

 bennychee007 2022-08-09 发布于广东


1You can't beat that.  再没比这个更好的了

2 I don't know ABC fo the computers. 我对电脑一窍不通

3The escaped prisoner is still at large. 那个逃犯仍逍遥法外.

4I don't know you from Adam. 我根本不认识你.

5 It's raining cats and dogs. 下倾盆大雨.

6 That chick is so hot. 那妞好火辣.

7 She is a man of a woman. 她是个女强人.

8 The boy is meant to be an angel. 那男孩真好.

9 The child is as good as gold. 那孩子真乖.

10 I have a crush on you. 我迷恋你(暗恋你)

11 He was taken up above the salt. 他被请到上席.

12 I am as old again as you. 我年龄比你大一倍.

3 He is a brown-nose. 他是个马屁精.

14 She is a nose of wax. 她没有主见.

15 He will help you, as likely as not. 他很可能会帮你.

16 The shop sells it by the long dozen. 那商店买一打送一.

17 It's your baby, not mine. 是你的任务,不是我的.

18 I only use Accent for soup.  我在做汤时才用味精.

19 He is a baby kisser. 他是个圆滑的政客.

20 He lived from hand to mouth. 他过着勉强糊口的日子.

21 She can sing after a fashion. 她多少能唱一些歌.

22 That boy never says uncle. 那男孩嘴硬.

23 Jack is a august soldier. 杰克是个威严的士兵.

23 He is a man of pleasure. 他是个浪荡子.

24 I am a man of my word. 我守信用.

25 The bank is open around the clock. 那家银行24小时营业.

26 Don't pass the baby to me. 别把责任推给我.

27 Tom asked after you. 汤问候你.

28 Give me some skin. 我们握手吧.

29 A little bird told me the news. 消息灵通的人告诉我这个消息.

30 He comes to ask a account. 他过来叫我付款.

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