

 skysun000001 2022-10-14 发布于北京


当我们谈论家具的时候,总会联想到木材、塑料、金属等传统材料制作成的家具。然而设计师Vadim Kibardin决定对其进行创新,他利用一些废弃的纸板,耗时5110小时,设计了一套纸质家具。

When we talk about furniture, we think of pieces made using the most traditional materials such as wood, plastic and metal. Vadim Kibardin decided to give an innovative, sustainable twist on this and designed furniture from paper in 5,110 hours.



Kibardin has been doing this for over 25 years – he has successfully recycled 2,000 pounds of cardboard which is the equivalent of saving 17 trees. To put this into perspective, 17 trees absorb 250 pounds of carbon dioxide each year.


Emilie Burfeind设计的这双运动鞋只需要三种可再生材料,鞋面是由狗狗掉的毛编织而成,过渡结构是树的汁液形成的天然橡胶,鞋底是用植物废料种的蘑菇菌丝制成的。

The shoe designed by Emilie Burfeind only needs three renewable materials: the upper part is woven from dog hair, the transition structure is natural rubber from tree sap and the sole is mushroom mycelium from plant waste.


The dog hair used for shoes was collected from dog owners by Berlin’s companies. In Germany, there are 80 tons of such discarded hair a year.


Producing this kind of shoe adopts a protein-based 3D knit technology. Just like regular sneakers, they are ventilated, cushioned, waterproof and insulated.




The helmet is a sustainable product made from mycelium which is the vegetative part of a fungus.


Mycelium is the thready hyphae that are tightly woven into mass branch-like networks making it a strong sustainable material. The network of filaments are natural binders and they also are self-adhesive to the surface they grow on. The process is based on biological elements that help in upcycling waste.


This mushroom material is biodegradable, sustainable, and a low-cost alternative to regular materials.



设计师Saksham Mahajan开始这个项目是为了挑战将竹子作为一种材料,他认为竹子的可持续性可以用来制造很多不同的东西,竹子结构紧凑、结实、易于生长且环保,于是这个竹制熨斗诞生了。

The designer started the project as a challenge to explore bamboo as a material and he thinks bamboo’s sustainability can be exploited to make many different things, due to its structure, sturdiness, ease of growth and eco-friendliness.


可持续发展已然成为当下不容忽视的议题,近日,2022年设计中国北京“可持续设计峰会”(Sustainable Design China Summit)如约召开,峰会聚焦了业界关注的六大核心主题:设计可持续世界、循环设计思维、气候改变着一切、零碳之“道”、转译自然、以及构建可持续及绿色设计。

豪华车品牌奥迪的品牌价值和设计理念与峰会高度契合,作为峰会独家合作伙伴,奥迪连续第三年亮相设计中国北京,向大众展现其品牌的设计理念以及在高端可持续出行领域的创新成就——纯电SUV奥迪Q4 e-tron。

Luxury carmake Audi's brand value and design concept are highly compatible with the summit. As the exclusive partner of the summit, Audi has appeared in the event for the third consecutive year, demonstrating its design concept and innovative achievement in high-end sustainable mobility, which is its pure electric SUV Q4 e-tron.



Audi has increasingly used more recycled materials in the production of parts, which are processed from recycled parts. It also puts sustainable design deep into every step of production detail.

作为奥迪实现可持续愿景的有力证明,奥迪Q4 e-tron八边形前格栅采用全封闭的设计,搭配全新的扁平化奥迪logo,以设计定义其绿色环保纯电车型的身份。

奥迪Q4 e-tron运用了行业首个数字日间行车灯技术,用户可通过车内MMI系统进行随意切换4种灯光签名,令灯光设计正在光影变幻间,凸显出未来高端移动出行的独特韵味。



FAW Audi has been deeply engaged in the Chinese market for 34 years and has a rich insight into the demands of Chinese users. The carmaker not only pays attention to the users, but also focuses on the long-term sustainable future.

一汽奥迪销售有限责任公司副总经理冯爱思表示:“奥迪一直努力让循环理念成为工作中不可或缺的一环,不仅是产品设计,从采购到生产、从销售到服务,再利用在各个环节之中都要发挥到极致。奥迪Q4 e-tron的生产过程充满了可持续的旋律。”

Esther Francis, deputy general manager of FAW Audi sales company, said: 'Audi has been striving to make the recycling concept an indispensable part of the work process, not only in product design, also from procurement to production, from sales to service and the reuse. The production process of the Audi Q4 e-tron is full of sustainability.'


生产奥迪Q4 e-tron的佛山MEB智慧工厂更是彻底贯彻环保理念。工厂安装的42万平方米光伏发电项目为工厂提供3.3万兆时的可再生能源,每年减少17,394吨的二氧化碳排放。

The Foshan MEB intelligent factory, which produces the Audi Q4 e-tron, has carried out the concept of environmental protection. The 420,000-square-meter photovoltaic project installed at the plant provides 33,000 megawatt-hour of renewable energy, reducing 17,394 tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year.


The plant adopts international leading new water treatment technology and the water reuse rate of the whole plant reaches more than 70 percent.


To drive sustainable mobility, FAW Audi has developed a clear electrification roadmap in an effort to realize the goal of providing Chinese users with a high-end electrification travel experience with both luxury quality and forward-looking technology. turning the sustainable vision into reality.



In the future, FAW Audi will continue to focus on the development of technology, digitization and sustainablility. The carmaker will further cultivate the Chinese market, communicate with Chinese customers with design language and bring more pure electric products as well as reshape the high-end sustainable mobility and experience.

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