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化支出结构,保障重点支出,严控一般性支。Government will keep its belt tightened and.will improve the mix of government spending.Budgetary funds and assets sitting idle will.tighten one’s belt.2. 大力优化支出结构,保障重点支出,严控一.government/budgetary spending so as to.of government/budgetary spending(注意:(1)...
2022年总理记者会(9)|交传译文解析及短语归纳?Tax refunds and fee cuts are making.of VAT reform, we have cut taxes by the.fiscal revenue was about 11 trillion yuan.year, fiscal revenue exceeded 20 trillion.yuan, nearly double the amount in 2013.The tax refunds and fee cuts have.“refunds”,与意群1中“tax refunds”一...
2022年外长记者会(9)|同传译文解析及短语归纳。jointly oppose attempts to revive the Cold.War mindset or provoke ideology-based?2.新时代国际关系international relations.attempts to revive the Cold War mindset or.(2)重拾冷战思维revive the Cold War.mindset(revive = make sth start being used.The China-Russia relationsh...
This year, central government expenditures.spending of central government.prefecture- and county-level governments,(3)中央本级支出 central government.中央部门支出the budgetary.Central government transfer payments to.level governments.prefecture- and county-level governments;county-level governments.and county-level...
英国国王查尔斯三世首次以君主身份发表讲话并承诺…查尔斯曾谈起他对母亲去世的“深切悲痛”之情,还称母亲“不仅激励着我和全家人,还是我们的榜样。”翻译重点解析1.Charles, who spent much of his 73 years preparing for the role of king, addressed a nation grieving the only British monarch most people alive today had ever known...
2022年外长记者会(8)|同传译文解析及短语归纳?俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年。友好、合作共赢理念,不仅对中俄双方,而且。我愿强调指出,中俄关系具有独立自主价。值,建立在不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方基。China-Russia Treaty of Good-Neighborliness.It is based on non-alliance, non-discord?(3)不结盟、不对抗、不针对第三方no...
in the refunding of VAT credits, because.refund all the outstanding VAT credits to.Refunding of VAT credits to.Newly-increased VAT credits.3.注意以下三句话中“退税”的翻译:(1)存量留抵税额一次性退到位 refund all.(“退税”refund VAT credits”)year.(“退税settle the refunding of VAT.VAT credits will be refunded on ...
外刊英汉翻译与回译短语归纳(1)|失学一年后的阿富汗女孩们前途未卜。失学一年后的阿富汗女孩们前途未卜?无迹象表明统治者塔利班会让女孩们重返校。school.girls,” Nazhand told The Associated.schools in operation since the Taliban.塔利班一年前接管阿富汗后就禁止女孩继续接。than 45% of girls are not going to school,+since sb did ...
must continue to ensure stability on six.fronts and maintain security in six areas.six fronts and maintain security in six areas.强财政可持续性。缴近年结存的利润、调入预算稳定调节基金。putting significantly greater fiscal resources.year, and this will boost fiscal sustainability.set sth at+数字/sth is set at +数字”结...
美国肯塔基州洪灾外媒报道|英汉翻译解析与回译(4)降雨增多致使肯塔基州多个被淹山区小镇中的尸体数量增加?In this aerial image, the river is still high.六),肯塔基州布雷西特县房屋周围的河流水。此前的几场历史性降雨致使肯塔基州。英汉回译。Another round of rainstorms hit flooded.周一,肯塔基州被淹的山区社区遭遇了新一轮。肯...
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