

 袁占舵 2023-06-16 发布于河北


话题1 :挑战

My first time to challenge myself

I remember the first time I decided to challenge myself by signing up for a 10km run. I had never run that distance before and wasn't sure if I could do it.

To prepare myself, I created a training schedule and stuck to it religiously. Every day, rain or shine, I forced myself to go for a run. Although, at times it was difficult to stay motivated, I reminded myself of my goal and the sense of accomplishment I would feel once I achieved it.

On day of the run, my nerves were sky-high, but I kept telling myself that I had trained hard and that I could do it. As I crossed the finish line, I was filled with an indescribable feeling of joy and pride.

Since that day, I have taken on many challenges, big and small. I learned that the only way to grow and improve myself is by pushing myself out of my comfort zone. And every time I accomplish something that once seemed impossible, I am reminded of the power of perseverance and determination


Signing up for a 10km run: 报名参加一场10公里的跑步比赛



To prepare myself: 为此做好准备



Training schedule: 训练计划安排



Stuck to itly: 坚持不懈地执行



Forced myself to go for a run: 强迫自己去跑步



Difficult to stay motivated: 难以保持动力



Sense of accomplishment: 成就感



Nerves were sky-high: 紧张到了极点



Trained hard: 辛勤训练



Pushing myself out of my comfort zone: 让自己出舒适区



Power of perseverance and determination: 毅力和决心的力量


话题2: 写信给美国朋友(聊网络学习)

How are things going? I heard that you will also be learning from home like I have been doing for the last few weeks. As a student who has been taking online courses, I think it would be a good idea to share some of my experiences with you.

There are several advantages to taking online courses. One major advantage is that it very convenient. You don't need to travel to school, get up early, or waste time commuting. You can learn at your own pace and often review the content whenever you need to. The technology also allows us to connect with experts from around the world and gain access to resources that would otherwise be unavailable to us.

However, taking online classes also has its drawbacks. It's easy to get distracted by social media and websites, and it can hard to maintain focus for long periods. Additionally, interaction with teachers and classmates can be limited, and it can be challenging to have group discussions or complete projects with others.

Overall, I think online learning has been a positive experience for me. It's allowed me to develop new skills knowledge, and it's given me the freedom to learn on my schedule. However, I also recognize that it takes extra discipline and focus to succeed With more practice, I'm confident that we can both make the most of this new learning environment.


Learning from home: 在家学习



Online courses: 在线课程



Advantages: 优势- Convenient: 方便



Don't need to travel to school: 不需要去学校



Learn at your own pace: 可以按照自己的速度学习



Review the content: 复习课程内容



Connect with experts: 与专家联系



Gain access to resources: 获取相关资源



Drawbacks: 缺点



Get distracted: 容易分心



Hard to maintain focus: 难以保持注意力集中



Limited interaction with teachers and classmates: 与教师和同学的互动有限



Challenging to have group discussions or complete projects with others: 与他人进行小组讨论或完成项目具有挑战性



Extra discipline and focus: 需要更多的自律和专注



Positive experience: 积极体验



Learn on my schedule: 根据自己的时间表学习



New learning environment: 新的学习环境



Make the most of: 充分利用


话题 3: 低碳生活

Low-carbon living is a global movement that aims to reduce carbon emissions by adopting a low-energy, low-consumption, and low-cost lifestyle. This way of living is good for everyone, and I have been practicing it in my daily life. I ride my bike to work or do some walking instead of driving, turn off unnecessary lights and electronic, and reuse various bags and bottles. I feel that I am taking a small but significant step towards protecting the environment while also saving money.

In, we ought to think about our daily actions and try to make a difference in society. We can turn off the lights when we leave a room, use public transportation, carpool to work, and reduce plastic waste. If everyone takes responsibility for their daily actions and incorporates low-carbon practices, we all do our part to make a positive impact on the environment.

In conclusion, adopting a low-carbon lifestyle is a wholesome approach to protect the planet. We must think about how we can reduce waste and be mindful of our actions. Let us all keep the environment in mind and together to accomplish this objective.


