
线性代数笔记05 | 通过矩阵的逆, 秩, 列空间和零空间求解线性方程组的可视化理解

 汉无为 2023-08-03 发布于湖北

Linear Algebra Note 05 - Inverse Matrix, Rank, Column & Null Space

此篇笔记是「线性代数笔记」系列的第5篇笔记,记录了「3Blue1Brown」「Essence of linear algebra」系列课程的第7章内容,即通过可视化的方法将「求解线性方程组的过程看作一种反向的线性变换」,直观理解一个「矩阵(即一个线性变换)」「逆(Inverse)」, 「秩(Rank)」, 「列空间(Column Space)」, 「零空间(Null Space)」 的概念, 并通过以上概念确定线性方程组的解的存在和性质。

1. Linear Systems of Equations


In the previous notes (线性代数笔记03|用矩阵和矩阵乘法表示线性变换的可视化理解), we saw that 「linear algebra」 is used in 「describing the the manipulation of space」,

  • which is 「useful」 for 「computer graphics and robotics」,
  • but one of the main reasons that 「linear algebra is more broadly applicable」 is that 「it lets us Solve certain Systems of Equations」.

Geometric Interpretation of Linear Systems of Equations

The matrix corresponds with 「some Linear Transformation」, so 「solving:」
矩阵代表「一种线性变换」, 所以「求解」

means we're 「looking for a vector which, 「after applying the transformation, lands on .
意味着我们去「寻找一个向量 使得它「在变换后与 重合」

2. Use Inverses to Solve Equations

Definition of Inverses

Assume that 「the Determinant of is Nonzero」

  • which means 「space does NOT get squished into a zero area」 region.
  • In this case, there will always be 「ONE and ONLY ONE vector that lands on
    在这种情况下,「有且仅有一个向量(在变换后)与 重合」
  • we can 「find it by operating the transformation in reverse」.

This transformation is commonly called 「the inverse of A」, denoted:


  • if was a [counterclockwise rotation] by 90」, then would be a [clockwise rotation] by 90」.
    比如说,如果 是[逆时针旋转 90 度]的变换」; 那么 的逆就是[顺时针旋转 90 度]的变换」
  • If was a rightward shear that pushes one unit to the right」, then would be a leftward shear that pushes one unit to the left」.
    如果 向右剪切的变换」,将 向右移动一个单位; 就是向左剪切的变换」 ,将 向左移动一个单位

Identity Transformation I

If first 「apply the transformation , and 「follow it with the transformation ; we will 「end up back where we started WITHOUT any transformation」
首先「应用 代表的变换」,再「应用 代表的变换」; 我们会「回到没有进行任何变换的原始状态」

  • 「applying one transformation after another」 is captured algebraically with 「matrix multiplication」,
  • this 「transformation of doing nothing」 is called 「Identity Transformation」
    • It leaves and each where they are, unmoved

Solve the Equation

Once finding (in practice, we do with a computer), then we can 「solve the equation」 by
一旦找到了(实践中可以用计算机完成), 我们就能「求解方程:」

  • what this means geometrically is that 「playing the transformation in reverse」, and following  to end up at
    这个过程在几何上就对应于「逆向进行变换」并跟踪 的动向并最终得到

The Unique Solution when


As long as the 「transformation A doesn't squish all of space into a lower dimension」,
只要「变换 A 不将空间压缩到一个更低的维度上」

  • meaning, its 「determinant is nonzero」, there 「exists an inverse transformation」      也就是它的「行列式不为零」, 那就「存在逆变换」
  • For any linear system of equations, when 「the number of equations equals the number of unknowns」, it's almost certainly that there's a 「single, unique solution .
    「方程数目与未知量数目相同」时, 几乎可以确定任意线性方程系统「存在唯一解

Irreversibility when det(A) = 0


When 「the determinant is zero」, and the transformation associated with this system of equations 「squishes space into a smaller dimension」, there is 「NO inverse」.
但是「当行列式为零」时, 与这个方程组相关的变换「将空间压缩到更低的维度上」, 此时「没有逆变换」.

