
什么是技术转让合同? 民法典合同编逐条解析(法条附英文翻译)

 昵称64574355 2023-06-29 发布于广东

什么是技术转让合同? 民法典合同编逐条解析(法条附英文翻译)

第八百六十二条 技术转让合同是合法拥有技术的权利人,将现有特定的专利、专利申请、技术秘密的相关权利让与他人所订立的合同(一)。 

Article 862 A technology transfer contract is of that the legal owner of a technology conclude with others for the transfer of the current, specialized patent, right of patent application and the technical secret.

首先, 技术转让合同的转让权人必须是相关技术的合法拥有人,否则不得签订技术转让合同。 本条对受让人没有限定, 似乎什么人都可以做受让人,实际上这方面的限制是极其繁杂和多层次的。 敏感技术是不可能容许转让给外国人或外国机构的,军事技术等国防、国家安全等有关的技术不可能随便什么人都能受让的。

其次,转让的技术必须是”现有的,特定的“。其中”现有的“是指订立合同时已经存在的技术, 仍在研究开发的不能作为技术转让合同的标的。”特定的“是指符合特别规定的,法律认可和保护的技术。


第四,注意不要混淆《专利法》中规定的 ”专利申请权与专利权的转让自登记之日起生效“ 和技术转让合同效力的关系。专利法规定的只是技术转让的生效条件, 技术转让合同双方签字后就已经生效了。

第五,技术转让合同和买卖合同非常像,但其区别也非常明显。主要在于技术转让合同的标的是无形的,虽然其也要载体,买卖合同的标的是有形物。 买卖合同不限制出售方的重复出售行为,而技术转让合同多有这方面的限制。两种合同对保密的要求也不同。





关注抖音同名:讼师裁状  周一-周四晚上9点!!!!!! 



已读:UNLOCKING CONTRACT LAW ( if you want this ebook, please join our group.



Clauses Of Various Kinds

Legal Maxims and Aphorisms( 1st Edition)

Legal Maxims and Aphorisms  Part two    ( 1st Edition)

Legal Maxims and Aphorisms  Part three  ( 1st Edition)


General Considerations of TT Agreements

Representations and warranties - Statements or assurances about a matter or

position relevant to the licensing agreement (Ex. Licensor owns the technology,

has right/authority to grant license; licensed material is original; licensed IP is

valid, not infringed by 3rd party, etc)

Indemnity - Licensor agrees to indemnify (reimburse/compensate) the licensee

for infringement of any rights

Licensor’s obligations – Guarantee of product quality; Allowing use of IP,

Providing technical assistance, Training; Buy-back of product if any

Licensee’s obligations – Making payment to licensor; Maintaining confidentiality; Exploiting technology to maximum benefit; Reporting production details; etc

Amendment – Entities need to agree in writing that the TT agreement may be

amended whenever necessary

Assignment or other transfer - Whether agreement can be assigned/transferred

to any subsidiary or group company of any of the entities, successors or assignees

Other general clauses: Preconditions , Anti-competitive practice, Government

regulations, Expiration and termination, Consequences of termination, Applicable

law, Disputes, Arbitration, etc

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