

 亮元职场英文 2023-03-29 发布于江苏

The chairman of Credit Suisse’s largest shareholder, Saudi National Bank, has resigned less than two weeks after comments he made about the Swiss lender accelerated a plunge in its share price.


The bank was rescued four days later after a crisis of confidence among investors and customers took it to the brink of insolvency.


Ammar Al Khudairy had resigned “due to personal reasons” and would be replaced by CEO Saeed Mohammad Al Ghamdi, Saudi National Bank said in a statement Monday.

沙特国家银行在本周一的一份声明中表示,Ammar Al Khudairy“因个人原因而辞职”,他的继任者为公司首席执行长Saeed Mohammed Al Ghamdi。

During an interview with Bloomberg TV on March 15, Al Khudairy ruled out increasing the bank’s stake in Credit Suisse. Such a move would’ve helped shore up confidence in the beleaguered bank, which was facing renewed pressure on its share price amid turmoil in the sector sparked by the collapse of America’s Silicon Valley Bank.


“The answer is absolutely not, for many reasons outside the simplest reason, which is regulatory and statutory,” Al Khudairy said. That was in response to a question on whether Saudi National Bank was open to further equity injections into Credit Suisse if there was a call for additional funds.

对于不会向瑞信增股的原因,Khudairy称,“除了最简单的监管和法规之外,还有很多原因。” 这是对沙特国家银行是否愿意在瑞信需要额外资金的情况下向其进一步注资的问题的回应。

Following the comments, the Swiss lender’s stock plunged to the lowest level on record and the cost of insuring its debt surged, all but wiping out the value of Saudi National Bank’s investment.


Less than 24 hours later Credit Suisse borrowed $54 billion from Switzerland’s central bank. But the emergency lifeline was insufficient to stop clients withdrawing deposits at a rate of more than $10 billion a day, ultimately leading to the bank’s historic rescue by larger rival UBS through a government-brokered deal.


Saudi National Bank, which is 37%-owned by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, acquired a 9.9% stake in Credit Suisse in October for $1.5 billion, making it an anchor investor in the bank’s turnaround plan. By March 17, not even five months later, the Swiss lender had lost around 60% of its market value, erasing the lion’s share of Saudi National Bank’s investment.

沙特阿拉伯的主权财富基金持有沙特国家银行37%股份。去年10月,沙特国家银行以15 亿美元的价格收购了瑞信的9.9%的股份,使其成为瑞信扭亏为盈计划的主要的投资者。截止到今年的3月17日,也就在沙特国家银行收购瑞信的股份不到5个月的时间,瑞信的市值蒸发了约60%,让沙特国家银行投资的大部分的股份大幅缩水。(媒体报道,沙特国家银行遭受超10亿美元的巨大损失)

Had the bank increased its shareholding in Credit Suisse beyond the 9.9% level, it would have been subjected to additional regulatory obligations.


“If we go above 10%, all new rules kick in whether it be by our regulator or the Swiss regulator or the European regulator,” Al Khudairy said in the Bloomberg TV interview.

Khudairy 称,“如果对瑞信的持股超10%,无论是沙特国内的监管机构,还是瑞士、欧盟的监管机构,都将会让所有新规则开始生效。”

“We’re not inclined to get into a new regulatory regime. I can cite five or six other reasons, but one reason is there is a glass ceiling and we’re not going to entertain going beyond it,” he added.



1、shareholder 股东

2、plunge 暴跌,骤减,猛降

3、insolvency 破产

4、ruled out 把...排除在外,认为...不合适

5、beleaguered 处于困境的,饱受批评的

6、turmoil 焦虑,混乱

7、glass ceiling 玻璃天花板




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