
ARCHINA专访 B+H首席执行官 Patrick Fejér | 开启卓越设计的新篇章

 世界建筑报道 2023-05-23 发布于上海

ARCHINA建筑中国作为中国建筑行业最具影响力之一的权威门户,见证了中国建筑企业品牌的飞速发展。2022年ARCHINA建筑中国联合建筑中国品牌研究中心与建筑中国新媒体数据研究中心联合发起“第二届建筑中国最具品牌影响力”评选,通过数据分析和研究的方式,对国内外1000家知名品牌进行了综合评分。本届品牌影响力评选设立四项关键指标,即为WMAA品牌评价体系,包含自媒体运营(We Media)、媒体报道(Media Coverage)、会议论坛(Activities)和专业奖项(Awards)。

B+H荣获本届建筑中国品牌影响力外资企业 TOP 30,ARCHINA特邀专访了B+H首席执行官Patrick Fejér先生及中国区董事总经理、亚洲区执行副总裁、合伙人Susanna SWEE(徐丽云)女士。本期专访由ARCHINA首席记者吴淏钰采访整理,带大家深入了解B+H的设计理念与未来发展蓝图。

B+H won the TOP 30 Influential Foreign-Funded Enterprises issued by Archina. On that note, we conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Patrick Fejér, CEO at B+H, and Ms. Susanna SWEE, Managing Principal China, Executive Vice President, Asia, to understand the design philosophy and future picture of B+H. This exclusive interview was organized by ARCHINA's chief journalist Evelyn Wu.

B+H成立于1953年,总部位于加拿大多伦多,在全球设有12个办事处,是盛裕控股集团(Surbana Jurong Group)旗下成员。B+H是由建筑师、室内设计师、规划师、景观设计师和其他专家组成的专业全球团队,致力于综合体、商业、医疗、企业办公、养老、研发产业/商业园区、酒店等的建筑设计和室内设计,为整个城市、工业及基础建设开发价值链提供顶尖咨询设计服务,旨在提升建筑设计可持续发展及提高城市生活水平。

Founded in 1953 in Toronto, B+H Architects is a global consulting + design solutions firm with 12 Studios worldwide and a member of the Surbana Jurong Group. B+H’s architects, interior designers, planners, landscape architects, organizational design specialists, experience designers, researchers, analysts, and brand strategists combine strategic thinking, bold design, and advanced technology with the creative human energy of an interdisciplinary, multigenerational team. Over the years, B+H’s successfully delivered projects covering various sectors,including mixed-use, commercial, healthcare, corporate workplace, senior care, R&D industrial/business parks, and hospitality.

Patrick Fejér拥有康奈尔大学建筑学学士学位,在超过5年设计研究学习中,以最高累计平均分获得康奈尔大学克利夫顿贝克威思纪念奖(Clifton Beckwith Memorial Award)。同时,Patrick是安大略省注册建筑师、加拿大皇家建筑研究会会员,拥有LEED AP认证资质。

Patrick Fejér is a graduate of Cornell University and a recipient of the Clifton Beckwith Memorial Award for the highest accumulative average in design over five years of study. In addition, Patrick possesses professional affiliations, including the Ontario Association of Architects, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Fellow, Leadership in Energy Design (LEED), and Accredited Professional.


Patrick is one of the firm’s senior-most design leaders. During his over 25 years of practice, his range of project typologies has become remarkably diversified, and he channels his multi-sector perspective to co-create human-centered and future-forward solutions with his teams. Appointed CEO in 2022, he is reinvigorating a cross-pollination between our global platform of studios in line with the firm’s vision for growth. Patrick’s representative projects include Microsoft Shanghai Zizhu R&D Center Phase II Expansion, Four Seasons Hotel Budapest, Google Campus, Waterloo, MaRS Centre Phase II, Toronto, Canada, etc.

徐丽云(Susanna SWEE)是新加坡建筑师委员会(Board of Architects Singapore,BOA)Qualified Person (QP)注册建筑师,同时也是英国皇家建筑师学会、新加坡建筑师协会会员。作为工商管理硕士,徐丽云将她敏锐的商业嗅觉与丰富的建筑设计经验相结合,并成功地运用于客户服务和业务发展中。

Susanna SWEE is a Qualified Person (QP) registered architect with the Board of Architects Singapore and a member of RIBA, SIA. As an MBA graduate, Susanna combines her business acumen skills with her architectural design experience successfully in client services, business development and design services.

