

 slg藏书 2023-08-03 发布于山东



palilalia continuous repetition of sounds and words


panic attacks short, intense periods during which an individual experiences physiological and cognitive symptoms of anxiety, characterized by intense fear and discomfort


panic disorder disorder characterized by recurrent, unexpected panic attacks


paraphilic disorder disorder characterized by atypical sexual activity that involves one of the following: (1) nonhuman objects, (2) nonconsenting adults, (3) the suffering or humiliation of oneself or one’s partner, or (4) children


patients’ rights movement movement to ensure that mental patients retain their basic rights and to remove them from institutions and care for them in the community


pedophilic disorder disorder characterized by adult obtainment of sexual gratification by engaging in sexual activities with young children


performance anxiety anxiety over sexual performance that interferes with sexual functioning


persecutory delusions false, persistent beliefs that one is being pursued by other people


personality patterns of thinking, emotions, and behavior that tend to be enduring


personality disorder chronic pattern of maladaptive cognition, emotion, and behavior that begins by adolescence or early adulthood and continues into later adulthood


personality inventories questionnaires that assess people’s typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving; used to obtain information about people’s well-being, self-concept, attitudes, and beliefs


personality trait a facet of personality on which people differ from one another


pervasive developmental disorders disorders characterized by severe and persisting impairment in several areas of development


phencyclidine (PCP) substance that produces euphoria, slowed reaction times, and involuntary movements at low doses; disorganized thinking, feelings of unreality, and hostility at intermediate doses; and amnesia, analgesia, respiratory problems, and changes in body temperature at high doses


phenothiazines drugs that reduce the functional level of dopamine in the brain and tend to reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia


pituitary major endocrine gland that lies partly on the outgrowth of the brain and just below the hypothalamus; produces the largest number of different hormones and controls the secretions of other endocrine glands


placebo control group in a therapy outcome study, group of people whose treatment is an inactive substance (to compare with the effects of a drug) or a nontheory-based therapy providing social support (to compare with the effects of psychotherapy)


plaques deposits of amyloid protein that accumulate in the extracellular spaces of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and other forebrain structures in people with Alzheimer’s disease


plateau phase in the sexual response cycle, period between arousal and orgasm, during which excitement remains high but stable


polygenic combination of many genes, each of which makes a small contribution to an inherited trait


positive symptoms in schizophrenia, hallucinations, delusions, and disorganization in thought and behavior


positron-emission tomography (PET) method of localizing and measuring brain activity by detecting photons that result from the metabolization of an injected isotope


post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) anxiety disorder characterized by (1) repeated mental images of experiencing a traumatic event, (2) emotional numbing and detachment, and (3) hypervigilance and chronic arousal


preconscious according to Freud, area of the psyche that contains material from the unconscious before it reaches the conscious mind


premenstrual dysphoric disorder a set of symptoms occurring immediately prior to onset of menses characterized by a mixture of depression, anxiety and tension, and irritability and anger; may occur in mood swings during the week before onset of menses and subside once menses has begun


prepared classical conditioning theory that evolution has prepared people to be easily conditioned to fear objects or situations that were dangerous in ancient times


prevalence proportion of the population who have a specific disorder at a given point or period in time


primary prevention prevention of the development of psychological disorders before they start


prodromal symptoms in schizophrenia, milder symptoms prior to an acute phase of the disorder, during which behaviors are unusual and peculiar but not yet psychotic or completely disorganized


projective test presentation of an ambiguous stimulus, such as an inkblot, to a client, who then projects unconscious motives and issues onto the stimulus in his or her interpretation of its content


psychic epidemics phenomena in which large numbers of people begin to engage in unusual behaviors that appear to have a psychological origin


psychoanalysis form of treatment for psychopathology involving alleviating unconscious conflicts driving psychological symptoms by helping people gain insight into their conflicts and finding ways of resolving these conflicts


psychodynamic theories theories developed by Freud’s followers but usually differing somewhat from Freud’s original theories


psychodynamic therapies therapies focused on uncovering and resolving unconscious conflicts that drive psychological symptoms


