
外刊精读:如何克服拖延症?Start Before You're Ready

 Braveheart360 2022-10-08 发布于江苏




Start Before You’re Ready


Personal progress, professional progress, collective, societal progress — all of it is born from a single person’s decision to act. To stand up. To speak out. To make a move. Usually, long before there’s any guarantee of success. Another point most of us fail to see: Action comes before the courage to act. Action spawns courage, not the other way around.



●spawn /spɔːn/ v.产生;产卵 n.卵

Think about working out. In fact, you might very strongly not want to do it. Listen to the voice in your head and you’ll hear something like, “I don’t feel like it. I’m tired. I don’t want to. I’ll start tomorrow.” However, something peculiar happens the moment you lace up your sneakers and get moving anyway. Another, more powerful force takes over. Within a few minutes, you feel more energized and alive. Work out a few days in a row and bam — a domino effect kicks in. Without much effort, you begin to crave healthier foods, drink more water. Maybe even yearn for your next workout. This same phenomenon can be seen with virtually any creative endeavor. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion. Doing it generates the desire to keep doing it.



●peculiar /pɪ’kjuːlɪə/ adj.奇怪的,异常的;特有的

●energize /'enədʒaɪz/ v.使…通电,给予…力量(文章用的是形容词形式,生动形象表达了「充满力量」的身体状态)

●crave /kreɪv/ vt./vi. 渴求,渴望


Work out a few days in a row and bam — a domino effect kicks in.

本句作者采用非常口语化的表达来表现多米诺骨牌效应产生的过程,其中的用词在日常生活中使用频率很高。“in a row”作为副词,意思是“连续不断地”。当然我们还可以使⽤用“continuously”来替代,但从全文风格来看,作者的口吻是轻松的、偏生活化的,而“continuously”一词更多出现在严肃正式场合中,所以相比之下“in a row”的使用一下子拉近了读者和作者之间的距离。后面“kick in”字面上的含义是踢开,这里用的是一个拟人化的手法,表达多米诺骨牌效应“开始生效”。


Beware of procrastination disguised as'research and planning’


Some initial research and planning may be necessary. For instance, to reach your ultimate dream of speaking conversational Spanish within the next 12 months, you might look into language immersion courses, research private instruction, and download a language app.



●immersion course n.沉浸式课程

But be warned: Extensive research and planning is often a way to keep procrastinating. Remember, you don’t need to know everything about your dream, nor do you need to map out every step in advance. Stop hiding behind books and websites. Have real-life conversations. You’ll learn more and make faster progress.



●map out 筹划,布局

Get skin in the game


Early in my career, I was terrified of speaking in public. I knew it was an important skill, so I joined a local Toastmasters group. The membership fee was around $50. I was barely scraping by, so on top of genuinely wanting to improve my public speaking, I really didn’t want to waste that cash. As I got more involved in the group, I became friendly with the other members. Not showing up to meetings meant I’d feel guilt, shame, and embarrassment — so I used that to further motivate myself to keep going.



● scrape by 勉强维持

● on top of 除此以外


I was barely scraping by, so on top of genuinely wanting to improve my public speaking, I really didn’t want to waste that cash.

作者在这句话中⽤了一个可能⼤多数⼈没有听说过的动词词组“scrape by”,如果不理解这个词组,会对整句话的理解造成困难。经常看美剧的同学可能会注意到,其实这个词组使⽤的频率还是相当⾼的。

“scrape by” 的意思是「勉强维持」,比如两个人见面打招呼:

A: How’s everything?

B: I’m just scraping by.

B的意思是「还凑合吧」。而本句话中前面用了“barely” 作为副词来表达「非常不好,仅仅勉强维持」的意思,加重了困难处境。

另一个表达“on top of” 也很地道,这个词组除了我们熟知的「在…之上」的意思,另一层意思是「除此以外,别无其他」。这句话作者想表达的就是我纯粹只想提⾼公众演讲能力,没有别的想法。

Value growth and learning over comfort and certainty


Like many bootstrapping entrepreneurs, for the first few years of my business, I did everything myself. I wore all the hats — marketing and delivering my service, scheduling, invoicing, website updates, content creation, email correspondence, customer service — you name it.



● bootstrapping /'bu:tstræpiŋ/ adj.不依靠别人的,自我发展的

● you name it 应有尽有,没有做不到的

Eventually, I reached a breaking point. It was impossible to keep up with all the demands on my time. I knew I needed to hire help, but was terrified to make that move. I had very little revenue, so hiring someone seemed out of reach. I’d also never been a boss before. I had no clue how to find, hire, train, delegate, or manage another person.

最终,我达到了一个临界点。我不可能同时应付所有的时间要求。我知道我需要雇人帮忙,但我不敢这么做。我的收入很少,所以雇一个人似乎是不可能的。我以前也从来没有当过老板。我不知道如何找到、雇用、培训、委派 或管理另一个人。


● breaking point 临界点

● out of reach 遥不可及,不可触及的,无法实现的

● have no clue do sth 对…毫无头绪,不知道该怎么做

But instinctively, I knew if I stayed in my comfort zone much longer, I’d kill the very thing I was working so hard to build — my own business. My next move was clear. It was time to start living in what I now call the growth zone.



● instinctively /in’stiŋktivli/ adv.本能地

I made tons of mistakes. At first, I hired the wrong people. I was horrible at delegating. But once I planted my feet firmly in that growth zone, I refused to give up. There was no turning back. Eventually, I started to get it right.



● plant someone’s feet in sth 类似“get involved in”,表达「投⼊其中」的意思。

In the comfort zone, which is where most of us spend way too much time, life feels safe. But everything you dream of becoming, achieving, or figuring out exists in the growth zone (aka the discomfort zone). When you’re in the growth zone, here’s what’s guaranteed: You will feel vulnerable and insecure, but in order to grow, you must let go (at least temporarily) of your need for comfort and security. You must train yourself to value growth and learning above all else.


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