

 Catti翻译解析 2022-09-07 发布于北京


We will continue effective routine Covid-19 control. To prevent inbound cases and domestic resurgences, we need to constantly refine epidemic containment measures, strengthen epidemic controls in port-of-entry cities, step up efforts to study and protect against virus variants, accelerate R&D of new vaccines and effective m edicines, continue implementing vaccination programs, and give full play to the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine. Occurrences of local cases must be handled in a scientific and targeted manner, and the normal order of work and life must be ensured.


1. 继续做好常态化疫情防控。We will continue effective routine Covid-19 control.

(1)官方用“增主”的方法处理“无主句”。当然,也可按“逆序”处理为:“Effective routine Covid-19 control will continue”。“做好”就是“使…有效或起作用”,所以“做好防控”可以理解为“有效防控”。

 (2) 常态化疫情防控 routine Covid-19 control; regular epidemic prevention and control; routine/regular Covid-19 response

2. 坚持外防输入、内防反弹,不断优化完善防控措施,加强口岸城市疫情防控,加大对病毒变异的研究和防范力度,加快新型疫苗和特效药物研发,持续做好疫苗接种工作,更好发挥中医药独特作用。


(2)坚持外防输入、内防反弹:处理为目的状语“To prevent /guard against inbound cases /case importation and domestic resurgences/rebound”

3. 不断优化完善防控措施 constantly refine / improve epidemic containment / response measures

4. 加强口岸城市疫情防控 strengthen epidemic controls in port-of-entry cities(注意“口岸城市”的英文表达)

5. 加大对病毒变异的研究和防范力度 step up/intensify/redouble efforts to study and protect against virus variants

(1)病毒变异:处理为“病毒变体virus variants”

(2)防范:和“预防”基本同义,可处理为“protect/guard against…”

6. 加快新型疫苗和特效药物研发 accelerate R&D of new vaccines and effective medicines

(1)特效药物 effective medicines;新型疫苗 new vaccines;研发 R&D

7. 持续做好疫苗接种工作 continue implementing/pursuing vaccination programs

(1)官方对等转化为“继续实施疫苗接种计划”。按照“翻译解析1”中对“做好”的解释,译文应该出现“effective”等字眼,但回归到背景信息可知,我国的疫苗接种工作一直在有效推进中,所以官方将“做好”处理为“实施”。或者,本句也可直译为“…continue the vaccination work”。

8. 更好发挥中医药独特作用

(1)更好发挥…作用 better exert the role of…; give better play to the role of…;充分发挥…作用 fully leverage the role of …;give full play to the role of…

(2)中医药独特作用the unique role of traditional Chinese medicine.

9. 科学精准处置局部疫情,保持正常生产生活秩序Occurrences of local cases must be handled/addressed in a scientific and targeted manner, and the normal order of work and life must be ensured.


(2)两分句也可处理为“目的”关系,即“...so as to ensure the normal order…”。





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