

 新概念英语教学 2022-05-28 发布于上海




31-35 TFFTT



第39课讲的是野外驾车的故事,为此我选了一篇有关粗暴驾驶(Rough driving)的文章。



Rough driving incorporates speed, sudden braking, unnecessary small stunts, ignorance of driving rules, immaturity of driver and most important hurting own vehicle. We can classify rough driving with two different aspects.

With respect to other drivers on road

Rough driving always disturbs other drivers to make any judgment about movement of rough drivers. This happens because rough drivers themselves don’t know when and where they will move in next instant. Sometimes, these types of misjudgements lead to disaster for rough drivers or other drivers.

This situation becomes more critical when group of rough drivers drive on the road and convert their untamed enjoyment into crime. The groups which do this never knew that they are conducting a crime. In Ahmedabad, these types of crimes boost in 9 days festival called “Navaratri”. We are habitual here to read it in newspaper headlines during this festival. These groups also scream loudly, behave badly with women/girls and feel like they are flying in the sky. Cops here use to block many roads to control these activities during this festival. They are really troubling factors for common people. Nowadays, it becomes fashion in youngsters here to show anyone’s untamed enjoyment during riding. We can really define it as rough driving.

With respect to vehicle

Many articles already have recommended how to drive neatly within the vehicle’s limit. But in the case of rough driving, it always goes beyond the vehicle’s limits. Hard throttling, sudden braking, half clutching, frequent clutching, quick gear changing, inapt gear ratios, swinging vehicle from here and there, and overloading the seating capacity are some basic practices happen during rough driving.

We all know the effects of above mentioned driving conditions which obviously hazardous for the vehicle. The effects come out as defects either in short period or after a long.

Furthermore to the above-mentioned driving, many drivers apply horns continuously and gratuitously. I think this one is also a bad habit and should be considered as rough driving. Horns should be used to make other drivers aware about our presence on the road if we are following them or we are on either side. This helps to make judgment and to avoid any accident. Rather than generating awareness, continuous horning irritates and makes the situation erratic leading to misjudgements.


1. incorporate:合并

2. stunt:特技;危险举动

3. immaturity:不成熟

4. misjudgement:误判

5. untamed:未受抑制的

6. hard throttling:硬节流

7. clutching:离合

8. gear changing:换挡

9. inapt gear ratios:不适合的传动比

10. hazardous:危险的

11. defect:缺点

12. gratuitously:无缘无故地

13. erratic:不规则的;不稳定的



1. The original goal of the Gregorian calendar was to change the date of Easter.

2. Leap years occur exactly every four years in the Gregorian calendar.

3. The Gregorian calendar differs from the lunar year by 26 seconds per year.

4. Britain’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar supposedly sparked riots and protest.

5. Before adopting the Gregorian calendar, the English began new year on March 25.


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