psychogenic amnesia loss of memory in the absence of any brain injury or disease and thought to have psychological causes


psychological approach approach to abnormality that focuses on personality, behavior, and ways of thinking as possible causes of abnormality


psychological theories theories that view mental disorders as caused by psychological processes, such as beliefs, thinking styles, and coping styles


psychopathology symptoms that cause mental, emotional, and/or physical pain


psychopathy set of broad personality traits including superficial charm, a grandiose sense of self-worth, a tendency toward boredom and need for stimulation, pathological lying, an ability to be cunning and manipulative, and a lack of remorse


psychophysiological tests tests in which instruments are attached to the periphery of the body to record changes due to activity in the nervous system


psychosexual stages according to Freud, stages in the developmental process children pass through; in each stage, sex drives are focused on the stimulation of certain areas of the body, and particular psychological issues can arouse anxiety


psychosis state involving a loss of contact with reality as well as an inability to differentiate between reality and one’s subjective state


psychosurgery rare treatment for mental disorders in which a neurosurgeon attempts to destroy small areas of the brain thought to be involved in a patient’s symptoms


psychoticism proneness to psychotic-like symptoms, such as illusions


PTSD with prominent dissociative (depersonalization/derealization) symptoms a form of post-traumatic stress disorder in which the individual experiences feelings of being detached from his or her mental processes or body and of the unreality of the surroundings



random assignment assignment of participants in an experiment to groups based on a random process


rapid cycling bipolar disorder diagnosis given when a person has four or more cycles of mania and depression within 1 year


rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder frequent and impairing behaviors such as sleepwalking, sleep terrors, and confusional episodes during REM sleep


receptors molecules on the membranes of neurons to which neurotransmitters bind


reflection method of responding in which a therapist expresses his or her attempt to understand what the client is experiencing and trying to communicate


reformulated learned helplessness theory view that people who attribute negative events to internal, stable, and global causes are more likely than other people to experience learned helplessness deficits following such events and thus are predisposed to depression


rejection sensitivity tendency to be hypervigilant and overreactive to signs of rejection from others


relapse prevention programs treatments that seek to offset continued alcohol use by identifying high-risk situations for those attempting to stop or cut down on drinking and teaching them either to avoid those situations or to use assertiveness skills when in them, while viewing setbacks as temporary


reliability degree of consistency in a measurement—that is, the extent to which it yields accurate measurements of a phenomenon across several trials, across different populations, and in different forms


relational psychoanalysis a subfield of psychoanalysis that emphasizes internalized relationships with other people based on the influences of early formative relationships with parents and other attachment figures


repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) biological treatment that exposes patients to repeated, high-intensity magnetic pulses that are focused on particular brain structures in order to stimulate those structures


repression defense mechanism in which the ego pushes anxiety-provoking material back into the unconscious


residual schizophrenia diagnosis made when a person has already experienced a single acute phase of schizophrenia but currently has milder and less debilitating symptoms


resistance in psychodynamic therapy, when a client finds it difficult or impossible to address certain material; the client’s resistance signals an unconscious conflict, which the therapist then tries to interpret


resolution in the sexual response cycle, state of deep relaxation following orgasm in which a man loses his erection and a woman’s orgasmic platform subsides


restless legs syndrome (RLS) creeping, crawling, tingling, itching sensations in the legs that are prominent enough to interfere with sleep


restricted affect a symptom in which emotional expression is reduced or absent


restricting type of anorexia nervosa type of anorexia nervosa in which weight gain is prevented by refusal to eat


retrograde amnesia deficit in the ability to recall previously learned information or past events


reuptake process in which a sending neuron reabsorbs some of the neurotransmitter in the synapse, decreasing the amount left in the synapse


right to refuse treatment right, not recognized by all states, of involuntarily committed people to refuse drugs or other treatment


right to treatment fundamental right of involuntarily committed people to receive active treatment for their disorders rather than shelter alone


risk factors conditions or variables associated with a higher risk of having a disorder


rumination focusing on one’s personal concerns and feelings of distress repetitively and passively



