

 张继峰 2022-07-21 发布于江苏

UNIT 2   On The Plane

Lesson 1  Having Meals机上餐饮


(A: Stewardess,  B: Tour leader,  C:Tourist)


A: Do you need anything to drink, sir?

B: What kind of drinks do you have?

A: We have coffee, tea, juice, Coke[kəuk], Sprite[sprait] and water.

B: Orange juice for the ladies by the window and coffee for me,please.

A: Anything else?

B: Please give us some ice cubes[kju:b].

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you. By the way, how much longer does it takes to get toParis?

A: In less than five hours. We are on time.

B: That’s great. I’m anxious[ˈæŋkʃəs] about my connecting flight. Do you have any information about it?

A: Yes, we have, sir. The in-flight magazine[ˌmæɡəˈzi:n]contains flight information. Would you like to read it?

B: Yes, please. And please get me some more coffee?

A: All right. Just a moment, please.


B: Excuse me, miss. Could you get us something to drink, please?

A: Certainly, sir. But there’s a charge for alcoholic[ˌælkəˈhɔlik]beverages[ˈbevəridʒ] ineconomy[iˈkɔnəmi]class. Would you refer[riˈfə:] to this price list, please? And then give me your order.

B: That’s not necessary, miss. We just want mineral[ˈminərəl] water.

A: Very well. There’ll be no charge for soft drinks. Here you are.

B: Thank you.


A: Do you have juice, miss?

C: What did she say, tour leader?

B: She asked you what you would like to drink.

C: I just want some cucumber[ˈkju:kʌmbə]juice.

B : Cucumber juice, please.

A: l’m sorry, ma’am. We have run out of cucumber juice. Would youlike something else? We’ve got orange juice, pineapple[ˈpainˌæpl]juice, apple juice and tomato juice.

B: Cucumber juice is not available. How about tomato juice?

C: Tomato juice will do.

A: Here you are. Anything else?

B: Not at the moment. Thank you.

A: You’re welcome.

































2.    OrderingMeals(机上点餐)


(A: Stewardess,  B: Tourist)

A: Excuse me. It’s time for dinner. Would you mind puttingdown the tray?

B: Never mind.

A: We have curried[ˈkʌrid] chicken with rice and stewed[stju:d] beef with noodle. Which one do you prefer?

B: Chicken with rice, please.

A: Fine. Would you like something to drink? We’ve got whisky,brandy, red wine, beer, fruit juice and mineral water.

B: A glass of red wine, please.

A: Ok. Is there anything else I can do for you?

B: Can I have some coffee, please?

A: Coffee will be served in a few minutes.

B: Thank you.


(A: Stewardess,  B: Tour leader,  C:Tourist)

A: Ladies and gentlemen. We will be serving you meal with tea,coffee and other soft drinks. Please put down the table in front of you andtake what you like. For the convenience of the passenger behind you, pleasereturn your seat back to the upright position[pəˈziʃən] during the meal service. Thank you!

B: Ladies and gentlemen. It’s time for dinner. Please put down ourtray tables and bring back our seats to the upright position.

A: Excuse me. Would you prefer chicken or beef?

B: I’d like beef, please.

A: Which drink do you prefer, beer, Coke, juice or mineral water?

B: Beer, please.

A: I see your friend is sleeping.

B: That’s all right. I’ll order for him. Give him chicken andjuice, please.

C: Boy, that was a good nap[næp]. Is dinner ready?

B: Yes, I’ve ordered chicken and juice for you. Please open yourtray table. It’s coming.

C: It’s very considerate[kənˈsidərit]of you.














B: 女士们先生们。晚餐时间到了。请放下小桌板并把我们的座椅调回到竖直位置。










Lesson2  Showing care for sick tourists


1、A touristfeels airsick(游客晕机时)

(A: Cabin attendant,  B: Tour leader)


A: I see your seat light is on. May I help you, sir?

B: Yes, one of our group members is not feeling well.

A: What seems to be the problem?

B: She is not feeling well. It seems she is airsick.

A: I’m very sorry for that. What can I do for you?

B: Could she stretch[stretʃ] out on those two empty seats?

A: Yes, all right. Would you like a pillow[ˈpiləu]and a blanket[ˈblæŋkit] forher?

B: Yes, thank you. Do you have any medicine for airsickness?

A: Would you like me to call our doctor for her?

B: Yes. That’s very kind of you, miss. Would you bring a cup oftea for her? It may make her more comfortable [ˈkʌmfətəbl].

A: Certainly. Just a moment, please.

B: Thank you very much indeed.


A: What can I do for you, sir?

B: Excuse me, miss. A member of our tour group feels like vomiting[ˈvɔmit]. Can I bother you forsome iced water, please?

A: Certainly, sir. But can I suggest a glass of hot water instead?I think it may help settle[ˈsetl] downhis stomach.

B: Yes, please.

A: He can find an airsick bag in the seat pocket in front of him,if he needs it.

B: Thank you very much for your kindness.

A: That’s all right. I’ll be back with the water in a minute.

B: Thank you so much.























2.    A touristfeels cold(游客怕冷时)

(A: Cabin attendant,  B: Tour leader)

B: Excuse me, miss. Would you please give us some blankets? Sometourists of our group feel a little bit cold.

A: Sure. I will get some for you. By the way, did you turn off theairflow[ˈeəˌfləu]overhead?

B: Yes, I did. But I still feel cold.

A: I will be back with the blankets shortly.

B: Thank you very much for your help.






Lesson3  In-flight services要求机上服务

1、 Changingseats(换座位)


(A: Tourist,  B: Tour leader)

A: Leader, can you do me a favor?

B: Certainly, kid. What can I do for you?

A: I prefer a window seat, so I can enjoy the view outside. Youknow this is the first time for me to take flight.

B: Oh, is it?

A: Yes.

B: Good. Looking out of the window sometimes scares[ˈskærəs] me. So Iprefer to be the man in the middle.

A: Thank you very much, leader.

 Scene 2

(A: Tour Leader,    B:Passenger,    C: Stewardess)

B: I feel terrible[ˈterəbl] sick, leader. I wonder if I could change my seats to the frontpart.

A: Let me try. I will contact the cabin attendants.

(Towards[tə'wɔ:dz]a stewardess)

A: Excuse me, miss, this lady feels terrible sick because ofairsickness. Is it possible to change her seat to the front part?

B: Well, just a moment, will you? T here’s no vacant[ˈveikənt] seat now. SoI'll have to ask other passengers for help.

B: Thank you, miss

C: By the way, let me hold the bag in case she vomits.

B: I see


A: 领队,你可以帮我个忙吗?

B: 当然。我可以帮你什么?

A: 我想靠窗坐,这样我就可以看窗外的景色。这是我第一次坐飞机。

B: 是吗?

