

 上海雅舍辛乙堂 2022-12-09 发布于上海


KaiHongShun  Studio
Chinese ancient architecture is not only an architectural entity, but also an important member of Chinese traditional culture. The buildings that have survived thousands of years of vicissitudes are still silent witnesses to the evolution and precipitation of China's civilization history.
Liang Sicheng, an architect, once commented on Chinese architecture: Chinese ancient architecture is not only an engineering technology, but also an art system. As a major heritage, ancient buildings have rich cultural and artistic connotations. Therefore, ancient architecture is the material wealth and spiritual wealth left to us by our ancestors, including social culture, with historical, national, local and other characteristics.
The initial function of the building is mainly focused on residence. In the Paleolithic Age of the primitive society, it can be seen from the place where the ancient people lived that it was "cave dwelling culture". Due to limited technical level, the ancients did not have the ability to build houses, so people had to live in caves. 
In the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, architecture took shape. The Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties concentrated their political centers in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. The loess in this area is not only high in humidity, but also easy to sink. In order to prevent the foundation from collapsing, the ramming technology has emerged as the times require, and is still being used today.
During the Han Dynasty, the development of architecture reached a new height. The famous Changle Palace, Weiyang Palace and Jianzhang Palace were built in the early Western Han Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty was the second peak of the development of ancient architecture in China. The famous Daming Palace and Xingqing Palace were born in the Tang Dynasty...
The Ming Dynasty pushed Chinese ancient architecture to a new peak of development. In addition to the magnificent construction of individual buildings, you can also see the courtyard layout.
Chinese ancient architecture can be said to be the living fossil of Chinese civilization, which embodies the essence of Chinese humanistic thought. The social thought and cultural spirit of that time can be seen in the ancient buildings.
从甲骨文中,就能看出中国古建筑对中国文化产生了深远影响。中国汉字是象形文字,很多古汉字的构成,和建筑形态有着不小的渊源。比如,汉字中的“宝盖头” ,就是建筑形象的具体体现。
From the oracle bone inscriptions, we can see that Chinese ancient architecture has had a profound impact on Chinese culture. Chinese characters are pictographs, and the composition of many ancient Chinese characters has no small origin with architectural forms. For example, the Chinese character "Baogaitou" is the concrete embodiment of the architectural image.
The roof form of ancient buildings in China is mainly "big roof". Among all kinds of roofs, the most basic form is the herringbone of "big roof". The most obvious feature of such a roof is the shape of the double-sided slope. The herringbone shape can be seen in houses, temples, palaces and other buildings.
This actually represents the social thought at that time. The ancient kings had great ambitions to dominate the world, so they also incorporated this idea into their architecture. The big roof symbolizes the vision of dominating the world.
Confucius agreed with the "gentle and honest, poetry teaching" in the Book of Songs. Confucianism requires people to pursue a peaceful, quiet and implicit state of mind, and requires people to be thrifty. The statement "etiquette is more frugal than extravagance" is a good proof.
Confucius agreed with the "gentle and honest, poetry teaching" in the Book of Songs. Confucianism requires people to pursue a peaceful, quiet and implicit state of mind, and requires people to be thrifty. The statement "etiquette is more frugal than extravagance" is a good proof.
The ancients believed that it was unwise, even harmful, to invest more power in architecture. This coincides with the Confucian thought of frugality. Chinese culture does not advocate beautiful buildings and extravagance.
Second, it reflects the peace in Confucianism. It is precisely because of the consistent maintenance of the architectural style of wood structures that Chinese wood structures can reach the level of perfection. This coincides with the pursuit of peace and stability of Confucianism.
According to Chinese classical philosophy, people's production and life should follow certain laws, and the four dimensions of heaven, earth, humanity and time change should be harmonious and integrated to reach the "four-dimensional" realm.
The layout of ancient buildings also reflects this traditional Chinese philosophy. Even if it is located in a remote "barbarian" place, the builders will plan and build it in an orderly manner according to the geographical characteristics and social and cultural life.
In the design of residential buildings, the number, size and location of doors and windows will be determined according to local conditions, rainfall, wind direction, sunshine and other factors, so as to make the overall environment of the residence consistent with the natural environment of the region.
For example, the bamboo building structure in Yunnan is an example. The designer skillfully used local bamboo to build a small building structure, which can effectively avoid the impact of Yunnan's humid climate on people's lives.
For another example, the wood used in Shenyang Imperial Palace is locally sourced and processed nearby. The wood is round wood from the primitive forests in Northeast China. The bricks and stones used for construction are fired locally. Most of the buildings are made of heated kang and brick buildings. Living in such a building, even if it is cold outside, people in the house feel comfortable.