sadomasochism pattern of sexual rituals between a sexually sadistic “giver” and a sexually masochistic “receiver”


sample group of people taken from a population of interest to participate in a study


schizoaffective disorder disorder in which individuals simultaneously experience schizophrenic symptoms (i.e., delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and/or negative symptoms) and mood symptoms meeting the criteria for a major depressive episode, a manic episode, or an episode of mixed mania/depression


schizophrenia disorder consisting of unreal or disorganized thoughts and perceptions as well as verbal, cognitive, and behavioral deficits


schizophrenia spectrum the set of psychiatric disorders related to schizophrenia that vary along a severity continuum


schizophreniform disorder disorder in which individuals meet the primary criteria for schizophrenia but show symptoms lasting only 1 to 6 months


schizotypal personality disorder chronic pattern of inhibited or inappropriate emotion and social behavior as well as aberrant cognitions and disorganized speech


scientific method systematic method of obtaining and evaluating information relevant to a problem


seasonal affective disorder (SAD) disorder identified by a 2-year period in which a person experiences major depression during winter months and then recovers fully during the summer; some people with this disorder also experience mild mania during summer months


secondary prevention detection of psychological disorders in their earliest stages and treatment designed to reduce their development


selective serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) drugs that affect both the serotonin system and the norepinephrine system and are used to treat anxiety and depression


selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) class of antidepressant drugs


self-actualization fulfillment of one’s potential for love, creativity, and meaning


self-efficacy beliefs beliefs that one can engage in the behaviors necessary to overcome a situation


self-monitoring method of assessment in which a client records the number of times per day that he or she engages in a specific behavior and the conditions surrounding the behavior


self psychology a form of psychoanalytic theory and therapy developed by Heinz Kohut in which psychopathology is viewed as being the result of disrupted or unmet developmental needs


sensate focus therapy treatment for sexual dysfunction in which partners alternate between giving and receiving stimulation in a relaxed, openly communicative atmosphere in order to reduce performance anxiety and concern over achieving orgasm by learning each partner’s sexual fulfillment needs


separation anxiety disorder syndrome of childhood and adolescence marked by the presence of abnormal fear or worry over becoming separated from one’s caregiver(s) as well as clinging behaviors in the presence of the caregiver(s)


serotonin neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of mood and impulsive responses


sexual desire in the sexual response cycle, an urge or inclination to engage in sexual activity


sexual dysfunctions problems in experiencing sexual arousal or carrying through with sexual acts to the point of sexual arousal


sexual functioning the ability and capacity to engage in sexual behavior


sexual masochism disorder disorder characterized by obtaining sexual gratification through experiencing pain and humiliation at the hands of one’s partner


sexual sadism disorder disorder characterized by obtaining sexual gratification through inflicting pain and humiliation on one’s partner


single-case experimental design experimental design in which an individual or a small number of individuals are studied intensively; the individual is put through some sort of manipulation or intervention, and his or her behavior is examined before and after this manipulation to determine the effects


single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) procedure to assess brain functioning in which a tracer substance is injected into the bloodstream and then travels to the brain, where it can indicate the activity level of specific areas of the brain when viewed through a SPECT scanner


situational type phobias extreme fears of situations such as public transportation, tunnels, bridges, elevators, flying, driving, or enclosed spaces


skin-picking disorder a disorder characterized by recurrent picking at scabs or places on the skin, creating significant lesions that often become infected and cause scars


sleep-related hypoventilation episodes of decreased breathing associated with high carbon dioxide levels


sleep disorders disturbances in sleeping or staying awake, such as insomnia and narcolepsy


sleep terrors disorder of arousal in which the individual screams, sweats, and has a racing heart during NREM sleep; the person cannot be easily wakened and usually does not remember the episode on awakening


sleepwalking disorder of arousal characterized by repeated episodes of walking during NREM sleep


social anxiety disorder an anxiety disorder in which the individual experiences intense fear of public humiliation or rejection and therefore tends to avoid social situations


social communication disorder a communication disorder characterized by difficulty using language and other modalities for communicating in social situations