A: 是的。

B: 好。我有时看窗外会感到害怕。所以我想要坐中间。

A: 非常感谢你。


B: 领队,我觉得很不舒服。不知道我能否换到前排的座位。

A: 让我试试。我来联系机舱的空姐。


A: 不好意思。这位女士因为晕机很不舒服。有可能让她换到前排去坐吗?

C: 请你稍等一会好吗?现在没有空座位了。所以我将向其他乘客寻求帮助。

B: 谢谢你。

C: 顺便说一下,让她拿着袋子以防她呕吐。

B: 我知道了。

2.    Asking forChinese news paper(索要中文报纸)

 (A: Tour Leader;    C: Stewardess)

A: Excuse me, miss, where is the lavatory[ˈlævətəri]?

B: The lavatories are in the rear[riə] of this section, sir.

A: I see. Thank you, miss. By the way, have you got something forus to read?

B: How about New York Times and Washington Post?

A: I’m sorry. Some tourists of our group can’t speak English. Doyou have any Chinese newspapers or magazines?

B: Not many, only People’s Daily. Would you like some copies?

A: Yes, please. That’s very kind of you.

A: 不好意思,厕所在哪里?

B: 厕所在这节的后面。

A: 知道了,谢谢。顺便问一下,你们有什么可以阅读的吗?

B: 纽约时报和华盛顿邮报可以吗?

A: 很抱歉。我们团的一些成员不会英语。你有中文的报纸或者杂志吗?

B: 没有很多,只有人民日报。需要吗?

A: 好的。非常感谢你。

3.    Handling within-flight facilities(机上设备问题)

 (A: Tour Leader;    B: Stewardess;    C: Tourist)

A: Excuse me, miss. Could you help me adjust the airflow? It’sblowing [ˈbləuiŋ] right to the old man

B: Yes. You just turn the knob[nɔb] here above you in whichever direction [diˈrekʃən]you like, or you can shut[ʃʌt] off by turning it tightly [ˈtaɪtlɪ]to the right.

A: what about the reading light?

B: You’ll find the switch for that on your armrest. Just push andlean[li:n]back and take a nap.

A: There’s a button[ˈbʌtən] here on her armrest. Just push and lean back at the sametime…that’s right. Are you comfortable now, ma’am?

C: Yes, thank you

A: Is there anything I can do for you, ma’am?

C: I don’t think my earphones[ˈiəfəunz] are working.

B: Let me check them, ma’am. Can you hear anything now?

C: Yes, but it’s too loud.

B: Please adjust the volume[ˈvɔlju:m]. The volume control switch is right here.

C: I see, miss. Which one is the movie channel?

B: Channel 5. But you can’t hear music until takeoff.

A: Thank you for your help, miss.

B: At your service.

A: 不好意思,你可以帮我调节风向吗?它正对着这位年纪大的男士。

B: 好的。你可以转动你顶上的这个旋钮到任何方向,或者紧紧地转到右边关闭。

A: 那阅读灯呢?

B: 你可以在扶手上找到开关。

A: 这位女士不会调节她的座椅。她想要躺下来打个盹。

B: 在她的扶手上有按钮。只要按住并同时向后靠…对了。现在觉得舒服了吗?

C: 是的。谢谢。

B: 还有什么需要帮助的吗?

C: 我觉得我的耳机没有用。

B: 让我检查一下。现在能听到吗?

C: 能。但是太吵了。

B: 请调节音量。音量控制开关就在这里。

C: 我知道了。哪一个是电影频道?

B: 5频道。但是你要等到起飞后才能听到音乐。

A: 感谢你的帮助。

B: 很乐意为你服务。

Lesson4  Before arrival 抵达目的地前

1、Asking forentry cards and customs declarations      


(A: CabinAttendant,   B: Tour Leader)

Scene 1

A: What can I do for you, ma’am?

B: May I have some entry card and customs declarations?

A: Certainly, ma’am. We will be handing out entry cards andcustoms declarations for passengers to fill out.

B: There’re 20 members in our group. I’d like 20 cards and 20forms. I’ll fill them out.

A: There are 20 entry cards and 20 forms. Please tell yourtourists not to ask any more.

B: I see. Thank you, sir.

A: Please fill them out before your arrival. If there is anythingyou don’t understand, I’ll be glad to help you.

B: That’s very kind of you.


B: Excuse me, what time do you expect[iksˈpekt] to land at Vienna International Airport?

A: We should be in Vienna by 10 in the evening, sir.

B: Do you have any idea how long it will take to go through theImmigration?

A: It all depends[diˈpendz] on traffic from other arriving aircraft [ˈɛəkrɑ:ft].

B: What happens after we go through the Immigration?

A: Your next step is the baggage claim area.

B: Then what?

A: You’ll go through the customs. And how long are you staying inAustria?

B: I have a one-month tourist visa. Will I be allowed to stay thatlong?

A: No, not necessarily. I’m afraid your length of stay will bedetermined [dɪˈtə:mɪnd] by an immigration officer.

B: I didn’t know that.



B: 可以给我一些入境表和报关单吗?

A: 当然。我们将会把入境卡和报关单拿给乘客填写。

B: 我们团有20位乘客。我需要20张卡和表格。我将会把它们填好。

A: 这里是20张卡和表格。请告诉你的游客不要再要了。

B: 知道了,多谢。

A: 请在抵达之前填好。如果有什么不明白的,我很乐意帮助你。



B: 不好意思,你预计几点可以到达维也纳国际机场?

A: 我们会在今晚10点抵达。

B: 你知道入境需要多久吗?

A: 这取决于其他抵达飞机的交通状况。

B: 我们入关之后是什么?

A: 下一步是提取行李。

B: 然后呢?

A: 你们将会通过海关。你们要在奥地利呆多久?

B: 我们是一个月的旅游签证。我们会被允许呆那么长时间吗?

A: 不一定。恐怕你们的停留时间是由移民局官员决定的。

B: 我不是很清楚。

2.    Inquiring [inˈkwaiəriŋ]on the plane  (机上问讯)

(A: CabinAttendant,   B: Tour Leader)

Scene 1

A: May I help you, sir?

B: Yes, What’s the time difference between Beijing and London?

A: Eight hours. Beijing is eight hours ahead.

B: Are we gaining [ɡein] or losing aday on the way to Britain?

A: We’re losing a day. So we’re arriving on the same day.

B: And what’s the actual time from Shanghai to London?

A: About 10 hours.

B: Can you tell me what time we’ll arrive?

A: Sure. Oh, 7o’clock in the evening, I mean local time. If youlike further [ˈfə:ðə] information on this, there’s a guidebook[ˈɡaidbuk] in severallanguages at the information desk.

B: Do you have a Chinese edition?