Susanna在亚洲建筑和室内设计领域拥有超过30年丰富经验。自2009年加入B+H后,她与其他主要合伙人一同领导了公司在亚洲的扩展,并在中国香港、新加坡和越南成立了办事处。同时,她积极地参与中国和东南亚地区,尤其是新加坡的多功能综合体、商业、酒店和医疗设计项目开发。她在中国的代表项目有,上海阅江汇和国浩长风城综合体项目,上海晶品Crystal Galleria和吉宝静安中心(PAC)商业体,哥伦比亚嘉兴和无锡医院,马来西亚Gleneagles医院,新加坡樟宜医院综合大楼及医疗中心和欧南SGH医院等。

Susanna has 30+ years of architectural and interior design experience, mainly in Asia. After joining B+H in 2009, Susanna was one of the main Principals who led the expansion of B+H in Asia to set up studios in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, and Vietnam. She actively led the business development in mixed-use, commercial, retail, hospitality and healthcare projects in China and Southeast Asia especially in Singapore. Her representative projects include The Yue Jiang Hui and Chang Feng Park Mixed Used developments, Shanghai, Crystal Galleria and Jingan PAC malls, Shanghai, Columbia Jiaxing and Wuxi hospitals, Gleneagles hospital Malaysia, Changi Integrated Building & Medical Centre, Outram SGH hospital, Singapore etc.


You were appointed as the CEO last year. Is it a career challenge for you?

Patrick:目前,全球经济逐渐复苏,各行各业的跨界融合,形成一股全新向上的力量。尤其在办公领域,远程工作在一定程度上改变了我们的工作方式和办公社交模式,从而改变了商业项目的开发方向。在这样一个关键时刻,我成为全球架构+战略目标的首席执行官,既具有挑战性,也有激励性。在 B+H,我们重视在设计过程中的认知提高。因此,我的首要任务之一是探索如何使设计过程更具协作性和吸引力。我们一直在寻找优化设计过程的方法,以确保我们尽最大努力,做强设计,实现以设计为主导的综合咨询服务平台新愿景。

Globally, there is a unique confluence of forces at play. Remote work has fundamentally changed how we work and the purpose of the office resulting in a complete reset of the commercial real estate landscape. Becoming the CEO of a global architecture + strategy practice during such a pivotal moment has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding. At B+H we are focused on emphasizing a heightened awareness of the design process in our work. We have been quite successful in our approach to our work and how we design for the end user. One of my top priorities is to continue to find opportunities to make the design process more collaborative and engaging, underscoring how important our clients are to us. We’re always seeking out ways to optimize the design process to ensure that we do our best work – it’s how we will take the firm to the next level in our mission to be a design-led practice.



What are the team characteristics of B+H?

Patrick:最初,“B+H”来源于公司创始人 Sid Bregman + George Hamann 的姓氏。如今,“B+H”象征着贯穿我们前行道路的宗旨,即“大胆+人性化(Bold + Human)”。

The letters in our brand “B+H” originally represented the firm’s founders: Sid Bregman + George Hamann. Today, these letters have come to symbolize the essence of who we are as a firm and what we value: being Bold + Human.


大胆+人性化(Bold + Human)总结了 B+H 的使命和愿景,即为用户打造创新活力又充满人情味的设计。不仅如此,我们希望通过设计,不断提升客户合作、用户体验、社区融合等。同时,“大胆”和“人性化”也体现在我们公司内部。B+H 是一个公开、透明、多元化的团队,始终致力于履行平等性、多元性和包容性。

This philosophy really sums up our mission in terms of being impactful with our design and being memorable (Bold) yet always remembering the human element in everything we do, what we design, how we work with our clients, and how we work with each other. It is our connection to the user experience, our connection to the communities we work with. It’s about being open and transparent in how we express ourselves. We have a very diverse team. Our focus is on how we can improve collaboration with our clients, but also with our team members. We all have different experiences, and we want to celebrate them.


Buildings and spaces have long lifespans. We have an obligation to create places that will have a memorable and positive impact both now and in the future. We are responsible for making sure that we design spaces that are equitable, inclusive, and resilient for future generations to come.


So, in this sense, our work and our values are informed by our experiences. As a values-led practice, we are constantly seeking to uncover what values are important to our talent and how we can harness this insight to do better work that makes an impact on our communities.


B+H has won the TOP 30 foreign investment brands with the most influence in the industry by ARCHINA. How to continue building B+H brands and design market positioning in the future?


