

 hercules028 2023-03-30 发布于四川
What do you see when you look at this photo?

Do you see a pair of lips that are slightly open? Or do you see a line of  trees?

Or maybe you just see a series of roots from the trees burrowing into the ground?  

Apparently, the answer reveals some very interesting things about your personality.



If you see lips first you're morelikely to be 'simple and honest'.
显然,如果你先看到的是嘴唇,那么你极有可能是一个“ 单纯正直 ”的人。

You're someone who likes a non-complicated life and you will often go with the flow.
你喜欢简单不复杂的生活, 常常顺其自然

But while you may sometimes be a bit naive, you're generally very wise and you value honesty.
有时你有一点天真,但大体而言,你 很有智慧,看重诚实正直

You are perceived as weak and need help, but in reality it is not true. You have the power to solve the problems yourself without the help of others.

You do not care about complicated relationships and like to be honest with people. 

That's why people come to you for advice or to talk to you because they know they can trust your opinion.


If you see trees and/or tree trunks for the first time, you may be extroverted. You are polite, but can not be easily squeezed or mocked.

如果你先看到的是树/树干, 你属于外向型人格 。 你彬彬有礼,但也绝不会轻易任人欺凌嘲笑。

You are sensitive to the opinions of other people and are very concerned about what they think of you. 

Although you surround yourself with many people whom you consider as friends,only a few of them are sincere and true. 

You look soft and gentle on the outside, but are essentially a strong person. You are also very wise and tend to hide your real emotions.
外表看上去温和文雅,但实际非常坚强。 你也很聪明,总会隐藏自己的真实情绪。
Plus, you have extremely high standards and you do not trust people so easily.  
有着极高的标准 ,不容易相信别人。

You have a mysterious page that prevents others from reading or guessing what's going through your head.
你有着神秘的一面, 别人无法猜透你的心思。


When you notice the roots for the first time, you are introverted. 
如果你首先看到的是树根, 你是个内向的人

You recognize your mistakes and easily accept constructive criticism in order to change for the better in the future.
在意识到自己的错误后,为了让自己变得更好,你 很容易接受别人有建设性的批评。

The people you meet first will think that you are someone very ordinary, without talent or revolutionary qualities. 

However, this impression changes when they get to know you and realize that you are extremely competent and enthusiastic.
一旦他们深入了解你,就会改变对你的印象, 会发现你非常热情,且能力出色

You are also extremely disciplined and diligent to focus on something. 
另外, 你非常勤奋自律,能够专注地做某件事。

You have the morals and the principles you want to live. It makes you a person who knows what they want and who will succeed with this clarity.
你有自己的一套道德准则。 这让你清楚地知道自己想要什么,并取得成功。

You are also an independent and responsible person. You always strive to be a better version of themselves and believe that you can always improve. 
你独立负责。 你不断努力提升自己,相信自己总能进步。

Although you are gentle and sometimes have low self-esteem, you are a hard-headed person and show signs of stubbornness. 
你非常温和,有时自卑,但 你是一个非常冷静,甚至固执的人。

People who see the roots first have the ability to recognize their mistakes and accept constructive criticism.

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