A: I’m afraid we don’t. Won’t an English edition do?

B: I’ll try to read it.


B: Excuse me, stewardess.

A: Yes, sir?

B: When do we arrive in Seoul?

A: We’re due in Seoul at 11:30 a.m. Seoul time. Our flight delayedabout an hour and 30 minutes to take off on account of bad weather.

B: What time are we going to arrive?

A: About 13:00p.m Seoul time.

B: What’s the difference between Beijing and Seoul?

A: It’s one hour. Seoul time is one hour ahead of Beijing time.

B: What’s the weather like in Seoul?

A: It may be rainy. The temperature[ˈtempəritʃə] is around 10°C. Please refer to the flight information on thescreen.

B: I see. Thank you for your information.


A: 先生,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 北京和伦敦的时差是多少?

A: 8小时。北京时间比伦敦时间快8小时。

B: 我们在去伦敦的路上是增加一天还是减去一天?

A: 减去一天。所以我们会在出发的同一天抵达。

B: 从上海到伦敦的实际需要多少时间?

A: 10小时左右。

B: 你能告诉我几点到吗?

A: 当然。当地时间晚上七点抵达。如果你想知道更多的信息,前台有多种语言的旅游指南。

B: 有中文版的吗?

A: 恐怕我们没有。英文版的可以吗?

B: 我试着看看。


B: 不好意思,空姐。

A: 怎么了,先生?

B: 我们什么时候到达首尔?

A: 我们原计划首尔时间11点半抵达。飞机因为天气不好晚了一个半小时起飞。

B: 我们什么时候到达?

A: 大概首尔时间下午一点。


A: 1小时。首尔时间比北京时间快一小时。

B: 首尔天气怎样?

A: 可能在下雨。温度是10摄氏度左右。请参阅飞行信息。

B: 我知道了。谢谢你提供的信息。

UNIT 3   At the hotel 在酒店 

Lesson 1  Check-in at the hotel登记入住



(A:Receptionist[rɪˈsepʃənɪst],  B: Tour leader)

A: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

B: We are the tour group from China international travel service.My name is Li Gang. Our company made a reservation [ˌrezəˈveiʃən]for 10 twin rooms and 1 singleroom four weeks ago.

A: Just a minute, please. Mr. Li. I’ll check our reservationrecords. China International Travel Service. I’m sorry, there is no reservationfrom your service.

B: Could you check again a reservation for Friday for the tourgroup from Beijing?

A: Oh, yes. You had reserved[rɪˈzə:vd] 10 twin rooms and 1 single room for three days from July 3rdto 6th.

B: Yes, exactly.

A: Can I see your passports, please, sir?

B: Certainly, miss. Here is the name list and passports of ourgroup.

A: Thank you, sir. And please fill in the registration[ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃən] forms.

B: All right.

A: How are you going to pay, in cash or by credit card?

B: Do you accept traveler’s check?

A: Certainly, sir. Here are the keys to your rooms. Please makesure that you have them with you all the time. You’ll be required[rɪˈkwaɪəd] to show them when yousign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants[ˈrestərənts] and bars. The bellman will show you up to your rooms.

B: Thanks a lot.


(A:Receptionist,  B: Tour leader,  C: Local guide)

A: Good morning, sir. May I help you?

C: Good morning. My name is Peter Smith. I’m the local guide ofthe united travel service.

A: Just a moment, sir. I’ll check the reservation list. Yes, weare holding 15 twins for two nights for you.

C: That’s right, but there is a change. Can we have 14 twins and 2single rooms instead?

A: Yes, we do have single room at the moment. But you’ll have topay for the other single.

B: I see. What’s the room rate?

A: The daily rate for a single room is $120 per night. You aregoing to stay from the 18th to 20th. That’s two nights.

B: Ok. Here is $240.

A: Thank you.

B: Then that’s settled. Thank you, Peter.

C: My pleasure.

A: Could I see your group visa, please?

B: Yes, sure. Here you are.

A: Thank you. Here are the registration cards. Please help yourtour members fill them in.

B: Sure. Thank you.

A: It’s my pleasure. Here are the room keys for your group. I hopeyou’ll enjoy your stay at our hotel.

B: Thank you. I’m sure we will.

C: Is everything all right?

B: Yes. I have distributed[disˈtribju:tid] all the keys among the tour members. Here is a copy of the namelist for you. How about our luggage?

C: Don’t worry. Your luggage will be sent to your roomsimmediately[iˈmi:diətli].


A: 晚上好,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 我们是中国国际旅的旅游团。我叫李刚。我们公司在四周前预定了10间双人间和1间单人间。

A: 请稍等。李先生我查一下预定记录。中国国际旅行社。我很抱歉,没有你们的预定记录。

B: 你可以再查一下周五从北京来的旅游团的记录吗?

A: 有了。你们预定了从73日到76日三天的10间双人间和1间单人间。

B: 对的。

A: 先生,请出示你们的护照好吗?

B: 当然,这是我们的名单和团队护照。

A: 谢谢。请填写登记表。

B: 好的。

A: 你怎么支付,付现金还是刷卡?

B: 你们接受旅行支票吗?

A: 当然,先生。这里是你们房间的钥匙。请确保你们一直随身携带。你们在餐厅和酒吧点餐和饮料的时候会被要求出示。侍应生会带你们去房间。

B: 多谢。


A: 先生早上好,有什么需要帮助的吗?

C: 早上好。我叫Peter Smith。我是国旅的地接。

A: 请稍等。我查一下预定记录。是的,我们为你保留了2个晚上的15间双人间。

C: 对的,但有一点变动。我们可以换成14间双人间和2个单人间吗?

A: 可以。我们现在还有单人间。但是另外的那间单人间需要付费。

B: 知道了。多少钱?

A: 单人间每晚$120。你们从18到20号。住2晚。

B: 好的,这里是$240。

A: 谢谢。

B: 那么可以了吧。谢谢你,Peter。

C: 我的荣幸。

A: 请问我可以看下你们的团队护照吗?

B: 当然,给你。

A: 谢谢。这是登记卡。请帮助你的队员填好。

B: 当然,谢谢。

A: 我的荣幸。这是你们的房间钥匙。希望你们在我们酒店住的愉快。

B: 谢谢。我肯定我们会的。

C: 所有事情都弄好了吗?

B: 是的。我已经把所有队员的钥匙分配好了。这里是给你的一份复印的名单。我们的行李呢?

C: 别担心。你们的行李马上就会送到房间。

2.    Luggage delivery交接行李 

(A:Bellman,  B: Tour leader,  C: Receptionist)

A: Good morning, sir. Welcome to Holiday inn.

B: Thank you.

A: Do you have any luggage?

B: Yes. All in the trunk[trʌŋk].

