

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京


Macro policies should be kept consistent and made more effective. The proactive fiscal policy should be more effectual, more targeted, and more sustainable. The prudent monetary policy should be both flexible and appropriate, with reasonably ample liquidity being maintained. The employment-first policy should be pursued with intensified efforts to deliver the desired outcomes. These policies should produce effects early on, and the policy tools we have in reserve should be promptly deployed to ensure stable economic performance.


1. 要保持宏观政策连续性,增强有效性。Macro policies should be kept consistent and made more effective.
(2)连续性和有效性:分别“名转形”处理,即“consistent and effective”
(4)译文要保持结构对称平衡。从语法来看,本句也可删除“made”,但会造成两个并列“宾补”(“consistent”和“more effective”)间的结构不对称,所以官方在“more effective”前增加过去分词“made”,以实现结构平衡。

2. 积极的财政政策要提升效能,更加注重精准、可持续。The proactive fiscal policy should be more effectual, more targeted, and more sustainable.
  (2) 提升效能 more effectual

(effectual=producing the result that was intended有效的;奏效的(指物,不指人)

3. 稳健的货币政策要灵活适度,保持流动性合理充裕。The prudent monetary policy should be both flexible and appropriate, with reasonably ample liquidity being maintained.
(1)两分句可按 “主语+should be+adj/过去分词”结构处理,但为避免句式结构重复,分句2处理为“with”引导的独立主格句式。
(2)灵活适度 flexible and appropriate;流动性合理充裕=合理充裕的流动性 reasonably ample liquidity
(3)ample = enough or more than enough 足够的;丰裕的; liquidity = the state of owning things of value that can easily be exchanged for cash 资产流动性;资产变现能力

4. 就业优先政策要提质加力。The employment-first policy should be pursued with intensified efforts to deliver the desired outcomes.
(1)就业优先政策employment-first policy

5. 政策发力适当靠前,及时动用储备政策工具,确保经济平稳运行。These policies should produce effects early on, and the policy tools we have in reserve should be promptly deployed to ensure stable economic performance.

(1)政策发力适当靠前=政策要在早期出现成效;作为本段末句,这里的“政策”是指上述几项“政策”,所以官方处理为“these policies”。

  (2) early on= during an early stage 在早期;早些时候; produce effects 见效;收效;产生效果

  (3)及时动用储备政策工具the policy tools we have in reserve should be promptly deployed

注: in reserve 备用的;留下的;及时动用=及时有效利用promptly deploy sth(promptly=exactly at the correct time or at the time mentioned 及时地;准时地; 

   deploy = use sth effectively 有效地利用;调动)

(4)经济平稳运行=平稳的经济运行 stable economic performance





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