
艺术 | 蛾不丑,“丑”的是人性符号

 新用户82512YXg 2023-07-24 发布于北京




    —— 魏子一

I relate to the "other", constantly changing and relocating. My practice attempts to materialize personal fantasies and traumas, create surreal worlds, transform information and energy into objects, and present them through paintings, installations, and digitally processed images.

Through a focus on body worship, desire, and principle, I examine the relationship between humanity and reality. The universe is a web; humans, creatures, and man-made objects are the knots and dots; what forms the world is the connection we have with every aspect of things around us, and the relationship is constantly evolving. I find it quite humorous to see myself as a carrier of information and spiritual energy, moving in a web of connections among 'matter’ all over the world; connecting art, culture and my femininity; I receive bits and pieces of information and energy from others and form my Id and my ego. There is something fascinating about being able to comprehend life and human nature from alternative perspectives. It is the most effective tool that drives my sensitivity, imagination and creativity. Wild, original, strange, and fetishistic, but psychologically charged, my work would seem out of place, and outside of reality. It is a merging spiritual power that seeks to discover, subvert, and blur the line between reality and desire.



The topic of "people" aligns with the elements of Wei's work. Trying to establish roots in the western world while valuing one's own culture and nationality is never easy in a country that is home to a wide range of cultures, such as Australia. This struggle is both 'old' and 'new'.

It is an 'old' problem that dates to the generation of Lin Fengmian, Sanyu, and Pan Yuliang. There was an attempt a century ago to integrate Chinese and Western cultures in Europe. Some win, and others lose. A hundred years later, many international students will also encounter numerous cultural differences between the West and the East, regions and nationalities, as well as the commonalities they have discovered. Wei is fascinated by the expression of "things". Through exploration, she moved from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, as well as between life and spirit, in search of the carrier of self-discovery and spiritual communication. This stage is very precious for artists. As she explores, I believe that her future artistic path will grow more exciting.



       今天给猫猫买了个蛾, 样子很傻,戳中我护丑的心窝。为什么叫丑蛾?这份丑意是我主观意识审美的产物,指的是被消费的非主流定义审美,本质区别于真丑。这种丑真的很吸引人注意,或者至少在我,购买者眼中是。到底什么是丑?什么是不同?看着这个猫玩具我感觉我被闪电劈了一道。这种一定程度上玩弄消费者的心理创伤贩卖“非美”(Anti-Mainstrain Aesthetic)的物品,玩得是真的狠。让我再感叹消费主义Daddy的野心和无情。


靠我自己观察,社会的群体认知不完全来自于信息筛选疲劳,大量主流媒体对审美同化的洗脑,以及high-traffic social media  interaction。换句话说,上面有老大哥,让你喜欢啥,你就得喜欢啥。大爆炸产生的星尘也没想到这个地球被一群糟老头子管理着.. 能明白人生而平等这个概念其实很难,daily struggle it should be,事实上,可以去讨论的事情有很多,问题不是开阀,是找阀门。

卖丑买丑确实不是什么新概念,但要学会定义什么是“真、丑”,创造的意图不同一定会影响结的果是不是个好“商品”。很多人以卖美的名义卖着丑.. 和卖浦西没区别,至少卖浦西自己知道自己在卖浦西,浦西很美好,文化糟粕不兴宣传啊。哎,没想到买个蛾,导致了对传统文化的冲击,社会价值流失,学会买丑真的很重要。大家都在一块大石头上在宇宙中漂浮着,天天吃着资本的屎,数着用生命时间换来的钱,转过身看着资本老爹要你拿命换丑蛾,你还换吗?


<Panic Episode1> 综合材料
尺寸:84cm*118.9cm    2022

<Panic Episode2> 
材料:油画  91cm*121cm    2022

<Panic episode3> 
61cm*91cm    2022



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