(The bellman opens the trunk, takes out the luggage and checks theluggage tags.)

A:So there are fifteen pieces of luggage altogether. Is that correct?

B: Yes, that’s right. Please send these thirteen pieces to therooms and leave the other two in your baggage room.

A: Is there anything valuable or breakable in them?

B: No, nothing at all.

A: That’s all right. I’ll show you to the Front desk. This way,please. I will put your luggage by the sofa over there.

B: I see. Thanks.

A: I’ll show you to your room when you finish checking in.

B: Ok.

C: Good morning, sir. Who is the tour leader?

B: It’s me. My name is Lin Ping. I’m the tour leader of Pacific[pəˈsɪfɪk] tour. We have six roomsreserved at your hotel.

C: Just a moment, please. Let me check the list. Yes, we areholding five twin rooms and one single room for your group.

B: That’s right.

C: May I see and copy your group visa?

B: Certainly. Here you are.

C: Thank you. Here are the registration cards. Would you pleasehelp your group members fill them in?

B: I’ll take care of them. Here you are.

C: Thank you. Here are the key cards and room cards for yourgroup. The bellmen will carry the luggage to your rooms. Enjoy your stay withus.

B: Thank you, miss.

A: Mr. Lin, your rooms are on the 8th floor. This wayto elevator[ˈeliveitə],please.

A: 先生早上好,欢迎来到假日酒店。

B: 谢谢。

A: 你们有行李吗?

B: 有的,都在车后面的行李箱里。


A: 所以一共是15件行李。对吗?

B: 对的。请将13件送去房间,另外2件放在你们的行李寄存处。

A: 有贵重物品和易碎物品吗?

B: 没有。

A: 好的。我带你去前台。请走这边。我将把你的行李放在那儿的沙发旁边。

B: 知道了。谢谢。

A: 等你办理入住完了我将带你去你的房间。

B: 好的。

C: 先生早上好。谁是领队?

B: 我是。我叫林平。我是大西洋旅行团的领队。我们在你们酒店预订了6个房间。

C: 请稍等。让我查一下。是的,我们为你们团队保留了5间双人间和1间单人间。

B: 对的。

C: 可以给我你们的团队护照并让我复印一下吗?

B: 当然。给你。

C: 谢谢。这里是登记卡。你可以帮助你的队员填好吗?

B: 会的。给你。

C: 谢谢。这是你们团队的钥匙卡和房间卡。侍应生会将你们的行李送到你们房间。希望你们住的愉快。

B: 谢谢。

A: 林先生,你们的房间在8楼。请从这边上电梯。

3.    Confirmingwake-up call and luggage collection 


(A:Receptionist,  B: Tour leader)

A: Good afternoon. Can I help you, sir?

B: Good afternoon. I’m Zhou Li, the tour leader from ShanghaiChina travel service.

A: Welcome to our hotel.

B: Thank you.

A: You’ve made a reservation for 20 twin room for today, November18th. Am I correct?

B: Well, I’m afraid we’ve had some last minute changes. I need aconnecting room for a family of five.

A: I’m sorry, we don’t have any more connecting rooms. Could Isuggest a suite[swi:t]instead?

B: What about the rate?

A: As it is a family suite, it will cost the same as the tworooms.

B: Great! I’ll take it.

A: Your checkout time is at 8:00 tomorrow morning. Has there beenany change in your schedule[ˈskedʒul]?

B: Yes. We’d like to change our checkout time to 8:30 a.m.

A: 8:30 a.m. certainly, sir. And is there any change in the numberof your group?

B: Yes, I’m just going to talk about this with you. There are 40people in our group, and we are leaving tomorrow. But a couple[ˈkʌpl] won’t go with thegroup. They’ll have to remain for another couple of days. Can they keep thesame room?

A: What’s their room number, please?

B: 708.

A: Well, let me see. (Check the list) Yes, they can.

B: Very good.

A: So you are staying here for one night and you’ll check out at8:30a.m. tomorrow morning.

B: Exactly. Would you please give us a morning call at 6:45tomorrow morning?

A: Certainly, sir. A morning call at 6:45 tomorrow morning andyour luggage will be collected at 7:45 a.m. Will that be all right?

B: Yes.

A: Here are the registration cards. Please help your guests[ɡest] fill them in. Thank you verymuch.

B: Don’t mention[ˈmenʃən]it. Thank you.

A: Would you please sign your name here, sir? Thank you. Here arethe room keys. Is there anything else we can do for you, sir?

B: No, not at the moment. Thank you very much indeed.

A: Glad to be of service.

A: 先生下午好,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 下午好。我叫周丽,是上海中国旅行社的领队。

A: 欢迎来到我们酒店。

B: 谢谢。

A: 你们预定了今天11月18日的20间双人间。对吗?

B: 恐怕我们有一些最新变化。我需要一个适合五口之家的连通房。

A: 很抱歉,我们目前没有多余的连通房了。我可以建议你们换套房吗?

B: 房价多少?

A: 因为是家庭套房,房价和2间房一样。

B: 太好了!要了。

A: 你们明天早上8点退房。你们的行程单有什么变化吗?

B: 有的。我们想改在8点半退房。


B: 有的,我正打算和你说。我们团有40人,明天早上离开。但是一对夫妻不和团队走。他们会在这里停留几天。他们可以一直住在那间房里吗?

A: 请问他们的房间号是多少?

B: 708

A: 让我查一下。(查表)可以的。

B: 很好。

A: 所以你们在这里住一晚明早8点半退房。

B: 完全正确。请问你可以明天早上6点45给我们叫早吗?

A: 当然。6点45叫早,你们可以在7点45分提取行李。这样可以吗?

B: 好的。

A: 这里是登记卡。请帮助你的客人填写。谢谢。

B: 不客气。谢谢你。

A: 可以请你在这里签名吗?谢谢。这是你们的房间钥匙。还有什么其他可以为你们服务的吗?

B: 暂时没有了。真的非常感谢。

A: 和高兴为您服务。

Lesson 2  Hotelservice店内服务

1、 Additionalbed and daily items加床和补充日用品


(A:Receptionist,  B: Tour leader)

A: Good evening.May I helpyou?

B: Good evening.I’m FangTing, the tour leader of Zhejiang Overseas Tourism Company. The Australia Boundtravel has made a reservation for us.

A: Just a moment, please. Let me check thelist… Yes, you have made a reservation for 12 double rooms and 4 single rooms.Is there any change in the number of your group members?

B: Yes. There are 29 persons in our groupnow. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have brought their daughter with them. So we need onemore single room.

A: I’m sorry, Mr. Fang. We don’t have anyvacancy[ˈveɪkənsi:] at the moment.

B: What should we do now?

A: Can the Browns have an extra bed in theirdouble room for their daughter? It’s more convenient for them to take care ofher.

