
今日小寒 | Minor Cold

 萨萨的小站 2023-01-05 发布于内蒙古

今天小寒,本节气问候者准时上线。错过之前节气卡片的朋友戳此回顾。A Year-in-review for 2022 下面就是今天的内容了,一起来涨知识吧~

Minor Cold is the 23rd of the 24 solar terms in the Chinese lunar calendar. For most areas of China, Minor Cold is the beginning of the coldest period of the year. Its first day usually falls between 5 and 6 January on the solar calendar. This year it falls on 5 January.



Eight treasures rice pudding is a special sweet rice dish enjoyed during Chinese holiday meals including Minor Cold and Chinese New Year dinner. The name “eight treasures" comes from the "eight" key ingredients that this delicious dessert has (water bamboo, rice cake, pork, green beans, shrimp, dried beans, soaked shiitake mushrooms, and cooked pine nuts).



Eight is a magic number for Chinese people. In Chinese, eight is pronounced as "ba," which is similar to another Chinese word "fa." "Fa" in Chinese means to be rich or to thrive in business. Because of its pronunciation, this traditional Chinese dim sum is regarded as a symbol of wealth and health.


People in Nanjing and Shanghai usually cook vegetable rice on this day. Some people choose vegetables with meat as ingredients and cook it with rice.


In Guangzhou City, it is a tradition to eat sticky rice on the morning of Minor Cold. For a better taste, people will make it with half sticky rice and half regular rice.


Cabbage is easy to preserve in the winter and tastes better after preservation. It made up for the lack of winter vegetables for most northern cities in the past and now the tradition remains.



Winter is a good time to have fun, and it is true especially for children. Nowadays,  skating or snowboarding has become a trendy winter activity for many family. However, to do these sports, the players have to be trained for a long time. Do you know how children in the past enjoyed their wintertime in a simple way? Check out the fun winter activities below!



Hoop rolling used to be popular among the children. It is a game with a wire or iron bar in player's hand. The one who plays has to roll a hoop (with a diameter of about 66cm), keeping it balanced upright and making sure it won't fall. Usually children try to do it as fast as possible to be the first among friends. The biggest fun is to have races or competitions. 


When the rivers or lakes are frozen, you would find kids spending a long time there, whipping tops on the icy surface, glide along on ice carts and doing other fun activities. Even today, if you happen to see a frozen lake, you might find children playing the same games.

当河流或湖泊结冰时,你会发现孩子们在那里玩很长一段时间: 在结冰的表面上抽打陀螺,在冰上推车上滑行,或者做其他有趣的活动。即使在今天,如果你刚好看见冰湖,也许小朋友们也在玩同样的游戏。

How are you going to spend your wintertime? Tell us about it!Happy Minor Cold! Bundle up and keep warm.





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