Firstly, We will continue to do good work by forging lasting, strategic relationships with the clients we work for and including them in our design process. We do our best work when our clients are just as empowered as we are. The process of co-creation starts with asking the client what is meaningful to them and building from there. Before we put pen to paper, we always start from a position of discovery.


We are also observing that certain sectors are seeing a post-pandemic rebound – most notably hospitality, healthcare, and R&D/industrial parks. This is informing how we collaborate, how we design, and how we create new typologies that reflect our new ways of living and working. In North America, we are experiencing a significant challenge in bringing people back to the workplace after working remotely throughout the pandemic. This has fundamentally reset the commercial real estate landscape and developers are trying to find solutions to fight back against record vacancy rates.


对此我们信心十足,因为我们擅长利用跨领域的设计和管理思维来应对全新的业务拓展模式。我们对上海和整个中国市场持积极乐观态度,在 Susanna 的领导下,我们对 B+H 在中国的业务发展前景充满希望。

We’ve been able to grow our practice by harnessing ideas from different parts of our practice and applying them in new markets. We are optimistic about Shanghai and about China, and under Susanna’s leadership we are very excited about the future of our practice in the region.

Susanna:B+H 最大的优势之一是为客户提供全方位设计+战略咨询综合服务,从推进式战略(Advance Strategy)到总体规划、建筑、室内设计、景观设计,以及其他专业服务,包括可持续+弹性设计、仿生设计和体验式设计。

One of our biggest strengths is in our integrated service offering. We provide a full range of design + strategic consulting services from Advance Strategy to master planning, architecture, interior design, landscape design, as well as specialized services including Sustainability + Resiliency, Biomimicry, and Experiential Design.


We will continue to focus on growing these core services, while adding new ones based on client and market demand, so that we can be complete service providers to clients who are looking for an integrated team for their projects.


Fundamentally we're designers and we’re also problem solvers, and we work across a broad array of sectors. We work in the healthcare, commercial, corporate workplaces, institutional, residential and hospitality sectors, among others. What we are seeing now is an intentional blurring between the boundaries of our traditional sectors – for example, we’re discovering how hospitality design principles are influencing how we approach design for workplaces or even healthcare spaces. This has resulted in a cross-pollination of ideas between different parts of our practice and across disciplines. We’re constantly learning from one another, drawing from our unique expertise and skillsets to produce the best design ideas.



What measures do you take to address the challenges in the construction market after the epidemic?

Patrick:作为一家全球性公司,我们必须加强我们在关键增长市场的地位,提供高质量设计+咨询服务。我们专注高绩效市场的投资,挖掘各领域公共和私立机构的业务机会,并不断向新市场扩张。通过赋能新的服务,比如我们的体验式设计(Experience Design, ExD),继续扩大和丰富我们的核心服务,以应对市场条件和客户需求,突破传统设计服务的边界。

As a global practice we have had to strengthen our position in key growth markets with the highest potential for the delivery of high-value design + consulting services. We’ve focused on investment in high-performing markets, tapping into the significant pipeline of public and private sector opportunities across a broad array of sectors – and expansion into new markets. By mobilizing new service offerings, such as our Experience Design (ExD) offering, we will continue to strategically expand and diversify our core service offerings in response to market conditions and client demand and pushing the boundaries of traditional design services. 

同时,我们意识到必须向内审视如何共享信息,以及更好地通过全球各办事处的协同合作来交付工作。因此,我们成立了一个特别工作组来审查我们各个领域的业务,增加我们对“人+文化”的投资,以激励并吸引我们的全球人才。我们拓展后的社会责任框架(Social Responsibility Framework, SRF)将提供一个统一的平台,以观察我们改善内部和外部实践的社会框架计划进程,并与我们 “大胆+人性化”、目标驱动的品牌价值体系相关联。

We've also realized that we must look inward at how we share information and how we deliver work the global practice. We've established a special task force to examine all areas of our business, resulting in heightened investment in our People + Culture initiatives to engage and inspire our global talent. Our expanded Social Responsibility Framework (SRF) will provide a unified platform to capture our programs focused on improving the social framework of our practice, both internal and external, and is linked with our Bold + Human, purpose-driven brand value system.



How to continuously maintain close global customer relationships?

