
Research and Writing Simplified I Use Cases I Best Research and Writing App I Sorc'd

 子曰的芝士馆 2023-04-09 发布于北京

Smarter, not harder

We are extremely fortunate to have clients who are always looking for ways to do things smarter. They are thought-leaders, marketers, writers, researchers, product and technology gurus who know that knowledge is power. Our clients have found ways for their teams to benefit from using Sorc'd that dramatically help the bottom line. Here are a few examples:

As a marketing tool:

Create more relevant content, faster and improve SEO

  • Develop a more fluid research process that improves focus on unique, relevant content that delivers higher engagement rates.

  • Create more effective, authentic and relevant content more efficiently.

  • Cut operational costs lost from re-researching.

Efficiently develop inbound marketing tools

  • Build an invaluable repository of information that's easy to access and filter through for everyone.

  • Create infographics, whitepapers, blog and social posts, and email with quality, third-party supporting research.

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