social drift explanation for the association between schizophrenia and low social status that says that because schizophrenia symptoms interfere with a person’s ability to complete an education and hold a job, people with schizophrenia tend to drift downward in social class compared to their family of origin


sociocultural approach approach to psychopathology focusing on the role of the environment, stress, and culture in producing psychopathology


somatic hallucinations unreal perceptions that something is happening inside one’s body—for example, that worms are eating one’s intestines


somatic symptom disorder syndrome marked by health concerns that are excessive given actual physical health, that persist despite contrary evidence, and that interfere with daily



specific learning disorder disrupted or delayed development in a specific domain of cognition, such as reading


specific phobias extreme fears of specific objects or situations that cause an individual to routinely avoid those objects or situations


speech disorder a communication disorder characterized by difficulties in producing speech


squeeze technique sex therapy technique used for premature ejaculation; the man’s partner stimulates him to an erection, and then when he signals that ejaculation is imminent, the partner applies a firm but gentle squeeze to his penis, either at the glans or at the base, for 3 or 4 seconds; the goal of this technique is for the man to learn to identify the point of ejaculatory inevitability and to control his arousal level at that point


statistical significance likelihood that a study’s results have occurred only by chance


stereotypic movement disorder a motor disorder characterized by repetitive, seemingly driven, and apparently purposeless motor behavior, such as hand waving or head banging


stimulants drugs that activate the nervous system


stop-start technique sex therapy technique used for premature ejaculation; the man or his partner stimulates his penis until he is about to ejaculate; the man then relaxes and concentrates on the sensations in his body until his level of arousal declines; the goal of this technique is for the man to learn to identify the point of ejaculatory inevitability and to control his arousal level at that point


stress-inoculation therapy a form of cognitive-behavior therapy that focuses on developing skills that allow the individual to cope with stress


stroke sudden damage to the brain due to blockage of blood flow or hemorrhaging


structured interview meeting between a clinician and a client or a client’s associate(s) in which the clinician asks questions that are standardized and are usually designed to determine whether a diagnosis is warranted


stuttering significant problem in speech fluency, often including frequent repetitions of sounds or syllables


substance naturally occurring or synthetically produced product that alters perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors when ingested, smoked, or injected


substance abuse diagnosis given in the DSM-IV when a person’s recurrent substance use leads to significant harmful consequences, as manifested by a failure to fulfill obligations at work, school, or home; the use of substances in physically hazardous situations; legal problems; and continued use despite social and legal problems


substance dependence diagnosis given in the DSM-IV when a person’s substance use leads to physiological dependence or significant impairment or distress, as manifested by an inability to use the substance in moderation; a decline in social, occupational, or recreational activities; or the spending of large amounts of time obtaining substances or recovering from their effects


substance-induced sexual dysfunction problems in sexual functioning caused by substance use


substance-induced sleep disorder sleep disturbance due to the use of substances, including prescription medications (e.g., medications that control hypertension or cardiac arrhythmias) and nonprescription substances (e.g., alcohol and caffeine)


substance intoxication experience of significantly maladaptive behavioral and psychological symptoms due to the effect of a substance on the central nervous system that develops during or shortly after use of the substance


substance use disorders disorders characterized by inability to use a substance in moderation and/or the intentional use of a substance to change one’s thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors, leading to impairment in work, academic, personal, or social endeavors


substance withdrawal experience of clinically significant distress in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning due to the cessation or reduction of substance use


suicide purposeful taking of one’s own life


suicide attempts behaviors engaged in with some intent to kill oneself


suicide cluster when two or more suicides or attempted suicides nonrandomly occur closely together in space or time


suicide contagion phenomenon in which the suicide of a well-known person is linked to the acceptance of suicide by people who closely identify with that person


suicide ideation thoughts about killing oneself


superego part of the unconscious that consists of absolute moral standards internalized from one’s parents during childhood and from one’s culture


supernatural theories theories that see mental disorders as the result of supernatural forces, such as divine intervention, curses, demonic possession, and/or personal sins; mental disorders then can be cured through religious rituals, exorcisms, confessions, and/or death


