
双城记 | 在巴利纳的照片

 盐心Jaffe 2022-09-28 发布于四川

Daniel Hickey,高海奇




My wife, son and I recently travelled back to Ireland for the summer holidays. We spent the first four days in Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, where our son was born in 2017, before taking the train to my hometown, Ballina, a town of just over 10,000 people on the west coast, not far from the Atlantic Ocean.


It’s a part of the country not known for sunshine. June, according to my parents, had been a horrible month. It rained every day and the temperature never climbed above 15C. The land there is exposed to dramatic weather sweeping wildly in from the sea. Trees along the coast grow slantways, at an acute angle to the grass, it is so relentlessly windy. The rain falls horizontally.  


When we arrived, though, in the middle of August, the country was in the grip of a simmering, sweat-drenched heatwave. The people had swapped their raincoats for T-shirts and shorts. All the department stores had sold out of swimwear. The local newspaper’s headline declared: 'The west soaks up the sun!’


When the sun is shining in the west of Ireland, people drop everything and head to the beach. All previous plans are abandoned.


For my son, this meant five days of digging in the sand and building sandcastles, paddling in the surf, jumping over waves, and eating ice-cream cones with his three cousins – all of who still live in my hometown.


He loved every minute of it. I tried to see the experience from his perspective. When I was his age, we used to visit the same beach. I used to splash in that surf and jump over those waves.


On Sunday, the only day we didn’t go to the beach, my wife and I took our son to town; we needed to find him a new set of swimming clothes – but the shops were all sold out.

The excursion wasn’t entirely in vain, though, because as we were walking back to my parents’ house, we stopped on the main street to look at the window of a vacant shop, where there was a display of old photos of the town, including some of schoolchildren in the 1970s and 1980s.


“I wonder if there’s a picture of you there,” my wife said.


“I doubt it,” I said.


But then I saw the face of my first teacher when I was at primary school, and sure enough there I was, standing in the back row in a class of senior infants at Convent Hill Primary School in June, 1985.


I picked up my son so he could get a better look.


“Can you see me?” I said, pointing myself out.


It took him a few seconds. “Oh yeah,” he said. “There you are.”

There I was.


There I was.


It was a strange feeling, studying this picture of myself smiling for the camera. I was five years old in that photo, the same age as my son is now. Little did I know, back then, that one day in August 2022 I would be looking out from a shop window on the main street of my hometown, at myself, now 42-years-old, and at my own son.


The day before we left Ireland, to return to England, that week’s edition of my hometown’s local newspaper was published. Coincidentally, the picture on the front page was of my son and two of his cousins on the beach, enjoying the sun.


“Little celebrities!” my brother said.


My son, like myself in the photo in the shop window, is five years old in the photo. And like me, he is smiling for the camera and looking out into a world that has not yet been made, a world he cannot yet even imagine… and I think of him decades into the future, finding a faded copy of that newspaper and studying the photo, the way I looked at the picture of my five-year-old self on the main street, and wondering what it was like to be himself.

审 | 周春伦

排 | 彭运康



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