

 Evelyne悦记 2023-07-26 发布于法国





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Dividing up the spoils

After an explosion in wealth comes a boom in wills

IN THE past few decades China's rapid economic growth has enabled many of its people to amass fortunes, big and small.The country is home to nearly 400 billionaires, second only to America. But with the population now ageing, a growing proportion of China's citizens are grappling with a

related problem: what should be done with this dosh after they die?

China has no tradition of writing wills. Scholars have found only a smattering of examples of ones made during the country's 2,000 years of dynastic rule. After the Communists seized power in 1949, wills became redundant. The wealthy fled or had their assets confiscated. Under Mao,private property was banned. It was only in the 1980s that the Communist Party gave its approval for people to get rich. 

Will-writing is now coming into vogue. Last year notary offices in Guangzhou, a southern city, handled over 24,000 wills, up 20% from 2016. The numbers have been rising at a similar rate in Shanghai. According to the Ministry of Justice about 1.4m wills are lodged at notary offices around

the country, five times as many as there were two decades ago. 

In imperial China, the first son normally inherited his fathers titles. Property was divided among the deceaseds offspring, with sons getting far more than daughters. These days a common motive forwriting a will is to preserve such patriarchal values in the face ofwhat some people see as an assault by freewheeling lifestyles and soaring divorce rates which have made family relationships more fluid and complex. A study in 2015 by the China Notary Association found that families overwhelmingly favoured sons over daughters in allocating wealth. The Chinese Will Registration Centre, which functions like a national notary

office, saysmany parents use wills to try to make it clear that assets should be kept within the bloodline rather than passed on to their childrens spouses.

The actual number ofwills may be far higher than official figures suggest because many people choose not to involve notaries. Legally, wills are  private.  But some people worry that officials could still gain access to them in order to work out how much income taxthey really owe (dodging

the tax authorities is a national pastime, see Business). They could also be used one day to calculate death duty, they fear,should the government decide to introduce such a tax. Officials have long been debating whether to do so. For now, they appear reluctant, knowing that levying one would arouse considerable opposition, even if only the richest were affected. The government worries that more people would simply move abroad, taking their wealth and their wills with them.

  1. After an explosion in wealth comes a boom in wills .

    boom: n. when sth is popular

  2. IN THE past few decades China's rapid economic growth has enabled many of its people to amass fortunes, big and small.

    amass: if you amass money, knowledge, information etc, you gradually collect a large amount of it.

    搭配:amass a fortune/ amass fortunes

    enable: to make it possible for someone to do something, or for something to happen.

    搭配:enable sb/sth to do sth.(这个表达在雅思写作中经常使用到的句式短语)

  3. But with the population now ageing, a growing proportion of China's citizens are grappling with a related problem: 

    with: with sb/sth doing sth.随着,因为

    grapple with: to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult 设法理解

  4. dosh: n. a lang word for money

  5. Scholars have found only a smattering of examples of ones made during the country's 2,000 years of dynastic rule.

    have a smattering of sth: to have a small amount of knowledge about a subject, especially a foreign language 略知,懂得一点点

    dynastic: adj. dynastic means typical of or relating to a dynasty.

  6. seize power: 夺取政权

  7. get rich: 发财致富

  8. Will-writing is now coming into vogue.

    come into vogue: 流行起来,开始流行,成为时髦

    in vogue: 正时兴,正在流行

    out of vogue: 过时

  9. The numbers have been rising at a similar rate in Shanghai.

    rise at a similar rate: 可用于雅思小作业写作

  10. According to the Ministry of Justice about 1.4 wills are lodged at notary offices around the country, five times as many as there were two decades ago. 

    lodge: become stuck; put sb somewhere; put sth somewhere; stay somewhere.  在这句话中是把某物放在某处的意思;lodge sth with sb; lodge sth in sth; lodge sth at/ with sth.

    notary offices: 公证处

  11. patriarchal: adj. 1.ruled or controlled only by men; 由男性控制的 2.relating to being a patriarch, ortypical of a patriarch 家长的,族长的

  12. in the face of sth : in a situation where there are many problems, difficulties, or dangers 面对某事物〔指问题、困难、危险〕

  13. make it clear that: 弄清楚,表明

  14. gain/get access (to sth) : to succeed in entering a place or in seeing someone or something 进入〔某地〕;见到〔某人或某物〕;可以到达;可以使用;有接触(或进入、使用)的机会(或权利)

  15. income tax n. [U] tax paid on the money that you earn (个人)所得税

  16. Officials have long been debating whether to do so. 学习句式结构

  17. For now, they appear reluctant, knowing that levying one would arouse considerable opposition, even if only the richest were affected. 学习句式表达

    lev‧y  [T] AC / 'levi  ; ˋlɛvɪ  / ( past tense and past participle levied , present participle levying , third person singular levies ) to officially say that people must pay a tax or charge 征收,收取〔税项或费用〕

    levy a tax/charge/fine etc (on sth)



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