

 饼公子的文案馆 2023-07-22 发布于江西


-sweet talklover's prattle-

  1. 亲爱的,遇见你是我生命中最美妙的缘分。你的出现让我的世界重新盛开了花朵,如同春风吹拂,满园欣欣向荣。My dear, meeting you is the most wonderful fate in my life. Your presence makes flowers bloom again in my world, like spring breeze nourishing, everything thrives in bliss.

  2. 和你在一起的点点滴滴充盈我的心扉,你的笑声、声音、我们的对话,都是我最喜爱的音符。Time spent with you fills my heart. Your laughter, your voice, our talks are all my favorite notes.

  3. 亲爱的,在我心之天空,你是最亮的星,引导我穿过黑暗,照亮我的灵魂深处。My dear, in the sky of my heart, you're the brightest star, guiding me through darkness, lighting up the depth of my soul.

  4. 你温暖的双眼注视我时,我感受到被你全心理解和呵护的喜悦,这种感觉无以言表。When your affectionate eyes gaze at me, I feel the joy of being understood and cherished by you wholeheartedly, this feeling is beyond words.

  5. 我们日日互相激励,成长。你鼓舞我达到更高境界,我也衷心想成为你坚实的后盾。让我们携手并进,攀向人生的高峰。We motivate each other and grow everyday. You inspire me to reach higher state, I also sincerely want to be your solid backing. Let's progress hand in hand and scale the peaks of life.

  6. 命运撮合了我们,写下了奇妙的传奇。我衷心感激你这个天赐的礼物,也感激我们之间这特殊的缘分。Destiny brought us together, composing a magical legend. I'm sincerely grateful for you as a heavenly gift, also grateful for this special bond between us.

  7. 梦里我化作你窗边的微风,吻你的双颊,拂乱你的秀发,在你安睡时悄然相伴。In dreams I become the breeze by your window, kissing your cheeks, rustling your hair, accompanying you quietly as you sleep.

  8. 对你的思念有时如水流淌,有时如海潮汹涌,始终流回你,我心之所系,我生命的归宿。My longing for you sometimes flows like water, sometimes surges like ocean tides, always coming back to you, the anchor of my heart, the home of my life.

  9. 我牵着你的手,会珍惜我们的点点滴滴,无论春风雨露,我发誓陪你直至时间尽头。Holding your hand, I will cherish every moment of ours. Through spring breeze and rain, I vow to be with you till time ends.

  10. 有你我坚信我们能携手渡过生活的风浪,心连心,不畏艰难,感激每一步的旅途。With you I firmly believe we can go through life's storms hand in hand, heart to heart, fearing no hardships, grateful for every step of the journey.



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