
国旗下演讲 | 品德凝聚力量,榜样感动中国 枫叶德州办事处

 南京栖霞百仁 2022-07-11 发布于江苏




Mr. Yang Zhenning is a great trans-century physicist, and has made landmark contributions in particle physics, statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. He devoted himself to the scientific and educational undertakings of the motherland and made important contributions to the country's scientific and technological development as well as scientific and cultural exchanges between China and other countries.


Peng Shilu, known as the "father of China's nuclear submarine", is a famous nuclear power expert in China, one of the pioneers and founders of China's nuclear power cause. In the 1950s, he threw himself into the development of nuclear submarines under an incognito and made important contributions to the successful development of China's first nuclear submarine.


Gu Songfen successively participated in and presided over the aerodynamic layout and whole aircraft design of China's first self-designed jet model, and creatively solved the problems of directional stability of aircraft in supersonic flight and chattering of transonic aircraft.


Zhu Yanfu joined the army at the age of 14. He was wounded 10 times and rendered meritorious service 3 times. In the Korean war, his company fought with the enemy for three bloody days and nights in -30 degree weather, and he was the only survivor. After the founding of New China, Zhu Yanfu returned to his hometown and spent 25 years leading the villagers to control mountains and rivers, changing the poor and backward appearance of his hometown.


Academician Wu Tianyi has devoted himself to plateau medical research for more than 50 years, proposed international standards for the prevention and treatment of plateau diseases, initiated research on "Tibetan adaptive physiology", and treated tens of thousands of Tibetan people. Now in his 80s, Wu Tianyi is still working on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to protect the health of its people.


If each of us can start from the small things around us, thinking of others everywhere, everything for the collective dedication, every day for the family to add joy, then we will become a moving People in China. Because do every ordinary little thing well, is extraordinary.



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