Patrick:我们在全球范围内与各领域关键客户建立了深厚牢固的合作关系。我们成为客户值得信赖的顾问,助力其在新市场的业务拓展。客户对 B+H 如何为他们打造成功的项目始终充满信心,因为我们全方位了解项目各方面的背景和专业知识,从他们的品牌到内部流程和财务目标,继而实施和整合这些关键驱动因素并将其集成到我们的设计概念中,以产生正确的解决方案。

We have many key accounts with which we have forged strong relationships with globally regardless of where the relationship originated. This helps establish B+H as a trusted advisor as our clients grow and expand their business into new markets where B+H has a presence. Our clients trust that we know what makes a successful project for them. Our history and knowledge of all aspects of their project from their brand to their internal processes and financial targets allows us to operate from a place where we can implement and integrate these key drivers into our design concepts to produce the right solutions.

Susanna:我们在中国有一些客户正在或开始开发海外项目。B+H 利用全球 12 个办事处的团队资源,以帮助正在进入新市场的客户。这对我们来说是一个成功的模式,有助于与全球主要客户建立和维护长期合作关系。

We have several clients in China who are developing, or are beginning to develop, projects overseas. We leverage the resources of our team spanning 12 global studios to help clients who are entering new markets. This has been a successful model for us that has helped establish lasting relationships with key global client accounts.

Q6: 您能谈谈B+H的推进式战略(Advance Strategy)在行业可持续发展方面的优势吗?

Can you talk about the advantages of B+H Advance Strategy in the sustainable development of the industry?


Our Advance Strategy practice is integral to our business and has a significant influence on how we approach sustainability and resiliency. Over the years the concept of sustainability has evolved to include other paradigms such as decarbonization, biomimicry and net zero. Ultimately it’s about how we can design better to have a positive impact on our communities.


We are focused on producing flexible spaces that positively contribute to their larger ecosystems in a circular economy. We must also think about how a building reaches the end of its lifecycle – how will it be dismantled? Can it be recycled? Instead of a new building, could we build on top of an existing building using the existing footprint? We are pushing the boundaries to understand how we move beyond the current limitations of sustainable and resilient design.


Any suggestions for young architects and designers who want to join B+H?


My advice to young architects and designers is to always have conviction in your ideas, be willing to take chances, and take the opportunity to put your ideas out on the table. At B+H we believe that no idea is a bad idea. Our design philosophy is informed by the belief that inspiration and ideas can be found anywhere in our practice. We believe that everyone should be a part of the design process. By putting your ideas out there, we can test and iterate and view our solutions from different lenses. Often the ideas will resonate and have an impact on the core design concept for a particular project. Speaking up is not always easy or comfortable for young designers, so we put an emphasis on creating non-hierarchical spaces and forums to facilitate these types of idea exchanges and provide opportunities for designers to make a meaningful impact on the design process.


We're also looking at how we use technology to advance our smart tools. The younger generations are much more high-tech savvy and are fearless in their exploration of new tools and processes to elevate our work and evolve our standards and practices. Our next gen talent is the future of our practice and impact our firm in a positive way – we’re constantly learning, testing, evolving, and growing through their energy and commitment to design.

对年轻建筑师和设计师来说,最大的吸引力之一是他们有潜力在B+H跨部门、跨学科和跨地域工作。作为一种在世界各地的宏观和微观市场运作的跨学科实践,与我们在不同项目类型上的专家合作并向他们学习的机会是无限的。我们实践的规模为设计师提供了灵活的机会,使他们在不同实践领域获得宝贵的专业知识。因此,虽然设计师可能专注于医疗设计,但如果他们愿意从事零售、酒店、综合体和住宅等领域的项目,也有机会。在我看来这是独一无二的,大型公司的设计师有时会被指派到特定的行业或项目类型。但在 B+H,我们促进组织内部的流动性,从而培养出更全面、对设计更具广泛视角的人才。但在B+H,我们促进组织内部的流动性,从而培养出更全面、对设计更具广泛视角的人才。

One of the biggest attractions for young architects and designers is the potential to work across sectors, disciplines, and geographies at B+H. As a transdisciplinary practice that operates in macro and micro markets around the world, the opportunities to work with and learn from our leading subject matter experts on different project typologies are boundless. The scale of our practice allows for the opportunity for designers to be nimble and gain valuable expertise across different sectors and aspects of our practice. So, while a designer may specialize in healthcare design, the opportunities to work on projects in the retail, hospitality, mixed-use, and residential sectors are available should they wish to pursue them. This is unique and not always available to designers in larger firms where they can sometimes become relegated to a specific sector or project typology. At B+H we promote fluidity and movement within the organization which results in more well-rounded designers with broader perspectives on design.

