

 预言家日报 2023-05-16 发布于北京
Actor Mark Williams portrayed the Weasley family patriarch for the duration of the series, serving as one of the few admirable father figures in the story. The character survived the great war of the last film and has been alive and well ever since.

After his first appearance in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Arthur has been an important character throughout the series.


Before he became the father of seven children, Arthur was a student at Hogwarts and belonged to Gryffindor. After graduation, he married and worked in the Misuse of Muggle Artefact Office at the Ministry of Magic.

Arthur and his family live at the Burrow, Harry Potter's second home. After the Second Wizarding War broke out, Arthur joined the Order of the Phoenix and fought bravely at the Battle of Hogwarts.


Arthur is seriously injured one night when Nagini attacks him on Voldemort's orders. Rowling considered letting Arthur die in this episode of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

In the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Rowling again considered Arthur's death. In the end, however, she chose to keep Arthur alive, for several reasons.


In addition to Arthur's story potential, Rowling also realized how much Arthur's death would affect RON Weasley. As one of the young protagonists of the Harry Potter series, RON is often the main character in the story line.

Rowling has revealed that she feared killing off Mr Weasley would be detrimental to the plot of his youngest son. Ron was a source of comic relief throughout the franchise, but losing his dad would have greatly altered his demeanor.  That situation was already played out with Harry, so she decided against the idea.

The notion of killing Arthur returned during the end of Harry Potter, specifically during the Battle of Hogwarts.  While some might assume that she axed the idea based on Fred Weasley's tragic death, his son's demise didn't factor into Arthur's fate.

Although Arthur survived, Rowling chose to let Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks die, having given birth to a son just months before the battle of Hogwarts.


Following the events of Harry Potter, Arthur went on to assist with Muggle Rights while living happily as a husband, father, and grandfather.



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