
多式联运经营人的分段合同和全程责任- 民法典合同编逐条解析(法条附英文翻译)

 昵称64574355 2023-04-07 发布于广东



Article 839 The multi-modal transport operator may conclude with the carrier the carriage agreement for each stage but the stage agreements shall not derogate its responsibility for the entire transport.  

集装箱化运输的效率是不必讲的,但最初有一个棘手的问题是很多客户的货物不够装一个整箱,而如果使用一个整箱运输则不仅浪费、价格也接受不了,于是就催生了一个专门从事“拼箱” consolidation 的业务领域出来,将不同托运人的零散货按照目的地拼成一个箱,到目的地后再折箱,分别送给不同的收货人。由于这些人专门从事运输,比从事生产的人更加熟悉不同运输模式和不同运输工具的经营者和运输线路,因此,他们就天然地成为从事多式联运的经营人,现在有一个正式的名称为“无船经营人”(Non-vessel Operating Common Carrier, NVOCC),以船公司为主要依靠的叫船代,以货主为主要客货的中货代。NVCOO更像是一家船公司,他们有的也签发提单。


   实践中,如果发生货损,托运人经常将区段承运人和多式联运经营人作为共同被告,要求其共同承担连带责任。虽然增加区段承运人并不增加托运人诉讼成本,但无论是从合同的相对性还是从法律规定上看,成功的可能性很小。 但如果以侵权为理由则可以不受合同相对性原则的限制,但在取证方面往往有一定的困难。

    另交通部专门制订了“货物多式联运术语”,其基础术语中将multimodal trasport 称为“联合运输”强调从接受货物以两种以上的运输方式完成货物运输;而将intermodal 称为“多式联运”,强制以一种且不变的转载单元(集装箱)装载,两种以上运输方式且转换运输方式时不对货物本身进行操作,还有组合运输。个人认为multimodal 强调的是 “多式”而 intermodal 强调的是 “不同运输方式之间”,国际通行使用multimodal, 我在翻译上沿用。


Practical Demarcation of the Multimodal Contract of Carriage

Whether a contract of carriage is considered to be either multimodal or unimodal can drastically affect the liability of the carrier who has entered into it. Because of the importance of being able to distinguish one from the other, the theoretical juridical framework of the multimodal transport contract has been defined in the preceding sections. To recapitulate briefly, a multimodal contract of carriage is a single contract for the carriage of goods entailing, or allowing for, carriage by at least two different modes of transport based on which the actual carriage is to be performed by at least two different modes. The result of the marshalling of transport stages under one contract is that the complexities concerning carrier liability seem to have been somewhat simplified, at least as regards the search for the party to be addressed for compensation. Since the multimodal carrier is responsible for the whole transit of the goods under a multimodal contract, whether he performs the actual carriage himself or employs subcontractors to perform it for him, the consignor or consignee can always address him for compensation regarding damage to or loss of the goods as a result of the transit.


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