

 思明居士 2023-06-28 发布于河北




复合句由两个或两个以上的独立从句组成。这意味着句子中至少有两个思想单元,其中任何一个都可以作为自己的句子。复合句中的子句要么用分号分隔(比较少见),要么用并列连词连接(并列连词通常前面有逗号)。最常见的两个并列连词是And和but。(其他的是or, for, yet,so等。)这是我们用来组合想法的最简单的技巧:

  • Meriwether Lewis is justly famous for his expedition into the territory of the Louisiana Purchase and beyond, but few people know of his contributions to natural science.
  • Lewis had been well trained by scientists in Philadelphia prior to his expedition, and he was a curious man by nature.





  • Working together, President Jefferson and Meriwether Lewis convinced Congress to raise money for the expedition.


  • President Jefferson believed that the headwaters of the Missouri reached all the way to the Canadian border.
  • He also believed that meant he could claim all that land for the United States.
  • President Jefferson believed that the headwaters of the Missouri might reach all the way to the Canadian border and that he could claim all that land for the United States.

请注意,宾语在构造上必须是平行的: Jefferson believed that this was true and that was true。如果目标不平行(Jefferson was convinced of two things: that the Missouri reached all the way to the Canadian border and wanted to begin the expedition during his term in office.),这个句子就会出错。


  • He studied the biological and natural sciences.
  • He learned how to categorize and draw animals accurately.
  • He studied the biological and natural sciences and learned how to categorize and draw animals accurately.

注意,上面连接复合元素的“and learned”前面没有逗号。

  • In Philadelphia, Lewis learned to chart the movement of the stars.
  • He also learned to analyze their movements with mathematical precision.
  • In Philadelphia, Lewis learned to chart and analyze the movement of the stars with mathematical precision.
  • OR — In Philadelphia, Lewis learned to chart the stars and analyze their movements with mathematical precision.



  • Lewis and Clark recruited some of their adventurers from river-town bars.
  • They also used recruits from various military outposts.
  • Lewis and Clark recruited their adventurers from river-town bars and various military outposts.



  • William Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition's departure.
  • Captain Lewis more or less ignored this technicality and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
  • Although William Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition's departure, Captain Lewis more or less ignored this technicality and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.
  • The explorers approached the headwaters of the Missouri.
  • They discovered, to their horror, that the Rocky Mountain range stood between them and their goal, a passage to the Pacific.
  • As the explorers approached the headwaters of the Missouri, they discovered, to their horror, that the Rocky Mountain range stood between them and their goal, a passage to the Pacific.




  • Sacagawea, who was one of the Indian wives of Charbonneau, who was a French fur-trader, accompanied the expedition as a translator.
  • A pregnant, fifteen-year-old Indian woman, Sacagawea, one of the wives of the French fur-trader Charbonneau, accompanied the expedition as a translator.




  • Captain Lewis allowed his men to make important decisions in a democratic manner.
  • This democratic attitude fostered a spirit of togetherness and commitment on the part of Lewis's fellow explorers.
  • Allowing his men to make important decisions in a democratic manner, Lewis fostered a spirit of togetherness and commitment among his fellow explorers.


  • The expeditionary force was completely out of touch with their families for over two years.
  • They put their faith entirely in Lewis and Clark's leadership.
  • They never once rebelled against their authority.
  • Completely out of touch with their families for over two years, the men of the expedition put their faith in Lewis and Clark's leadership and never once rebelled against their authority.




  • Lewis's fame and fortune was virtually guaranteed by his exploits.
  • Lewis disappointed the entire world by inexplicably failing to publish his journals.
  • His fame and fortune virtually guaranteed by his exploits, Lewis disappointed the entire world by inexplicably failing to publish his journals.

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