

 上海雅舍辛乙堂 2022-12-22 发布于上海


KaiHongShun  Studio


On December 22, 2022, China will enter the winter solstice solar term. The Winter Solstice, the earliest solar term among the 24 solar terms, is an important solar term in health preservation. This is mainly because in ancient China, the winter solstice was designated as the lunar month, and the New Year was celebrated at the beginning of the year, that is, the beginning of the year...


The Winter Solstice, also known as the Short Solstice, the Winter Festival, the Asian Lunar New Year, and the Worship of Winter, has two connotations: nature and humanity. It is not only an important solar term among the 24 solar terms, but also a traditional Chinese folk festival. It has a history of more than 2500 years.


The Winter Solstice is one of the four seasons and eight festivals, which is regarded as a big festival in winter. In ancient times, there was a saying that "the Winter Solstice is as big as the year", so the ancient people called it "the sub year" or "the small year".


The winter solstice is the 22nd solar term of the "24 solar terms". The dou zhi zi, with the sun's yellow longitude reaching 270 °, is held on December 21-23 of the Gregorian calendar each year. The winter solstice indicates that the northern hemisphere has the lowest solar height and the shortest daytime, but the temperature of the winter solstice is not the lowest. 


The winter solstice is the day with the shortest day and the longest night in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days are shorter as you go north; After the winter solstice, the direct sunlight point gradually moved northward, and the days in the Northern Hemisphere began to grow longer.



Winter solstice customs vary in content or details due to different regions. In southern China, there are customs of ancestor worship and feasting on the winter solstice. In northern China, it is customary to eat dumplings on the winter solstice. Dumplings have the meaning of "dispelling the cold". As a folk saying goes, "The dumpling bowl is not served in the winter solstice, and nobody cares if the ears are frozen off".


Eating tangyuan: In Jiangnan, it is customary to eat tangyuan on the winter solstice. "Yuan" means "reunion" and "completeness". Eating tangyuan on the winter solstice is also called "winter solstice yuan". There is a saying among the people that people are one year older after eating tangyuan.


Eating barbecued wax: It is a custom to eat barbecued wax on the winter solstice in Guangdong and Guangxi in the south, which means adding food to add years.


The winter solstice is coming and 2022 is coming to an end. No matter how hard the year is, please unload your burden, give a hug to the person you love, and say, "It's been a hard year. It's good to have you all the way."


On this reunion day, we will make dumplings with our parents, wives and children, and cook a table of food, so that family and love can stay in this bowl of fireworks for a long time. Give a call to your friends, thank them for their mutual support and help over the years, and take good care of this friendship. Life is very long, there is love, there is temperature; Life is also very short, remember to cherish the present happiness.


In the coming year, whether gains or losses, joys or sorrows, ups and downs, will eventually become the past. The mountains and rivers are far and wide, and the future is foreseeable. I hope you can sweep away the wind and frost and love the fireworks in this world.

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