
展讯丨《衍化》— 解丁泉个展

 涤砚堂 2023-08-11 发布于江西

衍   化




2023.08.20 - 2023.10.19
2023.08.20 15:00

PUSU ART‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍
1862船厂 二楼

序 言






—— 周敏(学术支持)









People always need to understand that art is a kind of faith.

When we unconsciously begin to reflect on ourselves, we actually draw back distance with ourselves, opening up a 'forest clearing' in the current social and cultural context, allowing 'me' to observe and contemplate our own living environment.

Only when the subject is in a state of reflection or deviation from itself can they truly exist as contemporary or contemporaries, that is, only by conforming to the times in a contradictory way can they become contemporary.

Ding Quan's Backward series of works, like a call, gently and elegantly calls on the audience to 'turn back and be sincere', to honestly look at themselves, to seek their exiled hearts, and thus to rebuild their belief in life. 

—— Zhou Min (academic supporter)

We derive our culture from our tradition, and pass down from generation to generation. However, with the disenchantment of the modern world, we seem to be gradually losing our awe of tradition and sincerity in our faith.

On the occasion of the renewal of PUSU Pudong, we specially invite artist Xie Dingquan to bring his solo painting exhibition “Derivations”, presenting his two series of works: Backward and Animism. His works wander between 'traditional' and “non-traditional”, showing the familiarity and alienation between us and our cultural tradition and faith.

A typical Chinese painting often develops from strokes of lines and colors, and then evolves step by step to form explicit patterns such as mountains, water, stones, clouds, and finally generates all things. Elegant colors, exquisite lines, and independent objects allow us to escape from the real world, and to gaze 'one thing' while imagining 'all things' by borrowing the ancients’ eyes, so as to wander in the subtle spiritual world of ancient Chinese scholars, and to 'sense things' in the perspective of ' the unity of things and me '.

If the Animism series can be regarded as movable pieces of mural fragments, then The Other Shore from the Backward series is more like an entire mural painting, with brilliant and rich colors, which is magnificent and overwhelming.

Derived from the form and content of traditional Chinese art, the twenty-two-meter-eight long The Other Shore is actually a painting with contemporary meaning. 'The other shore', in the context of Chinese culture, is always an ideal space that exists opposite to 'this shore'. Borrowing the opposite concept of 'the other shore' in terms of space, the artist reversed all characters in the classic Taoist theme painting The Eighty-Seven Immortals, which leads the painting to give a shocking visual sense of strangeness and contemporaneity.

The reversed back seems to be the receding of the ancients following the belief of gods, and it also seems to be a portrayal of the realistic relationship between us and our tradition and faith today: Did our faith deviate from us or did we deviate from our faith?

For Xie Dingquan, art is a kind of faith. It took the artist three years to complete The Other Shore by carefully sketching, outlining, coloring, layering, and researching. It is in the process of using traditional painting techniques and sincerely 'working' day after day, Xie is able to ponder on the wisdom, piety and state of mind of the ancients.

At a time when tradition and faith are gradually drifting away, Xie Dingquan seems to have  provide us with a possible way to re-establish dialogues with our tradition and faith, and to gaze, reflect on, and return to ourselves.


Words of Curator







《清辉》,93cm X 93cm, 2023






《微茫》,93cm X 93cm, 2023







Wen, All Things,

and Wall-facing Person

Written by Yang Mengjiao (Ph.D. from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, scholar and curator at the China Academy of Art)

In his most critical works, Marcuse depicted a typical contemporary existence - the one-dimensional person, referring to those who, under the control of highly developed technology and capital, have lost their ability to criticize and transcend, as well as their self and imagination. With no doubt, the ghosts of Chaplin, who is caught in the giant machinery, and Truman, who lives in a 24-hour live broadcast world, are constantly reproduced in our consciousness, reminding us of how our private space and mental freedom are being eroded by technological reality. How to escape this setup world? With this perennial question, let us critic Xie’s artwork.

