

 skyhorse 2022-08-17 发布于美国

# 辩论-Debate


# 课程介绍

Almost anything can be argued...and argued well. In this class, we explore the different types and styles of debating. We develop arguments and explore different points of view. We also practice by engaging in prepared and impromptu debates on engaging and thought-provoking topics. Work is done individually and in small teams. By the end of the course, students should have developed some skills and be better prepared to think quickly on their feet, respond to questions that require taking a stand, explore and appreciate opposing viewpoints, participate comfortably in in-school or even interscholastic discussions and debates, and perhaps even carry these skills beyond into their careers.

# 授课老师

Mr. Edward  

本科毕业于Richmond大学戏剧及导演专业,并拥有Bowling Green州立大学戏剧专业硕士及戏剧文学博士后学位。 

Mr. Edward在多个大学教授过创意写作,文学分析等课程,其中包括:麻省理工,哈佛,布朗大学,Emerson学院等多所知名院校。Mr.Edward同时还是一名作家和评论家,出版过多本小说,对诗歌也颇有研究,并担任多个杂志及网站的评论专家。Mr.Edward上课风格细腻,专业性强,是标准的学院派老师之一。

Mr. David 


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