

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京

Queen had chance to condemn racism but missed it, say British equality campaigners 

Caroline Davies



The Queen missed a crucial opportunity to publicly acknowledge and condemn racism in her response to the allegations made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, equality campaigners have said.


Casting  the issue as a “private” family matter meant there was “no public accountability” from a public institution and the head of state and of the Commonwealth, they said.


In a 61-word statement intended to draw a line unde r the controversy, the Queen acknowledged that the issues raised by Prince Harry and Meghan, regarding race in particular, were “ concerning”. She said that “while some recollections  may vary”, the claims were taken “very seriously”.


By contrast, Buckingham Palace’s statement last week in response to allegations that Meghan had bullied staff forcefully stressed that the palace would “not tolerate bullying or harassment”. It also said it would announce any findings on the bullying allegations at a later date.


 Halima Begum , chief executive  of equality thinktank  the Runnymede Trust said: “In race space we look for consistency.”  There was a lack of “equivalency” in the two statements, she said. “The palace is entitled  to deal with the matter privately . But the public hopes for leadership in tackling racial injustice in this country, particularly given the context of Black Lives Matter. We do want to see the royal family take a stand on  the issue.”

兰尼米德信托种族平等事务智库特首哈利马·贝古姆(Halima Begum)称:“在种族问题上,我们寻求的是一致性,但两份声明缺乏'对等性’”。她还表示:“白金汉宫有权私了此事,但公众希望领导层可以处理本国的种族歧视问题,尤其在'黑人的命也是命’的大背景下,更应如此。我们确实想看到王室对此事作出表态。”

 “Any examination of racism behind closed doors is a lost opportun opportunity, and would ideally need to be matched by an equal commitment to address racism across the country and in the Commonwealth at large .”


She said the palace’s response to the race claims could be used “as an opportunity for the monarchy to heal the country and play a leadership role”.By dealing with it privately, “there is no public accountability on this”.


Begum added: “I want to see proper accountability on racism in this country from its leaders. I do not want this to be a conversation about one family.”


Meghan and Harry claimed in their Oprah Winfrey interview on Sunday that an unnamed member of the royal family had asked about what their son Archie’s skin tone might be.


There were “concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when born”, said Meghan.


She also suggested the fact Archie was mixed race meant he would be denied his birthright of becoming a prince when Charles accedes to the throne , and there was not parity with Charles’s other grandchildren.


Boris Johnson declined to comment on the Queen’s decision to address the issues raised by the Sussexes in private. His spokesperson refused to be drawn on  whether he supported the decision to investigate the claims within the family.



1.cast as = describe or present sb/sth in a particular way 把某人/事描写成;把某人/事表现为

2. recollection = a thing that you remember from the past 往事;回忆的事

3.consistency 一致性

4.take a stand on 对…表明立场

5.at large 整个的;详尽的;一般的;普遍的;未被捕的

6.unnamed = whose name is not given or not known 未披露姓名的;不知姓名的

7.birthright = a thing that sb has a right to because of the family or country they wwere born in, or because it is a basic right of all humans 与生俱来的权利(或所有物);基本人权

8.accede/come to the throne 即位;登基 

 accede to 加入;同意;就任

9.parity = the state of being equal, especially the state of having equal pay or status (尤指薪金或地位)平等,相同,对等; parity with sb/sth or parity between A and B表示)





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