Xie Dingquan is an artist almost mature. So-written almost emphasizes that he has not fallen into the rigidity and repetition of creative thinking, but consciously transcends different art media and cultural forms. From painting, engraving, ceramics, to ready-made objects, sound, and the body, the boundaries of form have not hindered the flow of his creative consciousness. Similarly, from the three reversals of the gods’ portraits, the Medicine Buddha assembly, and the portraits of Confucius in The Other Shore Project, which spanned Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, to the challenges to the triple barriers of national identity, racial and class differences, and language and culture in the Natural Writing Project, and the question of painful survival achieved through the simulation and overcoming of artificial objects in Skin, all show his astonishing and commendable ambition. And the so-called mature lies in his careful and refined creative techniques, complete and accurate artistic expression, as well as his practice of the core value of the artist - the special processor of social reality - continuously placing himself in front of radical social problems with his real flesh (in Gift) and sincere thinking, and trying to provide a more challenging set of answers that differ from the mainstream’s.

Reviewing the artistic career of Xie over the past decade, one will find that the method of reading with a linear temporal perspective is ineffective in understanding his work. To achieve comprehension and understanding, one must not divide and deduce, but instead find a specific point of entry and delve deeply. This point of entry is his paintings. The audience will see two sets of painting works, or more precisely, two sets of mural works in the exhibition, The Other Shore and Animism

Most people will immediately be impressed and attracted by the magnificent eighty-seven celestial beings' procession, the exquisite traditional painting techniques, and the strong traditional aesthetic atmosphere upon encountering the two-meter-four high and twenty-two-meter-eight long The Other Shore. This conviction is inevitable and necessary, deriving from the accumulation of skills, the expenditure of effort, and the cultivation of ideas. However, once one becomes immersed in this conviction, one will miss the opportunity to truly understand the artist and his works. Therefore, I invite the audience to first escape the conviction and then attempt to abandon the inertia of linear logic when viewing these paintings, such as researching the historical resources of the objects painted, tracing the analogies of painting styles, and the narrative connections of elements within the paintings. Because that is the method of viewing traditional painting, the method of viewing painting created for the purpose of representation. Instead, we should refer to one of Francis Bacon's most exquisite descriptions of contemporary painting: “painting is projecting the pattern of one's own nervous system onto the canvas.” What we need to do is discover the most prominent and robust neurons in this neural network that is hidden beneath the surface of the painting and receive the information they carry and transmit. Only such a method can truly allow us to understand why Xie's painting is both traditional and contemporary.

Wen (纹) should be the first thing to be noticed. The reason is that the existence of Wen is too implicit, and the information it carries is extremely important. The Animism series is different from The Other Shore series in that they do not have the complete characteristics of murals. The limited volume makes them closer to fragments of murals, movable pieces. The artist made a layer of mud on the frame and consciously formed natural cracks by adjusting the ratio of soil, water, and glue during the drying process of the mud bottom. These cracks are interwoven and connected to form 纹(Wen, crossing lines). In addition to being proof of a special technique, these Wen have actually become an important painting language that runs through the Animism series. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it not only lies between the bottom and surface of painting, but it is also an inter-language of painting. Different from the explicit painting language of surface color, lines, shapes, etc., the relationship between the signified and the signifier of Wen as inter-language of painting appears uncertain, diffuse, and difficult to perceive. We must identify those literature that transtextuality and infertextuality to try to read and analyze the Wen.

Shuowen Jiezi says that the original meaning of 文 is crossing lines, which is 纹. 纹 as crossing lines originated from the Chinese people's understanding of their living space. It is a presentation of Chinese primitive image thinking, created in the form of pictographs, imitations, depictions, simplifications, etc., forming strokes of lines, colors, patterns, then became paintings. In Lanting, Tonghui and Tiangong, the Wen as inter-language and the explicit water, mountain, and light patterns are presented at the same time. The interweaving and superposition of them are a contemporary thinking on the fundamental traditional painting of China from the implicit Wen to the explicit Painting.

There is also a classic demonstration of Wen in The Book of Songs: 'If there is a nobleman, he is like a carved and polished gem.' It implies that polishing jade would reveals its natural texture. It can be said that Wen is the form of human beings in the natural order. In the sense of linguistics, 纹 and 文 are derived from the same source and therefore humanistic, referring to human order. Culture refers to using human order to make natural people become law-abiding people. From 纹 to 文, it can be summarized as the process from natural 纹 to humanized 纹 (that is, 文饰), and then from aesthetic humanized 纹 to the process of ritual music education and universal Taoist 文.