B: That’s a good idea. How much does an extrabed cost?

A: It costs 25 US dollars per night.

B: That’s all right. Our company will makepayment for it. Thank you very much.

A: With pleasure. Do you have a group visa?

B: Yes. Here you are.

A: All right. I’ll make a copy of your groupvisa. Please wait a minute.


(A:Attendant of the service center,  B: Tourleader,  C: Tourist)

A: Housekeeping. May I help you?

B: Yes. I’m the tour leader of China comforttravel service. Could you bring some more towels[ˈtauəl] to Room 1628, please? These here are toodamp[dæmp].

A: I’m sorry for that. We didn’t notice that,sir. I’ll bring you some dry ones immediately.

B: One more thing. The soap and bath foam[fəum] are usedup. The pillow cases are dirty. The lady in that room wants to have themchanged.

A: I’m terribly sorry for her inconvenience.Our people will go to check it immediately.

B: Thank you, miss.


A: Housekeeping. May I come in?

C: Come in, please.

A: Did you call for service, ma’am?

C: Yes. These pillow cases are very dirty. Iwant to have them changed.

A: I’ll do it for you right now. Here are thesoap, bath foam and clean towels you asked for. I put them in the toilet.

C: Thank you, miss. By the way, the peoplenext door were very noisy last night. They kept me awake the whole night.

A: I’m very sorry about the noise, ma’am. Iwill check into it.

C: Fine, don’t forget.

A: I will take care of it personally. Have agood night.


A: 晚上好,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 晚上好。我叫方婷,是浙江海外旅游公司的领队。澳大利亚旅行社给我们做了预定。

A: 请稍等。让我查一下是的,你们预定了12间双人间和4间单人间。你们团队人数有变化吗?

B: 有的。我们现在有29个人。Brown先生和夫人把他们的女儿带来了。所以我们需要多一间单人间。

A: 我很抱歉,方先生。我们目前没有空房。

B: 我们现在怎么办?

A: Brown一家可以在他们的房间里加张床吗?这样更便于他们照顾女儿。

B: 好主意。加床多少钱?

A: 每晚上25美元。

B: 可以。我们公司会付钱的。非常感谢。

A: 乐意为你服务。你们有团队护照吗?

B: 有的。给你。

A: 好的。我要复印你们的团队护照。请稍等。


A: 客房服务,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。我是中国康辉旅行社的领队。请问你可以多拿一些毛巾到1628房吗。这里的太湿了。

A: 很抱歉。我们没有注意到。我马上给你那一些干的过来。

B: 还有一件事。肥皂,沐浴液用完了。枕巾很脏。这个房间的女士希望把它们换掉。

A: 非常抱歉给她造成的不便。我们的员工马上就过去。

B: 谢谢。


A: 客房服务,可以进来吗?

C: 请进。

A: 是你需要服务吗?

C: 是的。这些枕巾很脏。我想换掉它们。

A: 我现在就帮你换。肥皂,沐浴液和干净的毛巾在这里。我把它们放厕所了。

C: 谢谢。顺便说一下,隔壁房间的人昨晚很吵。他们让我整晚都没有睡着。

A: 吵到你很抱歉。我会去调查这件事。

C: 好的,不要忘了。

A: 我会亲自去关照这件事。晚安。

2.    Laundryservice洗衣服务


(A:Floor attendant,  B: Tourist)

A: Hello, this is the housekeeping.May I helpyou?

B: Yes. I have some laundry [ˈlɔ:ndri]to be done.

A: Well, would you fill in the laundry form,please?

B: May I know where the form is?

A: The laundry bag and laundry form are inthe drawer [drɔ:]of the writing desk.

B: Would you please send someone to pick upmy laundry?

A: Yes, ma’am. I’ll send someone immediately.Just put your laundry in the laundry bag.

(A few minutes later)

A: Housekeeping.May I come in?

B: Yes. Come in, please.

A: Good morning, ma’am. I come to collect your laundry.

B: When can I have my laundry back?

A: Usually in a day. If you send your laundrybefore 10:00 in the morning, it will be ready by the evening.

B: What is the price?

A: The price is printed on the laundry form. Ifyou want express[iksˈpres] service, we’ll deliver it within four hours at a 50%extra charge.

B: I see.


(A:Floor attendant,  B: Tourist)

A: Did you call for service, sir?

B: Yes. Will you have the laundry done today?

A: I’m afraid it’s too late for today’slaundry, sir. We can deliver it tomorrow around 6:00 p.m.

B: Oh, my dear. We’re going to set offtomorrow morning.

A: We have a special four-hour service. Wewill deliver it within 4 hours at a 50% extra charge.

B: That’s all right.

A: Please fill in the laundry form and put itin the laundry bag with your laundry.

B: There is a stain[stein] onthe overcoat. I’d like it removed before it’s dry-cleaned.

A: What kind of stain is it, sir?

B: I spilled[spil] some coffee on it.

A: We will do our best to remove the stain,but we cannot guarantee[ˌɡærənˈti:]the result.

B: Ok. And I’d also like to have this sweaterwashed by hand in cold water. It might shrink[ʃriŋk]otherwise.

A: By hand in cold water. I understand.Please mark it on the laundry list. Is there anything else I can do for you,sir?

B: Nothing else at the moment. Thank you verymuch.

A: it’s our pleasure to serve you.


A: 你好,这里是客房服务。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 我想洗衣服。

A: 好的,可以请你填写这个洗衣单吗?

B: 洗衣单在哪里?

A: 洗衣袋和洗衣单都在书桌的抽屉里。

B: 你可以派人来取我要洗的衣服吗?

A: 是的。我马上派人来。你只要把你的衣服放进洗衣袋。


A: 客房服务,可以进来吗?

B: 请进。

A: 早上好。我来拿你要洗的衣服。

B: 我什么时候可以拿回来?

A: 一般是一天。如果你上午10点前送来,晚上就可以好。

B: 多少钱?

A: 价格就印在洗衣单上。如果你想要快速服务,我们会在4小时内送回,加收50%费用。

B: 知道了。


A: 先生是你需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。这些衣服可以今天洗好吗?

A: 恐怕今天来不及了。我们可以在明天下午6点左右送来。

B: 天啊。我们明天早上就要出发了。

A: 我们有特别4小时的服务。加收50%费用4小时洗好。

B: 可以。

A: 请填好洗衣单,和你的衣服一起放在洗衣袋里。

B: 外套上有一个污点。请在干洗前把它清除掉。

A: 什么样的污点?

B: 我把咖啡撒上去了。

A: 我们会尽力把它去掉,但是我们无法保证。

B: 好的。我还想把这件毛衣用冷水手洗。不然会缩水。

A: 冷水手洗,我知道了。请在洗衣单上标注。还有什么其他可以为你服务的吗?

