
电子书!Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(138).剖宫产2.

 麻花慧慧子 2023-05-27 发布于浙江

麻醉学案例 Case 34 Routine Cesarean Section and Local Anesthetic Toxicity  

01. render [ˈrendə(r)] v. ~ sb/sth + adj. 使成为;使变得;使处于某状态 to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state or condition // The picture of desolation rendered me almost speechless. 可是现在眼前这副荒凉的景象是我简直哑口无言。
02. prone to 倾向于;易于…的 // I was prone to meditating on time and age. 我总是去沉思岁月和人生。// Drought is a natural disaster that South Africans prone to. 干旱时南非容易遭受的自然灾害。
03. vascularity [ˌvæskjʊ'lærɪtɪ] n.血管供应;〔医〕血管形成 the quality or state of being vascular
04. glottic [ɡ'lɒtɪk] adj.声门的;舌的  supra glottic 声门上
Etymology Greek glōtt-, glōtto-, glōss-, glōsso- tongue, from glōtta, glossa
05. a bleeding diathesis 
diathesis [daɪ'æθɪsɪs] n.【医】(易患某种疾病的)素质 plural diatheses : a constitutionalpredisposition ([ˌpriːdɪspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] n.(易患某种病的)体质) toward a particular state or condition and especially one that is abnormal or diseased → diathetic adj.
06. give consent (for) 同意
consent [kən'sent] n./v. 同意;允许// I never consented to any of it. 我从未同意这么做过。// The constitution says marriage shall be only with the mutual consent of both sexes. 宪法规定只要双方同意就能够结婚。

07. accidental subdural injection 意外的硬膜下注射

subdural [sʌb'djʊərəl] a dj.〔医〕硬膜下的 situated or occurring beneath the dura mater or between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane

dura ['djʊərə] n.【解】硬脑[脊]膜

08. post-dural puncture headache (PDPH) 穿刺后头痛 Post dural puncture headache (PDPH), also known as post lumbar puncture (LP) headache, is a common complication of diagnostic LP. It also can occur following spinal anesthesia or, more commonly, inadvertent ([ˌɪnəd'vɜ:tənt] adj.无心的) dural puncture during attempted epidural catheter placement. The headache is usually positional ([pə'zɪʃənəl] adj.位置相关的) (worse when upright, better when lying flat) and is often accompanied by neck stiffness, photophobia ([ˌfəʊtə'fəʊbɪə] n.【医】畏光), nausea ([ˈnɔːsiə] n.恶心;反胃), or subjective hearing symptoms.

09. epidural abscess 硬膜外脓肿
A spinal epidural ([ˌepɪˈdjʊərəl] adj.硬膜外的) abscess ([ˈæbses] n.脓肿) is an accumulation of pus ([pʌs] n.脓) in the epidural space that can mechanically compress ([kəm'pres] v.压缩) the spinal cord. Diagnosis is by MRI or, if unavailable,myelography (脊髓造影) followed by CT. Treatment involves antibiotics and sometimes drainage (['dreɪnɪdʒ] n.排放,引流) of the abscess.
10. meningitis [.menɪn'dʒaɪtɪs] n.脑膜炎;脑脊膜炎 inflammation of the meninges and especially of the pia mater (软脑膜) and arachnoid ([ə'ræknɔɪd] adj.【解】蛛网膜的)
specifically : a disease marked by inflammation of the meninges ([mə'nɪndʒi:z] n.脑脊膜) that is either a relatively mild illness caused by a virus (['vaɪrəs] n.病毒) or a more severe usually life-threatening illness caused by a bacterium ([bækˈtɪəriəm] n.“bacteria”的单数;细菌)

11. comorbidity [kemɒr'bɪdətɪ] n. 合并症 → comorbid adj. existing simultaneously with and usually independently of another medical condition // Comorbidity rates tell us how common it is for people in a population to have any two diseases at one time. 合并症率告诉我们人群中同时患有任何两种疾病的概率。
12. emphasize [ˈemfəsaɪz] v.强调;重视 // The researchers even emphasized that the task was tedious and boring. 研究人员甚至强调,这项任务乏味又无聊。
13. backup [ˈbækʌp] n.后援;(文件等的)备份 // That backup generator should’ve been replaced last year. 备用发电机去年就应该替换掉了。
14. uneventfully 太平无事地 → uneventful adj. marked by no noteworthy or untoward incidents // She doesn’t seem all that excited about her job and generally comes across as living a very quiet life. 她似乎也不怎么热爱自己的工作,过着一种安静、平淡的生活。

15. uterine [ˈjuːtəraɪn] adj.【解】子宫的;of, relating to, or affecting the uterus ([ˈjuːt(ə)rəs] n.子宫)

gravid uterus un.孕卵子宫

16. aorta [eɪˈɔː(r)tə] n.主动脉 plural aortas or aortae: the greatarterial ([ɑː(r)ˈtɪəriəl] adj.动脉的) trunk that carries blood from the heart to be distributed by branch arteries through the body

17. inferior vena cava 下腔静脉 → superior vena cava 上腔静脉

18. maneuver [məˈnuːvə(r)] n.技巧;谨慎或熟练的动作 a procedure or method of working usually involving expert physical movement // What if I choke on my popcorn? Who will administer the Heimlich maneuver? 要是我被爆米花噎住了呢?谁来做海姆利克操作法救我?

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