Low-carbon living: 低碳生活



Reduce carbon emissions: 减少碳排放



Low-energy low-consumption, and low-cost lifestyle: 低能耗,低消费和低成本的生活方式



Good for everyone: 对每个人有好处



Practicing it in daily life: 在日常生活中践



Ride bike, walking, turn off lights and electronic, reuse bags and bottles: 骑自行车,步行,关闭不必要的灯光和电子设备,重复使用袋子和瓶子



A small but significant step:一小步但是有意义的进步



Protecting the environment and saving money: 保护环境并节省钱



Daily actions: 日常行为



Make a difference in society: 对社会产生影响



Turn off lights, use public transportation, carpool to work, and reduce plastic waste: 关灯,乘坐公共交通工具,拼车,减少塑料垃圾



Responsibility for daily actions: 对日常行为负责



Positive impact on the environment: 对环境的积极影响



Wholesome approach: 全面的方法



Reduce waste and be mindful of our actions: 减少浪费并注意我们的行为



Keep the environment in mind: 记住环境



Accomplish this objective: 完成这个目标


话题 4: 减少压力,健康生活

Less Pressure, Better Life

Dear classmates,

Pressure has become a common problem in our daily lives, especially for students. We face stress from academic performance, social relationships, and future plans. In our class, I believe most students have experienced the pressure of achieving good grades and balancing their personal lives.

For, my biggest stress comes from academic performance. I always worry about failing exams or not getting the expected grades. This pressure often leads to anxiety, which affects my daily life and productivity.

However, I have found some effective ways to reduce my stress and pressure. Firstly I organize my schedule and prioritize my tasks, which helps me feel more in control and less overwhelmed. Secondly, I take breaks and engage in hobbies that I enjoy, such as playing sports or listening to music. This helps me relax and recharge my energy. Lastly, I practice self-care such as getting enough sleep and eating healthy, which has a positive impact on my mental health.

In summary, it is important to acknowledge and manage our and pressure. By adopting healthy habits and taking care of ourselves, we can live a better life with less pressure.

Thank you.


Less Pressure, Better Life - 减压有益于生活



academic performance - 学业成绩 . social relationships - 社交关系



future plans - 未来规划



achieving good grades - 取得好成绩



balancing personal lives - 平衡个人生活



biggest stress - 最大的压力



failing exams - 考试失败



expected grades - 预期成绩 . anxiety - 焦虑



productivity - 工作效率



effective ways - 有效方法



my schedule - 组织日程安排



prioritize my tasks - 确定优先任务



in control - 有控力



less overwhelmed - 减少压力感



take breaks - 休息一下



engage in hobbies - 从事爱好



relax - 放松心情



recharge my energy - 恢复体力



self-care - 自我关爱



getting enough sleep - 保证睡眠充足



eating healthy - 饮食健康




acknowledge - 认识



manage - 管理



adopting healthy habits - 培养健康习惯



taking care of ourselves - 关注身体健康



话题 5: 重要的人


In my life, my parents are the most important people to me. They have always been there for me and supported me in every way possible. They have helped me through difficult times and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I respect them for their hard work and dedication to our family.


I believe that it is important to show gratitude towards people who mean so much to us, and I try to do that by helping out around the house. I often cook dinner for them, which appreciate and enjoy. Additionally, I try to make time for them and show my appreciation by doing little things like buying them small gifts or telling them how much I love them 


I am so grateful to have my parents in my life and I will continue to show them my love and appreciation for all that they have done for me


话题 6: 献爱心


Last week, our school organized a charity event with the theme “Friendship and Mutual Aid” to help the children in the flood-affected areas. I decided to donate some of my old items, including books, a schoolbag, and some clothes, as well as some toys.


I donated these things because I wanted to help the children in need I know how it feels to lose personal belongings due to natural disasters, and I wanted to do something to support them. The books and schoolbag can help the children their education, and the clothes can keep them warm and comfortable. The toys can bring joy and happiness to the children who lost everything in flood.


I feel proud and grateful for the opportunity to help others. The event has taught me the importance of generosity and empathy towards those in. By doing small things, I can make a big difference in the lives of others.







话题 7: 非物质文化遗产







Dear Peter,


I hope this email finds you well. Our school is going to hold an activity called "Intangible Cultural Heritage to Campus" to let students experience the art of paper-cutting. I know you are interested in this, so I would like to invite you to join us.