B: 暂时没有。非常感谢。

A: 乐意为你服务。

3.    Laundryservice送餐服务 

(A:Head waiter of the room service,  B: Tourist)

A: Room service.May I helpyou?

B: Yes. I’d like to have my breakfast in myroom tomorrow morning. Could you send it here? I’m in room1512.

A: Certainly, ma’am. We provide very goodroom service. What would you like?

B: I’d like to have a full breakfast.

A: What kind of juice would you like?

B: Orange juice.

A: Would you like sausage[ˈsɔsidʒ],bacon [ˈbeikən] or ham?

B: Sausage, please.

A: How would you like your egg, fried orboiled?

B: Two fried eggs, sunny-side up.

A: Very well, ma’am. So that’s orange juice,sausage and eggs, sunny-side up.

B: That’s right. By the way, is there any otherway to have room service?

A: Yes, ma’am. Just check the items you wouldlike for breakfast in your doorknob[ˈdɔ:ˌnɔb]menu, mark down the time and hang it outside your doorbefore you go to bed.

B: But what should we do with the dishes whenwe finish our breakfast?

A: Please leave them outside your room. Thewaiter will go to collect them.

B: I see. Thank you very much for yourservice.

A: 客房服务。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: 是的。明天早上我想在房里吃早餐。你可以送过来吗?我在1512房。

A: 当然可以。我们提供很好的客房服务。你想要什么?

B: 我想要一份美式早餐。

A: 想要什么果汁?

B: 橙汁。

A: 想要香肠,培根还是火腿?

B: 请给我香肠。

A: 你要煎鸡蛋还是煮鸡蛋?

B: 2个煎鸡蛋,单面煎。

A: 好的。所以是橙汁,香肠和单面煎鸡蛋。

B: 对的。顺便问一下,有什么其他方式可以叫客房服务吗?

A: 有的。你只要在门把菜单上把你想要的早餐和时间选好,在你睡觉前挂在门外就可以了。

B: 那我们吃完早餐的盘子怎么办?

A: 请放在门外。服务生会来收的。

B: 知道了。非常感谢你的服务。

4.    Laundryservice维修服务 

(A:Attendant of service center,  B: Tourleader)

A: Housekeeping.May I helpyou?

B: Yes. There are a lot of problems inroom1512. Can you get someone up here?

A: What’s wrong?

B: First, the air conditioner[kənˈdiʃənə]doesn’twork. The room is very hot. Second, there is something wrong with the tap[tæp]. It won’tstop running. It’s flooding the bathroom. Also, there is neither soap nortowels.

A: I am terribly sorry about it, sir. We’llsend a repairman there immediately.

B: When he comes, would you tell him to bringa new bulb[bʌlb] at the same time? The floor lamp[læmp] just wentout.

A: That’s bad. Would you like to changerooms, sir?  

B: No, I like this room because I can enjoy awonderful view here. By the way, I think I need some more hangers for myclothes.

B: No problem. How many do you think will beenough?

A: Ten to twelve will do.

B: All right. Someone will go to your roomwith them right away.

A: 客房服务。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: 是的。1512号房有很多问题。可以马上派人上来吗?

A: 怎么了?

B: 首先空调不工作了,房间很热。第二,水龙头有问题,水关不了。浴室地上都是水。而且,没有肥皂和毛巾。

A: 非常抱歉先生。我马上派维修人员过来。

B: 他来的时候,可以让他带一个新的灯泡吗?地灯刚刚熄灭了。

A: 真糟糕。先生你需要换房间吗?

B: 不,我喜欢这间房因为可以看到窗外的景色。顺便说一下,我需要多一点衣架挂衣服。

A: 没问题。多少足够?

B: 1012个。

A: 好的。马上会有人带着这些去你房间。

5.    Laundryservice贵重物品保管 

(A:Bellman of cloakroom[ˈkləukˌru:m],  B: Tour leader)

A: Good evening, ma’am.May I helpyou?

B: Yes. One of our tourist wants to depositvaluables here?.

A: Certainly, ma’am. What does he want toleave with us?  

B: He’d like to leave this bag with you.

A: What valuables are there in his bag?

B: There are a digital camera and somejewelry.

A: How long would you like us to keep it?

B: Till this Sunday when we check out.

A: Would you please fill out this form forhim? Thank you. Here is your tag,#98.

B: When does the cloakroom close?

A: This cloakroom is open until about 11 p.m. 

B: If he wants to pick up his bag after 11p.m., how should he do?

A: Don’t worry, ma’am. We will transfer it tothe Front Desk. He may collect it there.

B: I see. Thank you very much.

A: 晚上好。有什么可以帮你的吗?

B: 是的。我们中的一位游客想要存放贵重物品在这里可以吗?

A: 当然。他想要存放什么吗?

B: 他想要存放一个包。

A: 包里有什么贵重物品吗?

B: 有一台数码相机和一些珠宝。

A: 需要我们保管多久?

B: 一直到周日我们退房。

A: 请问你可以帮他填写这张表吗?谢谢。这是你的号码牌98号。

B: 寄存处几点关门?

A: 这个寄存处一直开到晚上11点。

B: 如果他想要在晚上11点后拿,怎么办?

A: 不用担心。我们会把它转到前台。他可以在那里取。

B: 知道了。非常感谢。

Lesson 3  Inquiring at the hotel 店内服务

1、Abouttelephone service 询问电话服务


(A:Operator,   B: Tour leader)

A: This is the operator.May I helpyou?

B: Yes. What’s my telephone number?

A: The extension[iksˈtenʃən] number is just the same as your room number.

B: And I’d like to call my local guide in hisroom. What should I do?

A: Doyou know the roomnumber, sir?

B: Yes. It’s 536.

A: Please dial 20 and then the room number.

B: I see. I also want to make a local call.Can you tell me how to make it?

A: Certainly, sir. Please dial 9 for outsidecall first, followed by area code and the number you want.

B: May I know the area code in your country?

A: There is a telephone directory[diˈrektəri] in the drawer of the writing desk. You may refer to it.

B: Thank you very much for your help.

A: You’re welcome, sir. If you have anyquestions, please call me. Have a nice day.


(A:Operator,   B: Tour leader,  C: Receptionist)

A: Operator.May I helpyou?  

B: Yes. I’d like to make a call back toChina.

A: Certainly, sir.May I knowyour room number?

B: Room1218, Mr. Li.

A: Mr. Li, you should put a deposit in thefront desk first. Then I’ll make international calls for you.

B: How much for the deposit?

A: I’m not very clear about it. You cancontact with the front desk. Hold on, please. I’ll put you through to the frontdesk.

