

 hercules028 2023-08-14 发布于四川

Confronting the dangers of ultra-processed food


A cocktail of additives and preservatives poses a risk to people’s health


cocktail /ˈkɒkˌteɪl/

cocktail /ˈkɒkˌteɪl/

N-COUNTAcocktailis a mixture of a number of different things, especially ones that do not go together well. (尤指不太容易融合的几种物品的) 混合物

The court was told she had taken a cocktail of drugs and alcohol.


WHICH IS HEALTHIER: a bag of crisps or a kale

salad? That is easy. Now which is healthier: a pizza made from scratch or one made from the same basic ingredients, with the same number of calories, pulled out of a box in the freezer?


from scratch

If you do something from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before. 从零开始

Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and challenging.


Many people concerned with what they eat would instinctively say the former, perhaps citing a vague concern with “processed food”. Such food can often be delicious. (This columnist has a particular weakness for salty potato crisps.) And there is much to cheer about calories being cheap and abundant, when formost of human history they were neither. But as Chrisvan Tulleken’s new book,“Ultra-Processed People”, explains, that cheapness and abundance come at acost.

许多关心饮食健康的人会本能地选择前者。他们也许会说“加工食品”总归不大好。加工食品往往美味可口。(笔者就对咸香薯片尤其没有抵抗力。)而廉价又丰富的卡路里很值得庆贺--毕竟在人类历史的大部分时间里这两点都不可得。但是,正如克里斯范图尔肯(Chris van Tulleken)的新书《深加工人类》(Ultra-Processed People)所解释的那样,这种廉价和丰富都是有代价的。

have a weakness for

If you have aweaknessforsomething, you like it very much, although this is perhaps surprising or undesirable. 癖好

Stephen himself had a weakness for cats.


Mr van Tulleken, a doctor and television presenter, draws a distinction between “ultra-processed food” (UPF) and “processed food ’. Almost everything people consume is processed in some form: rice is harvested and hulled, animals are butchered. He uses a defnition proposed by Carlos Monteiro, a food scientist, describing UPF as “formulations of ingredients, mostly of exclusive industrial use, made by a series of industrial processes, many requiring sophisticated equipment and technology. A pizza made from scratch contains minimally processed food (wheat turned into flour, tomatoes into sauce, milk into cheese). The one in the freezer, with its thiamine mononitrate and sodium phosphate, is UPF.

医生兼电视主持人范图尔肯把“深加工食品”和“加工食品”做了区分。人们食用的东西大多都经过某种形式的加工,比如稻米要经过收割和脱壳,动物要经过宰杀。他引用了食品科学家卡洛斯蒙特罗(Carlos Monteiro)提出的定义,将深加工食品描述为“由各种成分配比而来,其中大多数成分仅用于工业生产,并要经过一系列工业过程,许多过程都需要用到先进的设备和技术”。现做披萨只含有经基本加工的材料(小麦加工成面粉,西红柿做成酱,牛奶变成奶酪)。而速冻披萨含有硫胺素硝酸盐和磷酸钠,属于深加工食品。

draw/make a distinction

If youdraw a distinctionormake a distinction, you say that two things are different. 区分

Philosophers did not use to make a distinction between arts and science.
We need to draw a distinction between the two events.

The cocktail of additives and preservatives in UPF harm people in ways both known and unknown. It seems to affect the gut microbiome, the trillions of bacteria that contribute to health in a range of ways. Calorie-rich but usually nutrient-poor, UPF contributes to obesity in part because its palatability and soft texture foster overconsumption, overriding satiety signals from the brain.



ADJIn a particular situation, theoverridingfactor is the one that is the most important. 最重要的

My overriding concern is to raise the standards of state education.



Nthe state of being satiated 饱足

No food can tempt one filled to satiety.


Because this frankenfood is cheap to produce and buy, UPF displaces healthier alternatives, particularly for poor people. Extra weight was once a sign of wealth, but among British and American women today, obesity rates are higher at lower-income levels. (Curiously, rates do not vary for men, even though a greater share of American men than women are obese.)

由于这种“科学怪粮”的生产成本低,价格便宜,因此人们会用它替代更健康的食品,穷人就更是如此。体重超标曾经是财富的标志,而在当今的英国和美国妇女中,低收入群体的肥胖率更高。(奇怪的是 ,男性不同收入群体的肥胖率并没有差异,尽管美国男性的整体肥胖率要比女性高。)

Frankenfood/ Frankenstein food

N any foodstuff that has been genetically modified “弗兰肯斯坦”食品(指“转基因食品”)

The reasons why UPF can be harmful are not always clear, even to scientists. Additives that may be safe in isolation or small quantities may be harmful in combination with other chemicals or when consumed regularly. If we are what we eat, considering the impact of UPF is essential, but too often Mr van Tulleken’s case for clean food is accompanied by anti-capitalist preening: for instance, he nonsensically calls corporate-tax minimisation “part of ultra-processing”.



V-T/V-I If someone preens, they think in a pleased way about how attractive, clever, or good at something they are. 得意洋洋; 感觉良好表不满

She stood preening in their midst, delighted with the attention.


He preened himself on the praise he had received.


Environment matters, too. People who live in what the author calls “food swamps’, where “UPF is everywhere but real food is harder to reach”, could spend large amounts of time and money seeking out fresh food but that is not how most people live. There is nothing wrong with the odd fast-food trip, but anyone who can afford to eat less UPF probably should.


wrong (with sb/sth)

causing problems ordifficulties; not as it should be 引起问题(或麻烦) ;有毛病;不正常

Is anything wrong ? You look worried.


There’s something wrong with the printer.


The doctor could find nothing wrong with him.医生查不出他有什么病。

| have something wrong with my foot.我的脚有点儿不对劲。

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