

 亮元职场英文 2023-03-26 发布于江苏

Intel co-founder and semiconductor pioneer Gordon Moore died Friday at the age of 94. His philanthropic foundation said he died peacefully surrounded by family at his home in Hawaii. 

据pcmag报道,英特尔联合创始人、半导体先驱戈登·摩尔于本周五去世,享年 94 岁。戈登与贝蒂·摩尔基金会表示,摩尔在家人的陪伴下于位于夏威夷的家中安详离世。

Celebrated for his prediction, known as Moore’s Law, that transistor density would double with each new generation of technology, Moore had an outsize impact on the computing and semiconductor world.


As Reuters notes, Intel, which he helped found in 1968, would go on to put “Intel Inside” processors in more than 80% of the world’s personal computers.

如路透社所指出的,摩尔在1968年帮助其所创立的英特尔最终在全球80%以上的个人电脑中安装“Intel Inside”处理器。

In an article for the 35th-anniversary issue of Electronics Magazine dated April 19, 1965, Moore predicted that the number of transistors per chip would continue to double every year, continuing a trend that he had noticed since 1959. In 1975, Moore updated his prediction for transistors per chip to double every two years.


Moore’s Law spurred Intel and other chipmakers to aggressively fund research and development to ensure that this goal was met. In 1971, Intel’s first commercially produced microprocessor had 2,250 transistors. By 2005, 40 years after his initial prediction that the number of transistors per chip would exponentially grow, 1.7 billion silicon transistors were being put on one Intel chip.

摩尔定律,让英特尔和其他的芯片制造商积极资助研发,以确保实现这一目标。1971 年,英特尔第一款商业化生产的微处理器拥有2,250个晶体管。到2005 年,也就是他最初预测每个芯片的晶体管数量将呈指数增长的40年后,17亿个硅晶体管被放置在一个英特尔芯片上。

Apple M2 Max chip, released in January this year, contains 67 billion transistors. In December, Intel said that in keeping with Moore’s Law there will be one trillion transistors on chips by 2030. 

今年1月发布的Apple M2 Max芯片拥有670亿个晶体管。去年12 月,英特尔表示,根据摩尔定律,2030年,芯片上将集成1 万亿个晶体管。

In the same 1965 article, Moore predicted that “integrated circuits will lead to such wonders as home computers, automatic controls for automobiles, and personal portable communications equipment.” 


In a 2008 interview, Moore said: “All I was trying to do was get that message across, that by putting more and more stuff on a chip we were going to make all electronics cheaper.”

在2008 年的一次采访中,摩尔曾说,“我所做的一切都是为了传达这样一个信息:通过把越来越多的东西放在芯片上,我们将使所有电子产品都变得更便宜。”

After earning his PhD in chemistry at CalTech in 1954, Moore conducted postdoctoral research at Johns Hopkins University until 1956. Before co-founding Intel, he joined the Fairchild Semiconductor Laboratory which built commercially viable transistors and integrated circuits.


He founded Intel with his longtime colleague Robert Noyce in July 1968. Moore served as executive vice president until 1975 when he became president. In 1979, Moore became chairman of Intel’s board and its CEO. Moore retired from the company in 2006.

1968年,摩尔和罗伯特·诺伊斯一道创建了英特尔。摩尔一直担任英特尔的执行副总裁,直到1975年成为总裁。1979 年,摩尔成为英特尔董事会主席兼首席执行长。2006年,他从英特尔退休。

In 2000, he established a philanthropic foundation with his wife Betty that has since donated more than $5.1 billion to charity.

2000 年,摩尔与妻子贝蒂成立了慈善基金会,至今,已向慈善事业捐赠超过51亿美元。

Intel’s current CEO Pat Gelsinger said of his passing: “As stewards of his law, Intel will work relentlessly to exponentially outdo what he & Robert Noyce set out to do. He leaves behind a legacy that changed the lives of every person on the planet. His memory will live on.”


He added: “I am humbled to have known him.”



1、semiconductor 半导体

2、pioneer 先驱,先锋,拓荒者

3、philanthropic 慈善的

4、transistor 晶体管

5、exponentially grow 指数级增长

6、trillion 万亿

7、integrated circuit 集成电路

8、postdoctoral 博士后的

9、legacy 遗产,遗赠财物,遗留问题,后遗症

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