

 风吟楼 2023-03-01 发布于广东




Because they are called classical Chinese - like Shakespeare's masterpieces, the value of classics will not change with time. The purpose of the promotion of vernacular Chinese and the opposition to classical Chinese at the beginning of the 20th century is to enable people with little education to read texts, articles and books, but these Chinese scholars are not opposed to the great works of classical Chinese itself.

因为它们被称为文言文——就像莎士比亚的杰作一样,经典的价值不会随着时间而改变。白话文的推广和 20世纪初反对文言文的目的是让没有受过多少教育的人能够阅读文本、文章和书籍,但这些中国学者并不反对文言文本身的伟大作品。

In addition, classical Chinese education is not only practical and beneficial, it is the link between the past and the present. If someone really asks me what is the meaning of learning classical Chinese, my answer is to be a more interesting person.


My wife is from Guangdong Province. I met her when I was studying in Guangzhou. Geographically, my birthplace (Shaanxi Province) is 2200 kilometers away from her. In terms of language, we can even speak different languages - she and her parents speak Cantonese, and I speak Shaanxi dialect at home, but we all speak standard Mandarin.


One year, I took her on a trip to my hometown. She was very excited because Xi'an is famous for its many cultural heritages. We visited Huaqing Pool, the hot spring group at the foot of Lishan Mountain, and it is also famous for the romantic scene between Emperor Xuanzong and his wife, Yang Guifei. When we strolled in Huaqingchi, I began to recite 'Song of Eternal Regret', one of the greatest poems we learned in high school.

有一年,我带她去我的家乡旅行,她非常兴奋,因为西安以许多文化遗产而闻名。我们参观了华清池, 骊山脚下的温泉群,也是因唐玄宗与他的妻子杨贵妃的浪漫场景而闻名的地方。当我们在华清池闲逛时,我开始背诵《长恨歌》, 我们在高中学过的最伟大的诗歌之一。


“春寒赐浴华清池”(She was given a bath in Huaqing Pool on a cold day in spring)


She continued with a smile: '温泉水滑洗凝脂' (use warm spring water to wash her creamy skin)


Then, when we read the last part (Tang poetry), we recited the whole poem sentence by sentence:


“在天愿作比翼鸟, 在地愿为连理枝。”Let's become two birds flying side by side in the sky. Let's tie the two branches of the earth tightly together. I shook her hand and said, 'I hope this is also a commitment between you and me.'.

“在天愿作比翼鸟, 在地愿为连理枝。”让我们成为天空中并排飞翔的两只鸟,让我们把地球上的两根树枝紧紧地绑在一起。我握着她的手说,“希望这也是你我之间的承诺”。

After that, we also visited Leyouyuan. I asked her, 'Do you remember that poem?' (Deng Leyouyuan) Author: Li Shangyin? We are now in Leyouyuan! '. Her face lit up and she said, 'Really?! We have been learning this poem for several years, and it makes people feel relaxed and happy, just like I am touching history!' Then we recited the whole poem again:

之后我们还参观了乐游原, 我问她:“你还记得那首诗吗?”(登乐游原) 作者:李商隐? 我们现在在乐游原!”。她脸上一亮,说道:“真的吗?!我们已经学了好几年了,这首诗让人心旷神怡,就像我在触摸历史一样!”然后我们两人再次背诵了整首诗:


You see, it is only a poem written 1200 years ago that makes a Chinese feel emotional attachment to a place more than 2000 kilometers away from his hometown. In fact, many places in China are famous because of ancient poems and articles.



Living in Xi'an, which used to be the capital of many dynasties, one of our 'privileges' is that we can witness the whole city become 'old' on a snowy day.


Usually, I will read some books on snowy nights. Every time I think of Zhang Dai's 'Snow in the Lake Pavilion' and read it again:

通常,我会在下雪的夜晚读一些书,每次我都会想起张岱的“”湖心亭看雪” 并再次朗读:


This is one of my favorite writings in classical Chinese when I was in high school. It depicts a beautiful winter scenery with elegant strokes, which is admirable. When I read this article on a snowy night, I could almost feel the feeling of Zhang Dai when writing this article.