The activity will take place on Friday afternoon in the's multi-purpose hall. We will first listen to a talk about the history and significance of paper-cutting in Chinese culture, and then we will learn to make some basic paper-cutting designs using colored paper. It will be a lot of fun and a great opportunity to learn about traditional Chinese culture.


you are coming, I suggest you bring a notebook to take notes during the talk and some colored paper to use for making paper-cuttings. You't need to prepare anything else, the school will provide all the necessary materials.


I hope you can make it and we can enjoy this cultural experience together.




Li Hua


话题 8: 中学上网 网络为我们的日常学习与生活带来了极大的便利,但是也有一部分中学生上网成瘾,严重影响到他们的健康和学习。假如你们班在下周班会上将谈论有关问题,请你根据所给提示,用英语写一篇演讲稿。提示词语:learn, play, spend too much time 提示问题:· What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting online? · What do you think of getting online for middle school students? · How should students get online properly? Good afternoon, class. Today let's talk about getting online. Many students


nowadays spend a lot of time online, and while it can be a great tool for learning and entertainment, it can also become addictive and harmful to our health and studies.


Firstly, there are many advantages to getting online. We can use it to learn new things, connect with friends and family, and have fun through various online games entertainment platforms. However, if we spend too much time online, we may neglect our studies, become isolated from real-life social interactions, and an addiction to the online world.


So, how should middle school students get online properly? Firstly, it's important to limit our time online and our studies and daily responsibilities. We should also avoid dangerous or inappropriate content while browsing, and be aware of the risks of sharing personal information online. Additionally, we can use online resources and platforms as a supplement to our learning, but not as a replacement for traditional learning or face-to-face interactions with teachers and peers.


In conclusion, while getting online has many benefits, it's important to use it and in moderation. As middle school students, we should prioritize our studies and real-life interactions, while still utilizing the many resources available us online. Thank you.


话题 9: 如何面对学业问题



As students, we often face many study problems that cause us stress. However, there are ways to deal with these problems.


ly, we should find suitable ways to relieve stress. One way is to wear calming colors, such as blue or white, to help us feel relaxed and at ease. It's also important to take breaks when necessary engage in activities that make us feel happy and relaxed.


Secondly, we should be detail-oriented and careful in our studies. Paying attention to small details prevent big mistakes from happening, and it helps us achieve better results in our studies.


Thirdly, it's important to find a balance between our work and hobbies. Time management is key, and we should strive to schedule our free time to make the most of it.


Lastly, we should lose confidence in ourselves. With hard work and dedication, we can make great progress in our studies and overcome any challenges we may face.


In conclusion, with study problems can be tough, but with proper strategies and a positive attitude, we can overcome them and achieve success in our academic journeys.


话题 10 :中学生零花钱


In my opinion, middle school students should have pocket money. Having a little bit of money to use at our own discretion can teach us the value of money and also help us learn to be responsible with it.


As for myself, I typically use my pocket money to buy small treats or snacks, and occasionally to purchase items for school projects activities. I try to make use of my money in a way that is both enjoyable and practical.


To manage my pocket money better, I started keeping track of how much I spend and what I spend it on. This has helped me make better decisions about when and where to use my money, and allowed me to save up for bigger purchases I may want in the future.


Overall, having pocket money is a positive thing for middle school students, but it's important to use it wisely and learn good money management skills. By being responsible and keeping track of our spending, we can make the most of the money we and learn important lessons about financial responsibility.


话题 11: 和家人处好关系



How to Keep a Good Relationship with Parents


As a teenager, I understand that many of us face challenges in our relationship with parents. They often have strict rules, overly emphasize academic performance, and fail to understand our struggles. However, we must learn to communicate effectively and maintain a good relationship with our parents. 


Firstly, it is important to recognize that parents' rules and expectations come from a place of love and concern for our well-being. While may not agree with all their decisions, it is crucial to respect their authority and follow their rules. We can try to have an open dialogue with them explain our perspective, but ultimately, we should trust and rely on their guidance. 


Secondly, we should make an effort to understand our parents perspective and challenges. They may have their own struggles and anxieties, and it is important to acknowledge and support them. By showing empathy and appreciation we can strengthen our bond and develop a deeper understanding of each other. 