C: Hello, Front Desk. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I’m in room1218.My name is Li Gang. I’dlike to make IDD calls in my room.

C: All right, Mr. Li. But we require adeposit of 100 dollars for the telephone charge.

B: No problem.I’ll go to pay thedeposit right now.

(At the Front Desk)

C: Good afternoon. May I helpyou?

B: I’m Li Gang in room1218. Here is the 100-dollardeposit. Here you are.

C: Ok.This is the receiptfor the deposit. Please keep it. You can make international calls in your roomin 5 minutes.

B: Thank you.

C: My pleasure.

(In room1218)

A: This is the operator, Mr. Li. Yourinternational call has been connected. Go ahead, please.

B: But I wonder how to dial.

A: Please dial 00 first, and then the countrycode, the area code and the number you want.

B: Thank you very much.

A: It’s our pleasure..


A: 我是接线员,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。我的电话号码是多少?

A: 分机号和房号是一样的。

B: 我想打给我们的地陪的房间我应该怎么办?

A: 先生你知道房号吗?

B: 是的。536号房。

A: 请拨20然后拨房号。

B: 我知道了。我还想打市话。你能告诉我怎么打吗?

A: 当然。打外线先拨9,然后区号,然后你要打的号码。

B: 我能知道你们国家地区的区号吗?

A: 书桌抽屉里有电话号码簿。你可以查阅。

B: 非常感谢你的帮助。

A: 不客气,先生。如果你有任何问题,请找我。祝你度过美好的一天。


A: 我是接线员,有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。我想打电话回中国。

A: 可以的,先生。我可以知道你的房号吗?

B: 李先生,1218号房。

A: 李先生,你需要在前台交押金。然后我们可以为你拨国际长途。

B: 押金多少钱?

A: 我不是很清楚。你可以联系总台。请不要挂机。我替你将电话转到总台。

C: 你好,这里是总台。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 你好,我住1218号房,我叫李刚。我想在房内打国际长途。

C: 可以的,李先生。但我们需要收100美元的押金。

B: 没问题。我马上过来付押金。


C: 下午好。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 我是1218号房的李刚。这里是100美元的押金。给你。

C: 好的。这是押金的收据。请保管好。5分钟后你可以在房里打国际长途。

B: 谢谢。

C: 乐意为你服务。


A: 我是接线员,李先生。你的国际长途已经连上了。你可以打了。

B: 但是我想知道怎么打。

A: 请先拨00,然后国家号,然后区号,然后你要拨的号码。

B: 非常感谢。

A: 乐意为你服务。

2.    About hotelfacilities and service 


 (A: Bellboy,   B: Tour leader)

A: This way, please…Here we are. May I haveyour key card? Let me open the door…You first, ma’am. Where should I put yourbags? 

B: Please put them in the corner.

A: May I draw[drɔ:] the curtain[ˈkə:tn] aside?

B: Of course. Good. It looks nice, but how doI come to feel so cold?  

A: Oh, the control board for theair-conditioner is right on the wall by the light switch. You may adjust it ifyou don’t feel the temperature is comfortable.

B: I see. Could you show me how to use the TVremote[riˈməut]control?

A: Certainly, ma’am. Just press the “power”button, and pick the channel you like. 

B: Sounds simple. Do I have to pay for it?

A: No, we don’t charge for watching regularprograms.

B: By the way, is the tap water drinkable?

A: Yes. If you need hot boiled water, you mayuse the electric mini-jar here.

B: I’m starving[ˈstɑːviŋ]. Do you know if the restaurant [ˈrestərənt] is still open?

A: I’m afraid not, ma’am. The service hoursof the restaurant are from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Would you try our room service? It’savailable until midnight or you may go to the coffee shop. It’s on the secondfloor. It is open around the clock. 

B: That will be good enough. Would you bringone steak dinner, one seafood plate[pleit], one bottle of red wine, and one bucket[ˈbʌkit]of ice,please?

A: Very well, ma’am.I’ll bring them backin about fifteen minutes.

B: It’s not necessary to hurry. Just bringthem to the Massage[ˈmæsɑ:ʒ], please. I think I’ll stay there for a while.

A: Got it. By the way, there is a healthcenter on the eighteenth floor and an indoor swimming pool on the fifteenfloor. They are all open for 24 hours. You might want to use them forrelaxation[ˌri:lækˈseɪʃən] after your meal.

B: Thank you for your suggestion. Here’s thetip for you.

A: That’s very kind of you, ma’am. It’s mypleasure to serve you.

A: 请走这边我们到了。可以给我你的钥匙卡吗?让我打开门我要把你的包放哪里?

B: 请把他们放在角落里。

A: 我需要把窗帘拉开吗?

B: 当然。很好。看起来不错,但我怎么觉得有点冷?

A: 空调的控制板就在墙上灯开关的旁边。如果你觉得不舒服可以自己调节温度。

B: 好的。你能告诉我怎么用电视遥控吗?

A: 当然。按开关键,然后选择你喜欢的台。

B: 听起来很简单。我需要付费吗?

A: 不,收看一般的节目是不收费的。

B: 顺便问一下,自来水可以喝吗?

A: 可以。如果你需要开水,可以用这儿的电动小水壶。

B: 我很饿。你知道餐馆现在还开吗?

A: 恐怕不开了。餐馆的营业时间是早上7点到晚上9点。你愿意试试我们的客房服务吗?一直到午夜都有。或者你也可以去咖啡店。在第二层,24小时营业。

B: 不错。可以请你拿一份牛排、一盘海鲜,一瓶红酒和一桶冰吗?

A: 好的。我5分钟以后送到。

B: 不用那么急。请送到按摩室。我想我还在那里待一会儿。

A: 知道了。顺便说一下,18楼有健身中心,15楼有市内游泳池。他们都是24小时开的。你可以在饭后去放松一下。

B: 谢谢你的建议。这是你的小费。

A: 你真好。很荣幸为你服务。

3.    About citytour 关于市内观光

 (A: Clerk of the Information desk,   B: Tour leader)

A: Information.May I helpyou? 

B: Yes. Some tourists want me to take them togo around the city on the free day. Would you please tell me some interestingplaces nearby?

A: Sure. May I know where you want to go?

B: The Museum[mju:ˈziəm] of Modern Art. Is it far from here?

A: Not really. It won’t take you more than twentyminutes to get there on foot.

B: Couldyou show me thedirection?

A:Walk along this road, and turn right at thethird turning. You will see it.

B: I see.Can I get a free mapof this city?

A: Sure, sir. Here you are.

B: Thank you. We plan to go to the Disneylandtomorrow afternoon. Do you know how much the entrance[ˈentrəns]fee is?

A: For adult, 10 dollars per person. As agroup you may get a discount of 20%.

B: How long will it take by bus?

