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In basic terms, Ruth explains how it stems from feelings of self-doubt, anxiety and low self-esteem, often around work or stepping out of our comfort zone.Ruth say that this is where apologising so much comes into play—it’s a byproduct of people pleasing and low self-esteem.beat yourself up: phrasal verb.-感谢关注-?...
2. être adulte, c’est aussi être un père responsable.3. être adulte, c’est aussi être considéré adulte par les autres.4. être adulte, c’est parfois être responsable de quelqu’un.5. être adulte, c’est aussi accepter qu’on est plus un enfant.9. être adulte, c...
每周一本英文书27 | 生命意义。“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”congenitally blind 先天失明,congenitally deaf 先天失聪, congenitally malformed 先天畸形。-感谢关注-?微博|Evelyne悦...
读英文杂刊11 | 舞蹈的益处。本周在Reader’s Digest上看到一篇和舞蹈有关的文章— This is your Brain Dance. 发现舞蹈的益处很多。文章从三大部分:Dance as Medicine, Dance as Body Acceptance, Dance as Community 进行剖析论证。除此,有研究表明,舞蹈对多发性硬化症(MS)、亨廷顿氏病(Huntington’s disease)、自闭症(autism)和抑...
今年看过的最好的剧!最近看完了一部美剧,是我今年看过的最好的剧。首先,这部剧持续吸引我的是整部剧的画面设计,摄影方面,太妙了。整部剧都是黑白镜头,原以为自己会不适应,没想到,还挺新奇的。这部剧大致讲的是20 世纪 60 年代的纽约,一个落魄的骗子Tom Ripley汤姆-雷普利,受雇于一位富翁,去说服他在意大利生活的儿子回纽约。-感谢关...
每周一本英文书26 | 心理疗愈。“When we desire to encourage the growth of the human spirit, we challenge and encourage the human capacity to solve problems, just as in school we deliberately set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn.”-感谢关注-微...
提高阅读速度和理解能力的方法。在网站 ThoughtCo 浏览到一篇关于提高阅读速度和理解能力的文章,Improve Your Reading Speed and Comprehension With the SQ3R Method (用 SQ3R 方法提高阅读速度和理解能力)。网站的内容清晰,易于理解,具有英语中级水平的英语非母语者,差不多能理解大部分文章内容。英语老师们若是遇到英语教学问题,网站...
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