

 麦祥医药科技 2023-07-06 发布于江苏




早在20141017日,印尼政府发布了第33号法规,提及按伊斯兰教规的产品要求。第67条款指出从法规被发布即日起5年后要求在印尼范围内流通和贸易的产品按伊斯兰教规认证。因此,在20191017日起产品应申请伊斯兰教规认证。在2019429日,印尼总统Ir. JokoWidodo发布总统令PP No. 31,开始执行关于伊斯兰教规认证产品的2014年第33号法规。


法规执行信息:在2019429日,印尼总统Ir. JokoWidodo发布总统令PP No. 31,开始执行关于伊斯兰教规认证产品的2014年第33号法规。总统令指出在印尼境内流通并被要求按照伊斯兰教规认证的产品包括食品、饮料、药品、化妆品、化学产品、生物制品、基因工程产品及其它被使用的物品。其中也包含有医疗器械,被要求进行伊斯兰教规认证的仅指包含动物元素的医疗器械。


A类风险– 7年宽限期到2026年10月17日;

B类风险– 10年宽限期到2029年10月17日;

C类风险– 15年宽限期到2034年10月17日;

D类风险– (在总统令中约定)。


TheGovernment of Indonesia issued Regulation No. 33 dated October 17, 2014,concerning the Halal Products Guarantee. Article 67 states that the obligationfor halal certificates forproducts circulating and traded in the territory of Indonesiawill come into effect 5 (five) years from the date the regulation was issued.

Indonesiais a country with the largest Muslim population in the world. Therefore, theGovernment are trying to guarantee that all products circulating in Indonesiaare halal.

Tosupport this, the Government of Indonesia issued Regulation No. 33 datedOctober 17, 2014, concerning the Halal Products Guarantee. Article 67 statesthat the obligation for halal certificates for products circulating and tradedin the territory of Indonesia will come into effect 5 (five) years after theregulation was issued. Thus, the obligation to seek halal certification willcome into effect on October 17, 2019.

Onthe 29 April2019, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo,set President Regulation, PP No. 31 of 2019 to initiate implementation ofRegulation No. 33 of 2014 concerning the guarantee of halal products.

Productscirculating in Indonesia that are required to have halal certification includefood and beverage products, pharmaceutical drugs, cosmetics, chemical products,biological products, genetic engineering products, and goods that are used, orutilized. The items that can be utilized is Medical Devices. As for Goods thatare required to be halal certified only those containing animal elements.

Theapplication of halal certification for these products is carried out in stageswith grace period for each. Medical devices are divided into 4 risk classeswith the grace period as follows:

Risk Class A – 7years (up to October17, 2026)

Risk Class B – 10 years (up to October 17, 2029)

Risk Class C – 15 years (up to October 17, 2034)

Risk Class D – (set in President Regulation)





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