The classical Chinese we learn also shapes our values.


If someone asks me what is the real reason why China is unwilling to accept refugees from the Middle East, the Chinese philosopher Mengzi (Mencius) gave the answer 2300 years ago:

如果有人问我,中国不愿意接受中东难民的真正原因是什么,那么中国哲学家蒙自(孟子) 2300年前就给出了答案:

人必自侮,然後人侮之;家必自毀,而後人毀之;國必自伐,而後人伐之。《太甲》曰:『天作孽,猶可違;自作孽,不可活。』── 《孟子 · 離婁上》

It means that a person must have something to insult himself before others insult him; Home must have its own cause of destruction before others destroy it; The country must have its own tyranny before other countries attack it. This point is explained in a passage in Taijia: 'When disasters fall from heaven, it is still possible to escape. When we commit sins ourselves, it is impossible to live any longer.'.


If someone asks the educated Chinese what is their goal in life, I will quote Zhang Zai, a neo-confucianist philosopher of the Song Dynasty, as saying:为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。


It means: set conscience for heaven and earth; To ensure the people's life and wealth; Continue the legacy of past sages; Build peace for future generations.


As an ordinary Chinese, what I am doing is 'to continue the teachings of the deceased sages', which is part of my book collection at home.



One of my best friends has just started his political career this year. His parents are ordinary workers in a chemical factory. He worked very hard at school and ranked fifth among 300000 students in the country. At present, he has completed his doctorate at Peking University, the top two university in China, and has been appointed to work in a village in Fujian for two years before being promoted. In his first job, he posted some words on WeChat:


I hope I will not forget my original intention and will not be negative to the people.


I hope I will never forget my original intention and never let the people down.




Because modern Chinese and classical Chinese are much more closely connected than other languages, if you can't read classical Chinese, you may not use modern Chinese well, especially in writing.


Chinese is not a language based on fixed vocabulary, but a language that modifies itself.


'亡走' literally means 'die and go', but in ancient times it means 'escape'; 败走 literally means 'defeat and retreat', and defeat can mean extinction (referring to the country), defeat and flight (referring to individuals or troops). People familiar with ancient Chinese can understand its meaning at a glance, because he knows that in ancient Chinese means escape, death in modern Chinese, and in ancient Chinese means running from one place to another.

“亡走”字面意思是“死了就走”,但在古代的意思是“逃跑”;“败走”字面意思是“战败并撤退”,以及败亡可以是灭绝(指国家),也可以是战败和潜逃(指个人或军队)。熟悉古汉语的人一眼就能理解其含义,因为他知道亡 在古代汉语中指逃跑,在现代汉语中指死亡,以及走 在古代汉语中,意思是从一个地方跑到另一个地方。

Therefore, if you understand ancient Chinese, your vocabulary will multiply, and you don't have to deliberately expand: a person who is proficient in Chinese will be able to use fixed words, but use one character to modify another to construct sentences, so as to express his meaning to the utmost accuracy. Sometimes, you may find a word in the work of an author, which is not in any dictionary, but you can understand it.



In addition, classical Chinese is considered more solemn, and the use of classical Chinese indicates a person's education level. In some works, such as letters to elders, gift lists, invitations or formal statements, the style tends to be classical. When I wrote to my grandfather, I had to add at the beginning of the letter, '祖父大人颐安', which is a form that is no longer used. It is impossible to imagine that a person who knows nothing about classical Chinese would fill up these words, such as '谨函布臆,顺颂商祺/诸荷优通,再表谢忱' when he can't understand the letter, the letter is over. If a person can't write a letter correctly, how can he have a good education? '?


Finally, not understanding classical Chinese means that you can hardly learn any kind of history. Not only can you read the Twenty-four Histories, but also you can't read many western historical studies from the 1880s to the 1950s.