Unsurprisingly, the triple visual language structure of pattern-line-drawing in the Animism series is isomorphic with the evolution of the traditional Chinese concept of pattern-decoration-culture. We have already discussed the transition from pattern to decorative pattern, and now we need to examine the layer of drawing. The content of the drawings in Animism is obviously all things. When we discover this isomorphic relationship, we can't help but marvel at how ingenious it is to correspond all things with culture - sages observe the astronomical phenomena and survey the geography to create culture (from I Ching Zheng Yi) - the way of heaven and earth exists in all things, and people summarize and comprehend the truth from all things, and ultimately present it in human experience, which is the process of culture.

The recurring pattern-culture structure in the Animism series indicates the core that the artist wants to explore - how to understand the relationship between all things and culture? In other words, how to think about objects as a cultural issue? Works based on traditional Chinese mural painting techniques naturally lead viewers to reflect within the context of traditional Chinese culture. In ancient Chinese philosophy, discussions about all things and culture are mainly derived from the thread of the relationship between things and me. Unlike Western philosophy's emphasis on the subject-object relationship between things and me, the underlying color of Chinese philosophy is precisely the interaction between heaven and human and the unity of things and me. Therefore, the ultimate pursuit of Chinese aesthetic culture is to move from viewing things from my own perspective to viewing things from the perspective of things themselves, and to pursue no self in order to attain the Tao.

The artist's creation is also due to this long-standing cultural tradition. However, as a conscious contemporary artist, Xie faces not only traditional issues but also issues of life, and in what sense. The ancients said The Tao is in things, and their recognition of things was vast and broad. However, today's understanding of things has been narrowed down to material objects of daily life and technological life. This is a new sense of things situation that has emerged under post-capitalist social conditions, the most obvious feature of which is the constant strengthening and internalization of material desire and the universality and reality of objectification. Even more worthy of attention and reflection is that this new sense of things situation has already overflowed from the realm of human life and infiltrated the fields of aesthetics, culture, and even the construction of the overall human spiritual condition, ultimately making people increasingly single-dimensional beings.

Archaeology, as the medium of the communication between heaven and man with things, is the solution that the artist proposes to explore the ancient people's sense of things state. Lingstones, Lingshan, Lingguang, Xiangyun, Flying Dragons, Double Cranes, Tiangong, Sun and Moon, Xianjing... Xie portrays his sense of fascination with things as a contemporary individual. In this experience, the artist's spirit is still within the ancient people's bodies, positioning the heaven and earth and worshipping all the gods, borrowing the ancient people's eyes to see that world of all things have spirits and understand the statements and descriptions of all things regarding Tao. Standing in front of these works, the viewer can finally listen to the distant and fascinating voice recounted by the artist, briefly escaping the control of the contemporary world.

In Animism, each square depicts only one object, directing the viewer's gaze to focus on that one thing while imagining all things. As imagination extends, the frame containing the one object expands into the walls of the universe throughout history and space, making the viewer a facer of the wall. Legend has it that Bodhidharma faced the wall for nine years, and when he left, the shape of his meditative contemplation remained on the stone wall. It is unknown whether Xie left a riddle through his Animism and The Other Shore series, as those who have achieved enlightenment and understanding of their true selves through viewing the paintings will also appear on the wall, and those who turn away will be the unenlightened.

Looking at the artist himself, we can see a contradictory dimension with controlled freedom and boundaries without limits. This confusing expression can be translated into traditional Chinese language: 'The myriad of changes does not leave the origin,' as quoted from Xunzi and Zhuangzi, 'A thousand variations, but the way remains the same,' 'Not leaving the origin is called the heavenly human.' In fact, Xie Dingquan has always been expressing through the gateway of art what he truly desires - to be a facer to the wall in the contemporary world, deriving from tradition to avant-garde, understanding others through his own experience, and reaching the infinite in the finite.

April 2023

At Penglai Garden, Beijing


About the Artist




   2005-2010     中央美术学院    本科 

   2012-2015     中央美术学院    硕士 

  2015-2016     受聘于湖北美术学院

  2019-2020     康奈尔大学访问学者

  2016-至今      任教于江西师范大学

Central Academy of Fine Arts, B.A.            2005-2010

Central Academy of Fine Arts, MFA           2012-2015

Employed by Hubei Institute of Fine Arts   2015-2016

Visiting Scholar at Cornell University        2019-2020

Teaching  at Jiangxi Normal University       2016-now



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