

 吕茜庚 2022-08-03 发布于日本





1. Up in the air:悬而未决

2. Out of the woods:摆脱困境

3. Not all there:智商掉线

4. Over the moon:欣喜若狂

5. Jump the gun:操之过急

6. Shop till you drop:疯狂购物

7. Hit a brick wall:一筹莫展

8. Set apart:特立独行

9. bread and water:粗茶淡饭/维持温饱

10. Back on track:回到正轨

11. The cherry on top:锦上添花

12. Second to none:登峰造极

13. Take the cake:无出其右

14. Leave no stone unturned:竭尽全力

15. Spare no efforts:不遗余力

16. Tie the knot:情定终身

17. The meat of it:关键环节

18. Hot on the heels of:紧随其后

19. Bend the knee:甘拜下风

20. Off the plan:未来规划

21. At the mercy of:受人摆布

22. Under the thumb of:仰人鼻息

23. Making waves:制造事端

24. Shoot oneself in the foot:弄巧成拙

25. Flex one's muscles:炫耀实力

26. Judge a book by its cover:以貌取人

27. Hold all the aces:稳操胜券

28. Out for blood:怒不可遏/穷凶极恶

29. Born to the purple:出身显赫/官宦世家

30. Shoot to fame:一鸣惊人/一夕成名

31. get blood from a stone:缘木求鱼/枉费心机

32. go through the roof:价格飞涨/大发雷霆

33. sitting duck:坐以待毙/任人宰割

34. six ways from Sunday:想方设法/穷尽手段

35. hit the spot:心满意足/正中下怀

36. let the cat out of the bag:走漏风声

37. get it together:改过自新/振作精神

38. smoking gun:确凿证据/铁证如山

39. leap in the dark:铤而走险/孤注一掷

40. be on last legs:气数已尽/精疲力尽

41. smoke and mirrors:云山雾罩/故弄玄虚

42. showboating:哗众取宠/炫耀技巧

43. saved by the bell:死里逃生/九死一生

44. an uphill task:艰巨任务/艰险历程

45. to face down:坦然面对/沉着应战

46. stand/walk tall:自信满满/踌躇满志

47. off the beaten track:荒无人烟/不毛之地

48. jump through hoops:绞尽脑汁/费尽心力

49. kiss someone's ring:阿谀奉承/溜须拍马

50. chase the bottom line:唯利是图/见钱眼开

51. drive away the blues:消除烦恼/排解忧愁

52. take the heat off:缓解压力/放松心情

53. take it all in:充分了解/尽情欣赏

54. put one's stamp on something:影响深刻


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