

 毗陵桥上星如月 2022-06-07 发布于上海



1.I must be going now. 我得走了。

2.He has gone to Shanghai. 他到上海去了。

3.Go to get a doctor. 去叫医生来。

4.Let's go swimming. 我们去游泳吧。


1.Go your own way,let people gossip. 走自己的路,让人们说去吧!

2.My Bluebird can go 180 km an hour. 我的蓝鸟轿车每小时能行驶180公里。


1.Where does this path go? 这条小路通往哪里?

2.I'm going 18 years old. 我快满18岁了。


1.He goes crazy. 他变得疯狂。

2.Her thinking is going conservative. 她的思想日趋保守。


1.Poor people often go hungry. 穷人经常挨饿。

2.He often goes angry. 他经常发脾气。


1.If you're deceived by that company, you can go to law. 如果你被那家公司骗了,你可诉诸法律。

2.I often go to a dictionary for a new word. 我经常到词典里去查生词。


1.All my achievements today go to my parents. 我今天所有的成绩应归功于我的父母。

2.His passing the IELTS goes to his diligence. 他通过雅思考试,应归功于他的勤奋。


1.I can't get my car to go. 我的车发动不起来。

2.How goes it with you? 你近来的情况如何?

3.Whatever he says goes. 他说到做到。(或:他说的都行得通。)


1.The pain has gone. 疼痛消失了。

2.I'm over 50,so my hearing is going. 我都50出头了,听觉在消退。


1.It's going to rain. 天要下雨了。

2.I'm going to buy a labtop computer. 我打算买一部手提电脑。


1.Be quick! There are only 2 minutes to go. 快点!还剩下两分钟。

2.-What time is it? 几点了?

-There are 5 minutes to go. 还有5分钟。


1.He is full of go. 他精力十足。

2.What a go! 这事真难办!(或:这事真棘手!)

3.It's a rum go. 这是一个难题。(或:这是一个奇事。)

4.E-mail has become the go in recent years. 电子邮件近几年来变得时髦起来。

5.Make a go of it! 干得出色些!

6.Give me a go, OK? 给我一次机会,好吗?

7.It's a go. 就这样约定了。


1.go along with 与……一起,与……结伴而行

1.May I go along with you? 我可以跟你一起去吗?

2.They went along with each other. 他们结伴而行。

2.go ahead 往前走,继续,进展,进步

1.You go ahead.I'll join you later. 你继续住前走,我呆会儿跟上。

2.Go ahead!I'm all ears! 往下说吧!我听着呢!

3.go all out 全力以赴,鼓足干劲

1.We must go all out to fulfil the task. 我们必须全力以赴去完成任务。

2.The soldiers went all out to protect the dam. 战士竭尽全力保护大坝。

4. go bankrupt 破产,垮,完结

1.My father's business has gone bankrupt. 我父亲的生意破产了。

2.If you spend money like water,you'll go bankrupt sooner or later. 如果你挥金如土的话,早晚会破产的。

5. go back to(date back to) 追溯到

1.China's history can go back to 5,000 years ago. 中国的历史可追溯到5000年前。

2.The friendly contacts between our two peoples go back to the 2nd century. 我们两国人民之间的友好往来一直可以追溯到公元二世纪。

6. go away with 带走;顺手牵羊

1.She went away with my heart. 她带走了我的心。

2.Don't go away with my money. 别带走我的钱。

7.go downhill 走下坡路,每况愈下

1.The service in this restaurant is going downhill. 这间餐馆的服务质量越来越差。

2.His business is going downhill. 他的生意在走下坡路。

8.go Dutch AA制,各自付账

1.-I'll pay the bill. 我来付账。

-No,let's go Dutch. 不,我们还是实行AA制吧。

2.Since none of us are rich,we decided to go Dutch. 既然我们都不富有,我们决定各自付账。

9. go on a diet (为了治病或减肥)吃规定的饮食,节食

1.You're too fat.You should go on a diet. 你太胖了,应该节食了。

2.If prices get any higher,I'll have to go on a diet. 如果价格再往上涨的话,我不得不减肥了。

10. go too far 走极端,太过分

1.You've gone too far.Say sorry to him! 你太过分了,快向他道歉!

2.Don't go too far.Everything has two sides. 别走极端,凡事都有两面。

11. go wrong with 出毛病

1.Something went wrong with this computer. 这部电脑出毛病了。

2.Something went wrong with his head. 他的脑子有问题。

12. go over 复习,检查,研究

1.Tom went over the text after the exam. 考完试,汤姆核对了一下课文。

2.Did you go over your lessons? 你复习功课了吗?


1.go shopping 去购物 2.go window shopping 去游览橱窗;逛街

3.go camping 去野营 4.go fishing 去钓鱼

5.go swimming 去游泳 6.go dancing 去跳舞

7.go mountaineering 去登山 8.go mountain-climbing 去爬山

9.go sailing 去航海 10.go on a hike 去远足,去徒步旅行

11.go on picnic 去野餐 12.go on a spending spree 抢购,疯狂地购物

13.go on a trip 去旅行 14.go on leave 去度假

15.go on vacation 去度假 16.go on one's honeymoon 去度蜜月

17.go on strike 举行罢工 18.go on bender 豪饮

19.go on the rampage 疯狂破坏 20.Go on with you! 少骗人啦!去你的吧!

21.go to bed 去睡觉 22.go to sleep 入睡

23.go to a movie 去看电影 24.go to college 上大学

25.go to jail 去坐牢,下大狱 26.go to trial (在法庭)受审

27.go to waste 糟蹋掉,被浪费掉 28.go under 有困难,会失败

29.go up 上涨,上升,建造起来 30.go out the door 出门

31.go wrong 出差错 32.go without 没有

33.go out of business 停业,歇业,破产 35.go out of control 失去控制

36.go out of tune 走调,音调不准,不协调 37.go out on the town 出游,到城里去玩玩

38.go with 适合,与……搭配;与…一起出去 (约会)

39.go out (灯,火)熄灭;不流行;出去;泄露出 去

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