
复习检测 | 必修三 Unit 3 课文填词+翻译

 大一一小安安 2022-09-19 发布于福建


Wednesday, 21 June

Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley. I have to admit that it __________(definite) feels good to be back in the city again. And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild __________(it) after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. There are so many beautiful old buildings—many __________(sit) on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge.
My hotel is near downtown, in the Mission District, one of the __________(old) parts of the city. Many of the people __________(live) here are from Mexico or Central America. This district used to be a poor area of town, __________ is now a centre for art, music, and food. In fact, an art movement __________(call) the “Mission School” started here. It __________(influence) by graffiti art and comic art. I walked around looking at the street art __________ a few hours. It was quite modern and __________(live). Afterwards, I ate some delicious Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck. __________ real mix of cultures here!
In the afternoon, I headed to a local museum that showed the __________(history) changes in California. I learnt that America got California from Mexico in 1848. __________ the same year, gold was discovered near San Francisco, __________ started a gold rush. Over 300,000 people came from all over the world __________(seek) their fortune, and San Francisco quickly became a big city. Many Chinese arrived during this period. __________(earn) a living, some opened up shops and restaurants in Chinatown. Many others __________(find) jobs on farms, joined the gold rush, or went to build the railway that joined California to the __________(east) region of the country. The museum did a really good job of showing __________ America was built by immigrants from different countries and cultures. When these immigrants __________(leave) their countries, they carried a bit of home in their hearts, and built a new home here.
This evening, I went to Chinatown. There __________(be) so many cafés and restaurants to choose from. I selected a Cantonese restaurant __________ served its food on beautiful china plates. What great food!
That’s enough for today. Tomorrow evening, I’m going to a jazz bar in the Richmond Distinct. Can’t wait!

Describe a place with distinctive cultural identity


The Chinatown in San Francisco is the biggest in America, and also the oldest. ___________________________________(它是一个非常受欢迎的旅游景点) that receives more visitors each year than even the Golden Gate Bridge. The climate is mild all year round, _______________________________________(这意味着任何时候都适宜来游览).
Historically, Chinese immigrants settled in the area during the railroad construction and gold rush period. ______________________________________________________________________ (这里原本是中国移民的居住地,后来变成一个中国文化中心). The majority of residents in Chinatown are still ethnic Chinese, many of whom do not speak English fluently. This allows visitors to ________________________________________(体验到正宗的中国味).
Most of Chinatown was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake, but the city and residents rebuilt it, __________________________________________________(特地融入诸多中国建筑元素). Traditionally, visitors enter Chinatown through the legendary Dragon Gate, ___________________ ___________________________________(是用由中国捐赠的建筑材建成的). Other famous sites include the Tin How Temple and Bank of Canton, to name but a few. Visitors can also spend hours just ____________________________________________________________(一探此地的中国味道与美景声色). Portsmouth Square is also a key site, ______________________________ (作为唐人街的中心). It has a long and famous history, with the author Robert Louis Stevenson having spent much time writing there. These days, the square is a great place _________________________________________(可以欣赏现实生活里的中国传统文化), such as games of Chinese chess, and people practising tai chi.
The stores in the Chinatown offer ____________________(各种各样的) souvenirs, goods, and clothing. All kinds of traditional Chinese herbal medicine can be found, too, and there are Chinese tea stores, __________________________________________________(游客可以品尝和购买各种中国茶叶).
But perhaps what many tourists and San Franciscans treasure most about Chinatown is its food. ________________________________________________________________________________ (这里有着来自中国各地的传统菜肴,各种口味,应有尽有).
Chinatowns are an important part of ________________________________________(美国多元文化). They allow ________________________________________(未曾踏足中国的游客) to experience traditional Chinese culture first hand.

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