  • we 「cannot 'unsquish' a line to turn it into a plane」
  • That would require 「transforming each individual vector into a whole line full of vectors」.
    • But linear transformations can ONLY take a 「single input to a single output」.

Restrictive Solutions when det(A) = 0


It's still 「possible that a solution exists」 even when there is 「NO inverse」,

  • it's just that when 「transformation  squishes space onto, say, a line」, and the vector lives somewhere 「on that line」.
    比如说,一个「变换 将空间压缩为一条直线」, 并且向量 恰好「处于这条直线上」

3. Column Space


The 「set of all possible outputs for a transformation」, is called 「the column space of a matrix」
「所有可能的变换结果 的集合」, 被称为「矩阵 的列空间」

  • the 「columns of the matrix」 tell 「where the basis vectors land」,
  • and 「the span of those transformed basis vectors」 gives 「all possible outputs」.
  • in other words, the 「column space」 is 「the span of the columns of the matrix」.

4. Rank


The definition of 「Rank」 is 「the number of dimensions in the column space」, which is 「the output of a transformation」.
「秩」的定义是「列空间的维数」, 也就是「变换后空间的维数」

  • When the 「output of a transformation is a line」, meaning it's 「one-dimensional」, we say 「the transformation has a rank of one」.
    「变换的结果为一条直线时」,也就是说结果是「一维的」,我们称这个「变换的秩为 1」
  • If 「all the vectors land on some two-dimensional plane」, we say the 「transformation has a rank of two」.
    如果「变换后的向量落在某个二维平面上」,我们称「这个变换的秩为 2」


In the case of 「2x2 matrices」, 「Rank 2 is the best that it can be」.
对于 「2×2 的矩阵」,它的「秩最大为 2」

  • It means the 「basis vectors」 continue to 「span the full two dimensions of space」, and the 「determinant is nonzero」.
    意味着「基向量」仍旧能「张成整个二维空间」, 并且「矩阵的行列式不为零」

But for 「3x3 matrices」, 「Rank 2」 means that we've 「collapsed」,
但是对于 「3×3 的矩阵」「秩为 2」 意味着「空间被压缩了」

  • If a 「3D transformation」 has a 「nonzero determinant」, and its output 「fills all of 3D space」 , it has a 「rank of 3」
    如果一个「三维变换的行列式不为零」,变换结果仍旧 「充满整个三维空间」, 那么它的「秩为 3」

Full Rank

When this 「rank is as high as it can be」, meaning 「it equals the number of columns」,

  • we 「call the matrix full rank」

5. Null Space

Zero Vector


Notice, the 「zero vector」 will always 「be included in the column space」,

  • since 「linear transformations must keep the origin fixed in place」
  • for a 「full rank transformation」, the 「only vector」 that 「lands at the origin」 is the 「zero vector」 itself,
  • but for 「matrices that aren't full rank」, which 「squish to a smaller dimension」,
  • there are 「a whole bunch of vectors that land on zero」.

Examples in 3D

ImageIf 「a 3D transformation squishes space onto a plane」,

  • there's  「a full line of vectors that land on the origin」.

If 「a 3D transformation squishes all the space onto a line」,

  • then there's 「a whole plane full of vectors that land on the origin」.

Definition of Null Space


This 「set of vectors that lands on the origin」 is called the 「null space」 or the 「kernel of the matrix」.

  • It's 「the space of all vectors that become null after transformation」, in the sense that they land on the zero vector.
  • In terms of the 「linear system of equations」, when happens to be the zero vector」,
    「线性方程组」来说,当「向量 恰好为零向量时」
  • the 「null space」 gives 「all of the possible solutions to the equation」.


[1] https://www./lessons/inverse-matrices

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