Therefore, if a person does not study classical Chinese, his vocabulary, literary creation skills and historical knowledge will have problems, so he will be 'an illiterate who can only read and write'.


About references... Citing Chinese classics is like quoting Cicero in a speech and Virgil in a writing, which will add color to your article.




Modern Chinese is like a simplified version of classical Chinese. The fewer characters you need to remember, the less grammar you need to understand.


Learning classical Chinese is like raising your Chinese skills to the highest level, similar to learning C++after learning C language.


The upgraded skills enable you to:


(1) In 2000 or even longer, directly understand what the author of ancient books said

(1) 在2000年甚至更长的时间范围内,直接理解古籍作者所说的内容

(2) Be able to understand and express complex meanings, use absurd simple words, such as quotations or idioms, and there are many such words in classical Chinese

(2) 能够理解和表达复杂的意思,使用荒谬的简单词汇,如引用或成语,而文言文中有很多这样的词汇

Chinese classical poetry can be written as follows:两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天,窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船。


It has rhythm not only in geometry, but also in pronunciation.


Some poets may need days or even months to decide the choice of a character, which is why they make their poems so elegant.


I don't know if there is another language that can achieve such a high degree of freedom and regularity.


As for their meanings, as stated in other answers, they are often very deep and concentrated in a few words. It is often a miracle in itself. The combination of elegance and simplicity in form and content often produces pure beauty.


We have been exposed to these classical Chinese writings as early as primary school, usually in the form of short poems. We often can't understand their exact meaning or why they are there, but we remember them anyway. As we grow up, many people will begin to realize its beauty and actively look for these articles. Some people even regret it because they remember too little.


I began to realize their value when I was in middle school. When I saw a poem, it was so beautiful that I wanted to cry when I read it. I believe that many people who study classical Chinese have similar feelings.



Some of them are so beautiful that you want to remember them forever when you first see them. We are pleased that there are thousands of people, if not more. According to your current understanding of life, you can always find your favorite. It's like treasure hunting.


· The wisdom of ancestors


The accumulation of wisdom over the years may explain their beauty. Shakespeare was no more than 500 years ago, and the poem quoted above has a history of 1300 years, more than twice that of Shakespeare. More importantly, many classic texts, such as Sun Tzu's Art of War, have a history of about 2500 years. Some common sayings are very reasonable. For example, know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated in a hundred battles


Because of the stability of words, after thousands of years, noise disappears and wisdom remains. The accumulated wisdom in turn increases the elegance and stability of language.


Therefore, when they quote, they sometimes feel proud, sometimes are moved by the elegance of the relevant stories, or imagine that someone said the same sentence thousands of years ago.


Therefore, some modern texts are specially written in classical Chinese, for example, 'Tuber Taper' There are many writings like classical Chinese because they are concise, rhythmic and clear.

因此,一些现代文本是特意用文言文写成的,例如《管锥编》. 还有许多像文言文一样的书写,因为它们简洁、节奏和清晰。

In addition, Ms. Tu Youyou, the 2015 Nobel Prize winner, found artemisinin, the most important drug for malaria treatment, while reading Ge Hong's book on herbal medicine treatment in the third century. Yes, it is written in classical Chinese.


If she could not read Chinese classics, she would not have made such a discovery and would not help millions of patients every year.


We are inextricably connected with our ancestors: we enjoy the same moon, the same rivers, the same mountains and, most importantly, the same emotions with people who lived 2000 years ago. This love song may remind you of a boy/girl who has sweet memories with you; Reading the homesickness song, you may think of your hometown, your family, and even your childhood. These feelings are eternal, regardless of age, gender and race, from the past to the future, and are actually owned by all people in the world. Inherit the root of emotion and culture. I think this is the reason why we study classical Chinese.


Finally, thank you for reading such a long answer, which is from the heart of a Chinese classical enthusiast.


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