Ethical relationship is the most important social relationship in ancient China, mainly including political ethics, social ethics and family ethics.
For example, buildings in the Qing Dynasty had strict regulations on the use of door nails. The imperial palace had 81 nails, the palace had 63 nails, the duke's house had 49 nails, and the official's house had 25 nails. Ordinary people had no right to use door nails as decorations.
For another example, color is also used carefully. Yellow was regarded as the most noble color by the ancients, and was the imperial color of the emperor. Only the place where the Son of Heaven lives or important temple buildings can use yellow roofs. Other people have no right to use yellow roofs in clothing and buildings.
For another example, in ancient China, no matter which dynasty officials lived in, the number and area of houses were strictly regulated, which should correspond to the official rank they held.
Social ethics also affects architecture. In ancient China, the social hierarchy was arranged according to scholar, farmer, worker and businessman, that is, today's four categories of people who read, farm, work and do business. In the families of scholars, the plaque of "Farming and Reading Heirs" is usually used for decoration.
In the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the development of commerce, there was a rich accumulation of business houses, and the requirements for living were also moving towards luxury. Some brave businessmen used the covert "overstepping" behavior to build houses that should not have been built. The luxury houses that still exist today, such as "Anhui architecture" and "Shanxi courtyard", were actually operated against the rules at that time.
The relationship of family hierarchy will also be reflected in the living environment. This relationship is particularly prominent in the layout of ancient courtyards. The Chinese respect the north. Beijing quadrangles usually use the north side as the main room, mainly for receiving guests.
An important thought in Chinese traditional culture is to coexist harmoniously with nature, that is, "harmony between man and nature". This concept is reflected in all aspects of architecture.
First, site selection: For example, ancient academy buildings are often built between mountains and fields, which is quite meaningful. Scholars can cultivate their sentiments in such a natural environment. For another example, the construction of ancient villages is also very insightful, often integrated into geomantic omen, in order to measure and calculate the best construction location.
The second is the construction style: for example, the construction of ancient Chinese gardens seems to be casual, but in fact, the layout of the garden has emptied the mind to integrate the natural scenery into the garden as much as possible.
For another example, the ancient literati and refined scholars pursued a comfortable living environment and would skillfully integrate the natural landscape into the architectural landscape, so they left a poem "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, and leisurely seeing the southern mountain".
又比如,古代设计师偏爱“借景”建造,滕王阁就巧妙地借了赣江之景,让楼阁与江水不留痕迹般地融为一体,留下了 “落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色”的美丽景观。
For another example, ancient designers preferred to build by "borrowing scenery". Tengwang Pavilion skillfully borrowed the scenery of Ganjiang River, so that the pavilion and the river could be integrated without leaving traces, leaving a beautiful landscape of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, and the autumn water growing in the same color".
Third, in terms of material selection: wood represents spring and the east in ancient China, implying the revival of all things and the vitality of spring, which embodies the power of life. The ancients had the desire to "coexist" with the natural environment when choosing their residence. Therefore, people have tended to live in wooden architectural space since ancient times.
四是建筑类型方面:祭祀建筑大有玄机在。比如北京古建筑群中的天坛,是建造用于祭天的,这个建筑是圆形的;而用于祭地的地坛则被设计为方形,这是 “天圆地方”思想的体现。这本质上是对天地的顶礼膜拜,渴望得到天神、地神的眷顾和庇佑。
Fourthly, in terms of architectural types, there are many mysteries in sacrificial architecture. For example, the Temple of Heaven among the ancient buildings in Beijing was built to worship heaven, and this building is round; The altar for sacrificing land is designed as a square, which is the embodiment of the idea of "round sky and place". ...
Dance and music have existed since ancient times. As early as the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, there were records of the use of dance and music in sacrifice. After the formation of Zhou Rites, dance and music became an important part of aristocratic life.
In ancient architecture, "court" was specially set as the main place for dance and music performance. At the beginning, "court" became a courtyard and gradually developed into a hall. In some noble mansions, there are also privately customized music houses or theater houses, which are mainly used for listening to music and dancing.
Chinese ancient architecture conveys the connotation of Chinese culture and civilization, and is closely integrated with Chinese traditional cultural elements in site selection, pattern layout, building materials, decorative patterns and other aspects. Ancient architecture can be read, and the realm of "walking into nature, enjoying landscape, devoting to knowledge, and understanding human feelings" pursued by the ancients can be found in architecture. 

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