

 时小遇 2022-08-03 发布于山东

Be sincere.

keep promises.

Have a sense of time.

"Be sincere" means "Don't lie to me". Usually I would believe every word others told me, not because I am stupid, but because this is my way of treating others, that is, I don't tell lies intentionally. Rarely I will think ill of others for the reason that I choose to believe that everyone shares good qualities, even though I hold the belief that everyone is born evil. Sometimes people say what we believe determines how we act. The situation in my case is more complicated. I have contradictory beliefs, and I choose a seemingly better one to guide my practice.

"Keep promises", easy to understand, hard to do. "promises" here I mean official and serious commitments. Don't promise to do something that you are incapable of doing. 

"Have a sense of time" matters a lot to me. If I have an appointment with others, normally I would arrive a bit earlier than the time we have settled. "be earlier" is better; "be on time" is acceptable; "be late" is intolerable. 

Since things can't always develop as envisioned, there is room for negotiation.




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