A:It takes about 40 minutes by bus No.7. Thebus stop is right outside the hotel.

B: By the way, where can we buy fruits aroundhere?

A: There is a convenience store opposite[ˈɔpəzit]the hotel that sells very fresh fruits.

B: Can we buy some souvenirs nearby?

A: Yes, sir. Next to the fruit market thereis a crafts[krɑ:ft] market. I’m sure you’ll find some souvenirs you like atthe market.

B: Can we get handicraft items there thataren’t too expensive?

A: Many handicraft items are sold at themarket. They’re very reasonable in price and are of good quality [ˈkwɔliti].

B: Thank you very much for your information.

A: With pleasure.

A: 请里是前台。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。一些游客想要我带他们在自由活动那天在市区逛逛。你能告诉我附近一些有趣的地方吗?

A: 当然。可以告诉我你们想去哪里吗?

B: 现代艺术博物馆。离这里远吗?

A: 不远。步行过去不会超过20分钟。


A: 沿着这条路走,在第三个路口右转。你就会看见了。

B: 知道了。我可以拿一张免费的城市地图吗?

A: 当然,给你。

B: 谢谢。我们明天下午计划去迪士尼乐园。你知道门票是多少吗?

A: 成人是10美元每个人。团体可以有20%的折扣。

B: 坐公交车多久可以到?

A: 7路公交大约40分钟。公交站就在酒店外面。

B: 顺便问一下,附近可以买到水果吗?

A: 酒店对面的便利店有很新鲜的水果。

B: 外面可以在附近买到纪念品吗?

A: 可以。水果市场旁边就是工艺品市场。我保证你们可以找到你们喜欢的纪念品。

B: 外面可以在那里买到不是很贵的手工艺品吗?

A: 那个市场有很多手工艺品。价格很合理而且质量很好。

B: 谢谢你的信息。

A: 乐意为你效劳。

 4.    About citytour 关于保险箱的使用

 (A: Attendant of the service center,   B: Tour leader,  C: Tourist)

A: Good morning, sir.May I helpyou? 

B: Yes. Can you show me how to use thesafe-deposit box in my room? The gentleman would like to keep some documents[ˈdɔkjumənts] in it while he is out.

A: Certainly, sir.If you want to use thesafe, please go to the service center first and fill out a signature[ˈsiɡnitʃə] card, then theclerk there will give you an activation [ˌæktiˈveiʃən] pin.

B: Activation pin?What’s the use of it?

A: Once you get the pin, please plug[plʌɡ]in ad open the door of the safe. Insert thepin, then “OPEN” will be indicated[ˈindikeit]on the door.

C: How do I lock the box?

A: After “OPEN” is shown, you must input asix-digit cipher[ˈsaɪfə] code and the safe will be locked when closed. And “LOCK”will be indicated. You can set the code arbitrarily[ˌɑ:bəˈtrerəlɪ]. 

C: How do I open it when I want my documents?

A: Just put in the cipher code and open thesafe after it is decoded[di:ˈkəudid]. If you keep the code unchanged, the safewill be locked automatically when the door is closed.

C: Can other people open it?

A: Unless they know the code. The safe willnot unlock if a wrong code is put in, and it shows “Error”.

C: Well, it’s very safe.

A: I think so.But be sure not toforget the code you set. In that case, you have to contact the service centerand ask the clerk to open it for you. 

C: Oh, I know how to use it now. Thank youvery much indeed.

A: It’s my pleasure. One more thing, if youstop to use the safe, please remove the activation pin and return it to theservice center.

B: Sure. Thank you for your information.Goodbye.

A: Goodbye. Wish you a pleasant stay.

A: 先生早上好。有什么需要帮助的吗?

B: 是的。你能告诉我怎么用我房间里的保险箱吗?这位先生想在他外出的时候保管一些文件。

A: 当然可以。如果你需要用保险箱,请先去服务中心填一张签名卡,然后办事员会给你一个激活销。

B: 激活销?是做什么用的?

A: 一旦你拿到激活销,请插进保险箱并打开门。插入激活销后,门上会显示“打开”。


A: 显示打开后,你需要输入一个六位密码。然后保险箱关上时就锁住了。这是会显示“已锁”。你可以任意设置密码。

C: 当我需要文件的时候如何打开?

A: 输入密码,等解锁后就可以打开。如果密码没变,门关上时就会自动锁上了。

C: 其他人可以打开吗?

A: 除非它们知道密码。如果输入错误的密码,保险箱不会解锁,会显示“错误”。

C: 那么,它非常安全。

A: 我认为是的。但请确保不要忘了你设置的密码。万一忘了,你需要联系服务中心,请办事员为你打开。

C: 我知道怎么用了。真的非常感谢。

A: 我的荣幸。还有一件事,如果你不用保险箱了,请移走激活销并还回服务中心。

B: 当然。谢谢你的信息。再见。

A: 再见。祝你住的愉快。

5.    About citytour 订票观剧

 (A: Local guide,   B: Tour leader)

A: Hello, Mr. Liu. There is a musical on atthe Opera House. Do you group members want to watch it? 

B: Sure. Most of us would like to see amusical while we are here. What is on at the Opera House?

A: It’s “Miss Saigon[saiˈɡɔn]”. Itis the most popular musical on right now. It’s a tragedy [ˈtrædʒidi] actually. However, the music is to beautifuland the story is so touching that I have seen it three times so far. There is apopular saying”you are not really visiting New York without seeing a musical atthe Opera House”.

B: How is the comment about the performance?

A: The leading actress is quite famous. Herperformance is so popular that the tickets are usually sold out in three days.

B: How much does a ticket cost?

A: 100 US dollars each. The performancestarts at 7:30 and lasts about two hours. 

B: When shall we plan to go?

A: Maybe the day after tomorrow.

B: Please reserve the tickets for us.

A: No problem.

B: What should we dress when we go to themusical, formally or casually?

A: Formally is preferable[ˈprefərəbl]. 

A: 刘先生你好。歌剧院有一场音乐剧。你们的队员想要看吗?

B: 当然。我们大多数人想在这里看一场音乐剧。歌剧院上演的是什么?

A: “西贡小姐”。这是目前最受欢迎的音乐剧。它实际上是部悲剧。尽管如此,音乐很优美,故事很触动人。到目前为止,我已经看了三次了。有句话说“如果你没有在歌剧院看过音乐剧,你就不算来过纽约”。

B: 这个演出的评价如何?

A: 女主角很有名。她的演出很受欢迎。票经常3天内就卖完了。


A: 100美元。演出7:30开始,持续2个小时。

B: 我们计划什么时候去?

A: 可能后天。

B: 请为我们预定票。

A: 没问题。

B: 我们去要穿什么,正装还是休闲装?

A: 最好是正装。

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