

 预言家日报 2023-02-07 发布于北京
Despite having the “Smallest student body of the eleven great wizarding schools” in the Harry Potter world as Pottermore states, Japan’s Mahoutokoro School does make up for it by having some really amazing features that are up there with the best.  For instance, students get to fly on the backs of giant birds (specifically Storm Petrels) to the school itself which resides on a volcanic island as well as receive enchanted robes that change size and color overtime. 

Additionally, the school’s Quidditch players are said to be incredibly good which carries over into the national team known as the Toyohashi Tengu. Because they do high-intensity training in flying on stormy sea.


Uagadou is a magic school located in Moon Mountain, Uganda, Africa. It is the largest of all magic schools, because it enrolls students from all over Africa. This magic school is located in Uganda, Africa, pronounced waga - doo, and can be said to be one of the best magic schools.

瓦加度是一所位于非洲乌干达月亮山的魔法学校。它是所有魔法学校中规模最大的一所,因为它招收来自整个非洲的学生。这所魔法学校位于非洲大陆乌干达,发音为waga -doo,可以说是最好的魔法学校之一。
Students here are good at astronomy, alchemy and metamorphosis. Wand is the invention of Europe, and African witches and wizards didn't regard it as a useful tool until the last century, so many spells were cast by fingers or gestures in Uagadou.


Much like Hogwarts, Ilvermorny in America is known for being more democratic than most Wizarding Schools within the Harry Potter world in terms of admitting students of Muggle-Born and Pure-Blooded heritage.  Though the school’s early history was plagued with tragedy, it grew in popularity during the early Twentieth Century particularly in the 1920s when the first Fantastic Beasts movie takes place making it one of the best. 

Situated in the Pyrenees Mountains along the border between France and Spain, Beauxbatons (pronounced 'Bo - batton’) is described by Pottermore as being “A chateau surrounded by formal gardens and lawns created out of the mountainous landscape by magic”. Compared to the other Wizarding Schools discussed so far, this one gets top marks for being one of the prettiest schools in the Harry Potter world. 

It is even said to have a beautiful fountain with water that has magical properties in healing and beauty, named after the famous alchemist Nicholas Flamel and his wife Perenelle.  With famous alumni like that, it’s certainly one of the best Wizarding Schools there is. 


Durmstrang Institute is a famous magic school for teaching dark magic. It is located in northern Europe, but its exact location is unknown. In the 1994-1995 school year, Durmstrang was one of the three magic schools participating in the Triwizard Competition. Students here will wear fur cloaks and blood-red robes.

Durmstrang Institute does not accept Muggle-born students. However, the students here do not necessarily reject them. For example, when krum attended the Christmas dance, he invited Hermione Granger, who was born in Muggle, as his dancing partner.


Though not much is known about this school situated somewhere in Russia, Koldovstoretz does offer a more extreme version of Quidditch where the participants “Fly on entire, uprooted trees instead of broomsticks” according to Harry Potter Wiki.  Despite sounding more cool, it doesn’t seem very comfortable from a practical perspective. 

Considering the usual cold degree in Russia, the environment of this school is far from pleasant, but at least it provides a place for Russian students to learn magic.






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