

 新概念英语教学 2023-01-26 发布于上海






One of my favorite things about New Year’s good luck rituals is that not all of them seem completely sane. Many of the customs from around the world we’ve already learned about on this list probably seem a bit off-the-wall.   Here are a few New Years good luck traditions that seemingly come out of nowhere, but remain integral pieces of some countries’ annual New Year customs.


1. Czech Republic (捷克)

A New Year tradition from the Czech Republic suggests that apples can help foretell the future. By cutting an apple in half and seeing how the seeds are placed, people believe you can predict how the year will go. If the seeds form a cross it’s considered a bad omen, but if they make a star it means good luck is coming your way!


2. Belgium (比利时)

In Belgium, Walloon and Flemish farmers rise early on New Year’s Day and promptly head out the stables to wish the cows (and other domesticated animals) a happy New Year. Though the origins of this tradition are unknown, the same thing is also practiced in Romania.


3. Chile (智利)

In the small town of Tulca, Chile, it is tradition to spend the last night of the year at a sleepover at the cemetery. Locals believe that the souls of dearly departed friends and family come to hang around on the night of New Year’s Eve. So they make fires, bring food and drink, and decorate their loved ones’ graves for some ghostly quality time.


4. Colombia (哥伦比亚)

One of Colombians’ favorite ways to celebrate the New Year is to carry an empty suitcase around the block. The tradition is meant to bring celebrants a year of travel (which hopefully will involve a little more packing).


5. Denmark (丹麦)

Many of the world’s New Year’s traditions revolve around the stroke of midnight: fireworks blasting off, the ball dropping, kissing a loved one, toasting with champagne, etc. In Denmark, people jump off of their chairs in unison at midnight. This symbolizes jumping forward into the new year and leaving bad things behind.


6. Ecuador (厄瓜多尔)

In Ecuador, los años viejos (the old years) is a beloved part of how to celebrate the New Year. People construct large scarecrows of those they don’t like and set them alight at midnight in order to burn away the ills of last year. Building the scarecrow is a family activity. While it’s mostly done for fun and laughs, controlling the bevy of fires is sometimes a serious undertaking.


7. Finland (芬兰)

Going to a fortune-teller can either be a fun or harrowing experience. But one Nordic New Year tradition involves reading the future for yourself. Finnish people melt tin horseshoes, pour the molten metal into cold water, and use the resulting solid to gain insight into the coming year. Its shape and shadow supposedly tell all, and a broken piece of tin is considered a sure sign of bad luck.


8. Romania (罗马尼亚)

In Romania, people will save up their money for the New Year celebration… but not for spending on the party. Instead, they believe that if you put money under your rug before midnight, it will guarantee you to have a prosperous year ahead.


9. Japan (日本)

In Japan, Joya no Kane is a Buddhist ritual that takes place at midnight on New Year’s Eve. It involves ringing a bell exactly 108 times. Buddhists believe that we humans are entrapped by 108 different desires that keep us suffering. The chimes symbolize purification from the accumulation of these passions over the previous year.

在日本,Joya no Kane是一种佛教仪式,在除夕午夜举行。仪式中梵钟会被敲响整整108次。佛教徒认为,我们人类被108种不同的欲念所困住,而这些欲念使我们备受煎熬。敲响钟声象征着前一年所积累的这些欲念会因此得以净化。

10. Panama (巴拿马)

Panama has a similar “viejo” tradition to the one in Ecuador. Only here the effigies are called muñecos. Rather than simply setting them on fire, the dolls are typically stuffed with fireworks in order to really get the festivities cranking.


11. Turkey (土耳其)

In Turkey, once the bell strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, it’s customary to sprinkle salt on your doorstep. It’s said that this brings peace and good luck to the home or business.


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