US to engageacross all areas of the globe to stop the spread of communism, whether or notthe countries concerned were strategically important. In Vietnam in particular,hundreds of thousands of US soldiers were sent to help fight communistguerrillas in a costly, drawn-out, and ultimately unsuccessful war. Overall,containment was a consistent, if not always consistently implemented, grandstrategic framework that was remarkably long-lived. Since the Soviet Unionremained the much weaker economy, containment was an effective long-termstrategy that helped to drain Soviet resources, though it was by no means theonly factor in the collapse of the Soviet Union.




In general, strategists recognize the dangers ofdeveloping too cosy a relationship with officials when they advise governmentson a paid basis. Like many other experts (e.g. economists), however, they seeno necessary inconsistency between scholarship and advice. Because it is apractical subject, there are some benefits from analysing strategic issues atclose hand, providing that a detached approach is adopted. Policy advocacy, however,is a different matter. Some strategists do drift into the realm of advocatingspecific policies, but when they do so they slowly but surely lose theircredibility. People who make a career out of arguing for the adoption ofspecific policies or weapons systems gain a reputation for knowing the 'answer’regardless of the question that is posed.Another forceful criticism of strategicstudies is that it is part of the problem, not the solution. What opponentsmean by this is that the Clausewitzian perspective of strategists, which seesmilitary power as a legitimate instrument of policy, helps to perpetuate aparticular mindset among national leaders and the public that encourages theuse of force. It is this realist thinking, critics argue, which lies behind thedevelopment of theories of deterrence, limited war, and crisis management thatwere especially dangerous during the cold war[8]





The logic of war and strategy is universal; it isvalid at all times and in all places. This is primarily because war is a humanactivity, and human nature has remained unchanged in the face of materialprogress. The same passions that motivated those who lived millennia agocontinue to drive us today. Although such strategic theorists as thenineteenth-century Prussian officer and philosopher Carl von Clausewitz and theancient Chinese author Sun Tzu wrote from very different historical andcultural experiences and thus viewed strategy from unique perspectives, thephenomenon they described—war—is the same. It is the character and conduct ofwar—how it is waged, by whom, and for what ends—that has changed over time.[9]






The concept of grand strategy was first developed inthe context of the Second World War and was an extension of the long-termstrategic view inherent in geopolitical thought.

   Both theSoviet Union and the United States acted geopolitically during the cold war.Containment was a grand strategy informed by geopolitical reasoning, but drivenby ideological concerns rather than resource competition.

   The revival ofgeopolitics in the 1970s occurred at a time when the US was seen to be inrelative decline, and means other than the nuclear arms race were sought tosecure its position.[10]



       Geography is not a fixed and immutable factorin world affairs.

   Technologicalchange affects the way that geographical factors play out in internationalpolitics.

   Geographicalfactors matter both as external constraints and because they are interpretedand politically contested, and often part of identity narratives.

   This dualitycomplicates the uses of geopolitics for grand strategy, but also adds a new,important dimension that makers of grand strategy need to take into account.




The rise of China and the relative economic decline ofthe US are driving the current revival of interest in geopolitics and grandstrategy.

   Chinas economic expansion and its need forenergy supplies are already having an effect on political dynamics in variousregions of the world.

   The US remainsmilitarily dominant. Russia, China, and some other states are rearming, but at presentthis is not a direct challenge.

   Some suggestthat the US suffers from 'imperial overstretch, spending so much on its defence budget that it is weakened overall.

   The emphasisof grand strategy has shifted to peacetime development, partly because warbetween great powers now seems improbable.[11]




In a complex and fluid world, it has become much moredifficult to formulate grand strategies.

   Rigid grandstrategies, or those based on the wrong assumptions, can have negativeconsequences, since they blind decision-makers to unpredictable changes in thestrategic environment.

   For a large,powerful state, grand strategic planning may be necessary, since the effects ofsimply 'muddling through’ may be worse.



1. What are the aims of grand strategy?

2. Why is there renewed interest in geopolitics andgrand strategy at this particular historical juncture?

3. What explains the emergence of geopolitical thoughtat the turn of the twentieth century?

4. Compare and contrast evolving definitions of grandstrategy and geopolitics. How and why have these definitions changed?

5. To what extent was the grand strategy ofcontainment during the cold war motivated by geopolitical reasoning?

6. What are the problems inherent in formulating grandstrategies? Can they be overcome?

7. Why is grand strategy associated with the statecraftof great powers?

8. How has geopolitics traditionally been associatedwith grand strategy? What are the problems of this association?

9. If geopolitics is both about the 'out there’ andthe 'in here’, as Colin Gray has written, what is its use for the formulationof grand strategy?

10. Is the rise of China a challenge to US primacy?



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