上海雅舍辛乙堂 IP属地:上海

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When preparing for the wedding, Yang Liu and Yue Mei decided to create a unique wooden door for their home.Someone asked Yang Liu, "This door is so exquisite, you must have spent a lot of time and money, right?However, for Yangliu and Yuemei, ''door to door'' has a more special meaning: only woode...
中华豪门—葫芦|顺应自然,福禄自来本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio.一、木材特点:葫芦木的独特之处。Unique Texture: The texture of gourd wood is very unique, with varying shades of brown and black stripes, resembling natural fingerprints, giving people an elegant and natural feeling.Hard texture: Gourd wood has a har...
愿中华民族伟大复兴的梦想早日实现,台湾早日回到祖国的怀抱,早日实现祖国领土完整,让我们一起携手迈进更加美好的未来!May the dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation be realized as soon as possible, Taiwan return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible, and achieve the territorial integrity of t...
中华豪门—小故事|木门的象征与传承本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio.This wooden door witnesses the vicissitudes of the village''s years and also carries the story of the village.In the village, this wooden door has also become a spiritual pillar for the villagers.Nowadays, the village has become modern, but t...
The construction of Dujiangyan Irrigation Project saved the Chengdu Plain from floods and provided abundant irrigation water for agricultural production in this area.As the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient Chinese people, Dujiangyan Irrigation Project is a comprehensive water conservancy project integrating fl...
中华豪门—落花听雨—古人的诗意雅趣本期编辑/开鸿顺KaiHongShun Studio.南宋词人蒋捷,他的词作《虞美人·听雨》中,“少年听雨歌楼上,红烛昏罗帐。壮年听雨客舟中,江阔云低、断雁叫西风。”以听雨为引子,将人生的悲欢离合融入其中,让人深感人生的无常与落花听雨的哀愁。The elegant taste of falling flowers listening to the rain...
The wise man told him, "To unlock the secret of this door, you need to possess the qualities of courage, wisdom, and kindness." Upon hearing this, Li Ming felt deeply that his mission was significant.Li Ming couldn''t help but exclaim, "There is such a beautiful world hidden behind this door!Und...
中华豪门—木材|桃木。In the rich and colorful world of wood, peach wood is known as the "gold in wood".Texture: Peach wood has a unique and beautiful texture, with its irregular texture making each piece of wood unique.Collection value: Due to the long growth cycle and limited yield of peach wood, peach woo...
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