Finally, we can find activities or hobbies that we enjoy and share them our parents. This can help us bond over common interests and create positive memories together. Additionally, we should communicate regularly with our parents, sharing our successes, failures, and experiences. 


In conclusion, a good relationship with our parents is essential to our emotional and social well. By respecting their authority, understanding their perspectives, and finding common ground, we can maintain a positive and fulfilling relationship with them.


话题 12: 阅读


Reading---A Good Habit


Reading is one of my favorite hobbies. I love reading books on a variety of topics such as thrillers, fantasy, and historical books. I usually read at night before going to bed. It helps me take my mind off things and relax. Sometimes I also read during my free time, especially when I am on long journey. I usually get books from the library or ebook websites.


Reading has brought me great benefits. Firstly, it is a fun and engaging way to spend my time. I enjoy the storyline and the characters in any book, from a classic novel to a new release. Secondly, reading enhances my knowledge and improves my vocabulary. As I read books on diverse topics, my vocabulary increases, and my general knowledge also improves. Furthermore, reading on topics such as philosophy and self-help books has helped to shape my values and viewpoints.


Therefore, I urge everyone to read books. Reading offers a host of benefits, including relief and mental relaxation. It also expands our imagination, helps us relax, and improves our cognitive abilities. Whether you read for pleasure or education, the act of reading can only be a positive influence on your life.


In conclusion, reading is indeed a good habit. It provides benefits for our mental, emotional, and intellectual health. Therefore, we should all strive to make reading a lifetime habit.


话题 13: 业余时间



My Free Time


In my free time, I like to engage in a variety of activities to keep myself busy and productive.


Firstly, I love participating in sports and physical activities. Sports not only help me stay active and healthy but also allow me to socialize and make new friends. Whether it's playing basketball with my friends or going a jog in the park, I always feel rejuvenated after a good workout.


Apart from sports, I also enjoy various forms of entertainment to unwind and relax. Watching movies, playing video games or listening to music are some of my favorite ways to escape and take a break from my routine.


Moreover, I believe in helping my parents with household chores during my free time. Doing laundry, washing dishes, or cleaning the house, all give me a sense of and make me feel useful around the house.


Lastly, I like to use my free time to do some extra reading beyond what I study in school. With a good book in hand, I travel to new worlds and gain new insights into topics that interest me. Reading also helps to improve my vocabulary and broaden my.


To conclude, my free time is a valuable resource that I don't want to waste. Through engaging in sports, entertainment, household chores, and reading, I try to make the most of every moment and enrich my life experiences.


话题 14: 感谢初中三年帮助你的人


As I sit in the exam hall, thinking about the past three years of my middle school life, I am filled with gratitude towards the people who have helped me along the way. Among them are my teachers and parents who have played an important role in shaping me into the person I am today.

My teachers in different shapes and sizes, but they each have left a distinctive mark on me. Ms. Li, my Chinese teacher, with her strict but nature, pushed me to improve my writing

话题15: ipad的利弊


As a middle school student, I believe that using an iPad has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, iPads can enhance our learning experience by providing quick access to a variety of educational materials, including multimedia resources and e-books. However, iPad use during class time can lead to distractions and poor behavior, such as playing games or using social media.


To overcome these issues, I suggest that teachers should establish clear guidelines for using iPads in class, such as setting time limits and restricting non-educational applications. Additionally, students should be encouraged to use educational applications that are related to their curriculum and can help them improve their academic performance. By striking a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of using iPads, we can maximize their potential to support our learning and development.


话题 16: 养成好习惯



Developing good habits is crucial for the growth and success of every student. Good habits encompass both living and learning habits. Regarding habits, we should maintain a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and make efficient use of our time. As for learning habits, we should preview lessons before classes, listen attentively during and complete our work independently.


Adopting and maintaining good habits can bring numerous benefits to us. Firstly, it helps us learn better and excel academically. Secondly, it helps us develop essential skills such as self-control, time management, and problem-solving, that we need our long-term goals.


Therefore, as students, we should consciously cultivate good habits. Through developing and sustaining such habits, we can create a foundation of behaviors that support our growth and success.

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