

 冰雨龙卷风 2023-01-19 发布于四川


胆管囊肿传统上称为胆总管囊肿,为胆管囊性扩张。病因不明确,可能因胆总管和胰管连接部不正常,胰液反流入胆管引起慢性炎症或胆管壁先天性薄弱等,按囊肿的形态和位置分为5:I,胆总管呈囊状、纺锤状或柱状扩张,80%~90%;Ⅱ型,胆总管单发憩室,2%;Ⅲ型,十二指肠壁内段胆总管囊状膨出,1.4%~5%;Ⅳ型,多发性胆管囊肿,位于肝内和肝外,或肝外多发;V,肝内胆管多发囊状扩张,又称 Caroli,囊壁可厚2~4mm,由纤维组织构成,一般无上皮层,囊肿大小不等,病程越长则体积越大。





  1. 腹部X线平片有时可见右上腹密度均匀软组织阴影,轮廓清晰,并可见邻近充气的胃和肠道受压推移,但诊断存在困难。











(4)V型即 Caroli:肝内条状或分支状低密度影,代表扩张的肝内胆管。有时可见多个小囊状区域,囊肿一般较小,且与扩张的管状结构相连,可作为与单纯性或先天性肝囊肿鉴别的可靠征象:增强扫描可见低密度囊状区域伴有高密度的圆形血管影,称为“印戒征”。肝门区中心胆管可以不扩张。扩张胆管内可有结石影。


4.MR表现  T1W1呈低信号,T2W1呈高信号。形态特征等表现与CT所见相似,发现与囊肿相连的正常胆管是诊断胆管囊肿的要点,MRCP多能显示两者的连接点,MRCP能显示胆管树全貌并对胆管囊肿进行准确分型,无需对比剂。



The Todani classification of bile duct cysts divides choledochal cysts into five groups.


Type I

See: type I choledochal cyst

  • account for 80-90% of all bile duct cysts

  • characterized by fusiform dilation of the extrahepatic bile duct

  • a subclassification has been proposed

    • Ia: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct (entire)

    • Ib: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct (focal segment)

    • Ic: dilatation of the common bile duct portion of extrahepatic bile duct

Theorized to form as the result of reflux of pancreatic secretions into the bile duct via an anomalous pancreaticobiliary junction. Some believe them to arise from ductal plate anomalies.

Type II

Also known as a bile duct diverticulum. Account for 3% of all bile duct cysts. Saccular outpouchings, representing a true diverticulum, arising from the supraduodenal extrahepatic bile duct or the intrahepatic bile ducts. 

Type III

Also known as a choledochocele:

  • account for 5% of all bile duct cysts

  • represent protrusion of a focally dilated, intramural segment of the distal common bile duct into the duodenum

Choledochoceles may be successfully managed with endoscopic sphincterotomy, surgical excision, or both, in symptomatic patients.

Type IV

Multiple communicating intra- and extrahepatic duct cysts:

  • second most common type of bile duct cysts (10%)

  • subdivided into subtypes:

    • type 4a: fusiform dilation of the entire extrahepatic bile duct with extension of dilation of the intrahepatic bile ducts

    • type 4b: multiple cystic dilations involving only the extrahepatic bile duct

Type V

Also known as Caroli disease, which is a rare form of congenital biliary cystic disease manifested by cystic dilations of intrahepatic bile ducts. Association with benign renal tubular ectasia and other forms of renal cystic disease.

Komi classification of bile duct cysts divides anomalous union of the pancreatico-bile ducts (AUPBD) into three types based on the angle of union of the ducts 1.


  • type I: union of the ducts at a right angle to each other

    • type Ia: without dilatation or 

    • type Ib: with dilatation of the common channel. 

  • type II: union of the ducts with an acute angle between them

    • type IIa: without dilatation (IIA) or 

    • type IIb: with dilatation of the common channel

  • type III: comprises of complex patterns of accessory pancreatic ducts, with or without intricate duct networks

    • type IIIc1: tiny communication exists between the main duct and the accessory ducts

    • type IIIc2: comprises of a common channel made up of common and accessory ducts of equal caliber
      type IIIa: is similar to the classic pancreas divisum with biliary dilatation
    • type IIIb: characterized by the absence of the Wirsung’s duct

    • type IIIc

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