symptom questionnaire questionnaire that assesses what symptoms a person is experiencing


synapse space between a sending neuron and a receiving neuron into which neurotransmitters are first released (also known as the synaptic gap)


syndrome set of symptoms that tend to occur together


systematic desensitization therapy type of behavior therapy that attempts to reduce client anxiety through relaxation techniques and progressive exposure to feared stimuli



tactile hallucinations unreal perceptions that something is happening to the outside of one’s body—for example, that bugs are crawling up one’s back


tardive dyskinesia neurological disorder marked by involuntary movements of the tongue, face, mouth, or jaw, resulting from taking neuroleptic drugs


tertiary prevention program focusing on people who already have a disease with the aim of preventing relapse and reducing the impact of the disease on the person’s quality of life


thalamus structure of the brain that directs incoming information from sense receptors (such as vision and hearing) to the cerebrum


theory set of assumptions about the likely causes of abnormality and appropriate treatments


therapy outcome studies experimental studies that assess the effects of an intervention designed to reduce psychopathology in an experimental group, while performing no intervention or a different type of intervention on another group


third variable problem possibility that variables not measured in a study are the real cause of the relationship between the variables measured in the study


third-wave approaches modern psychotherapeutic techniques that combine elements of the first- and second-wave approaches—behavioral therapy and cognitive therapy, respectively—with mindfulness meditation practices derived from Zen Buddhism to help people accept, understand, and better regulate their emotions


tolerance condition of experiencing less and less effect from the same dose of a substance


Tourette’s disorder a motor disorder characterized by multiple motor tics and one or more vocal tics


transference in psychodynamic therapies, the client’s reaction to the therapist as if the therapist were an important person in his or her early development; the client’s feelings and beliefs about this other person are transferred onto the therapist


transference-focused therapy a highly structured psychodynamic treatment for borderline personality disorder that uses the relationship between patient and therapist to help patients develop a more realistic and healthier understanding of their interpersonal relationships


transsexuals people who experience chronic discomfort with their gender and genitals as well as a desire to be rid of their genitals and to live as a member of the opposite sex


transvestic disorder paraphilic disorder in which a heterosexual man dresses in women’s clothing as his primary means of becoming sexually aroused


traumatic brain injury injury to the brain resulting from traumatic force; often associated with loss of consciousness


trephination procedure in which holes were drilled in the skulls of people displaying abnormal behavior, presumably to allow evil spirits to depart their bodies; performed in the Stone Age


tricyclic antidepressants class of antidepressant drugs


twin studies studies of the heritability of a disorder by comparing concordance rates between monozygotic and dizygotic twins


Type A behavior pattern personality pattern characterized by time urgency, hostility, and competitiveness



unconditioned response (UR) in classical conditioning, response that naturally follows when a certain stimulus appears, such as a dog salivating when it smells food


unconditioned stimulus (US) in classical conditioning, stimulus that naturally elicits a reaction, as food elicits salivation in dogs


unconscious area of the psyche where memories, wishes, and needs are stored and where conflicts among the id, ego, and superego are played out



vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) treatment in which the vagus nerve—the part of the autonomic nervous system that carries information from the head, neck, thorax, and abdomen to several areas of the brain, including the hypothalamus and amygdala—is stimulated by a small electronic device much like a cardiac pacemaker, which is surgically implanted under a patient’s skin in the left chest wall


validity degree of correspondence between a measurement and the phenomenon under study


variable measurable factor or characteristic that can vary within an individual, between individuals, or both


vascular neurocognitive disorder a form of dementia resulting from multiple strokes and/or ischemic events


visual hallucination visual perception of something that is not actually present


voyeuristic disorder disorder characterized by obtainment of sexual arousal by compulsively and secretly watching another person undressing, bathing, engaging in sex, or being naked



wait list control group in a therapy outcome study, group of people that functions as a control group while an experimental group receives an intervention and then receives the intervention itself after a waiting period


working through method used in psychodynamic therapies in which the client repeatedly goes over and over painful memories and difficult issues as a way to understand and accept them

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