

 亮元职场英文 2023-03-13 发布于江苏

Ford Motor Co. announced Friday that it will cut around 1,100 jobs at its plant in the eastern Spanish city of Valencia.

据ABC News报道称,福特汽车(以下简称:福特)于(上)周五宣布将对旗下位于西班牙东部城市瓦伦西亚的工厂实施裁员,裁员的规模为大约1100人。

The cuts are in addition to the 2,300 layoffs largely in Germany and the United Kingdom that the automaker announced last month as part of a “leaner, more competitive cost structure in Europe.”

作为“在欧洲更精简、更具竞争力的成本结构”的一部分,今年2月,福特曾宣布裁员2,300 人,裁员主要在德国和英国。

Ford Spain said in a statement that it notified unions on Friday of what it described as “a profound restructuring of its operations." Ford has recently championed the Valencia plant as its preferred site to assemble “next-generation” electric vehicles on the continent.


José Luis Parra Navarro, a UGT union spokesman, said the workforce would become “surplus” when the plant switched to making electric cars because the work “requires less labor.”

西班牙工会“劳动者总联盟”发言人若泽·路易斯·帕拉·纳瓦罗表示,工厂转向生产电动汽车时,劳动力会变得“过剩”,因为这么做 “需要更少的劳动力”。

The plant is Ford’s only such facility in Spain and currently employs 5,400 people.


The job cuts were “mainly due to the already announced discontinuing production of the S-Max and Galaxy models in April 2023,” Ford Spain said in an email.


The Dearborn, Michigan-based company has a strategy to offer an all-electric fleet in Europe by 2035 and says production of its first European-built electric car is expected to start later this year.


The job cuts come amid a sea change in the global auto industry from gas-guzzling combustion engines to electric vehicles. Governments are pushing to reduce the emissions that contribute to climate change, and a resulting race to develop electric vehicles has generated intense competition among automakers.


In January, Ford announced a new solar power plant had opened at the Valencia facility as it looks to become a carbon-neutral business.



1、competitive 有竞争力的

2、profound 深远的,巨大的

3、surplus 过剩的,多余的

4、carbon-neutral 碳中和

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