我也相信 B+H 的品牌和价值观会与下一代人才产生共鸣。我们设计空间不仅仅为了建造空间,而是为了未来,我认为这种设计视角对新人才来说越来越重要。

I also believe our brand and values also resonate with the next generation of talent. We are bold and human through our design and the work that we do, but also through the social impact we make on the communities around us. We don’t design spaces for the sake of building something – we design for the future, and I think this perspective on design is increasingly important to new talent.


Collaboration is central to everything we do at B+H. Collaboration both within the studios we work with, and across our global network of studios across Asia, North America, and the Middle East.



Depending on the scale and scope of a project, we could have up to three different studios collaborating. This type of experience and the opportunity to work on international projects is very valuable for designers who are building their careers especially in China. Whenever we interview candidates, one of the first questions we receive is about our international portfolio and the opportunity to work on projects in counties such as Singapore, Canada, the US, and Vietnam, for example.


We also have knowledge exchange programs where talent can travel to another studio to gain knowledge and experience in a particular area of specialty. For example, a principal and healthcare leader in China worked from our Toronto studio for several months where she trained in our global centre of excellence for healthcare design. This experience was extremely valuable for her as she was able to gain knowledge and insight into the healthcare work the firm was producing in North America, and how our standards and practices could be applied to healthcare design in China.


We offer similar arrangements across other studios – including opportunities to organize design charettes around a particular theme or subject. Teams will get together and have focused workshops and treat the exercise like a client project. They work together as a team and then present their findings to an internal committee which is then shared with the broader firm. This process of collaboration and idea exchange is designed to emulate a real-life client relationship and the experience gained from these exercises is invaluable. This is very exciting, especially for the younger talents.


On a day-to-day level, our teams are constantly collaborating and exchanging ideas with their colleagues across different studios, and this is one of the most unique and exciting aspects of our firm for new design talent.


What are the future strategies of B+H in China?


Above all, we are focused on elevating our brand to take on major projects using our integrated service platform and cross-sector expertise. The Chinese market is highly sophisticated, and our clients are well versed in international design standards. Our value proposition is our unique, full-service integrated service platform to offer our clients a one-stop solutions provider who can produce world-class design.

Susanna:31 年前,B+H 在赢得厦门高崎国际机场设计招标后开设了上海工作室,是首批在中国建立业务的建筑外企之一。从那时起,我们已经在中国设计了超过 2,400 万平方米的建筑作品。尽管疫情给我们带来了诸多挑战,但随着市场的持续复苏,我们对未来的机遇比以往任何时候都更加乐观。

B+H was one of the first foreign architecture firms to establish a presence in China 31 years ago when we opened our Shanghai studio after winning the Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport design competition. Since then, we have gone on to design over 24 million square metres of built work in China across our key sectors and project typologies. Despite the challenges we experienced because of the pandemic, we are more optimistic than ever about the opportunities ahead of us as the market continues to recover.



Prediction and Expectations for the future of Chinese market.

Patrick:今年是 B+H 在华发展的第 31 年,我们观察到这里的市场增长速度和营收成绩在全球来看都是独一无二的。面对如此规模的城市发展,我们必须重视社区在未来城市规划和发展中的重要性。我们创造的建筑、设计的景观和在公共领域的展示都会影响人们的生活方式。我们必须更加考虑居民的健康和福祉,这是我们一切工作的首要任务和主线。

In our 31 years of business in China, the pace of growth we have both observed and contributed to here is on a scale like nowhere else in the world. With this scale of urban development, it is imperative that we emphasize the importance of community in the planning and development of our future cities. The buildings we create, the landscapes we design, the interventions we make in the public realm all affect people. We must be thinking about the health and well-being of people, and that needs to be the priority and the main thread in all that we do – especially as we are coming out of a global pandemic which has isolated so many people from their family, friends, and communities.


Planning cities that will continue to thrive in uncertain times requires a strategy that supports long-term resilience. Planning, architecture, and interior design are the tools we can leverage. The more open we are as designers, the more receptive we will be to new and better typologies that accommodate new uses and experiences.


The built form of our cities is the infrastructure that supports human, social and economic activity. It is interdependent with the surrounding natural environment. Recognizing that cities are an expression of human needs and desires requires that resilience planning begins at the community level. As each of the risks that surround us increase in scale, our planning must enable us to respond at scale. Fortunately, we have access to global knowledge acquired through the urbanization and development of our cities over time. Many problems faced in one location have already been solved in another. Global connectivity creates a living network of diverse experiences that can be shared and built upon to solve today’s complex urban challenges and anticipate future change.

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