
按照约定实施专利、使用技术秘密侵害他人合法权益的责任谁承担? 民法典合同编逐条解析(法条附英文翻译)

 昵称64574355 2023-08-29 发布于广东

第八百七十四条 受让人或者被许可人,由让与人或者许可人承担责任,但是当事人另有约定的除外。 

Article 874 Normal exploitation of a patent or the use of technical secret by the transferee or grantee in accordance with the contract but infringes legal rights and interests of another person, the transferor or the grantor shall bear the liability unless agreed otherwise.  

本条是民法典合同编第870条规定的技术转让合同让与人或许可人的瑕疵担保义务。 即让与人或许可人保证其对转让技术或技术秘密的合法性,如因其权利存在瑕疵,导致受让人在使用该技术时侵犯了第三人的权益,让与人或许可人应承担相应责任。

本条规定是占在让与人与受让人,许可人与被许可人合同的角度规范其权利义务关系的, 因合同并不涉及第三人,在相关侵权行为发生后,被侵权人并不知晓让与或许可合同的存在, 或者即便知晓, 也没有办法直接要求让与人或许可人向其承担责任,只能对侵权人即受让人或被许可人承担侵权责任。 受让人再转而依据本条规定要求让与人或许可人承担责任。

让与人或受让人承担责任实际上也是有条件的, 并非条件地绝对地承担责任。 首先,受让人或被许可人是严格按照合同约定的范围使用相关技术;受让人或被许可人是善意、合理使用相关技术, 不存在故意行为;第三, 受让人或被许可人使用相关技术的行为事实上侵犯了第三人的权利。 


即便当事人“另有约定”,也有可能因许可人或让与人承担责任。 如许可人或让与人存在欺诈行为,明知其技术或秘密侵犯了第三人的权利,而不告知受让人或被许可人。 



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已读:UNLOCKING CONTRACT LAW ( if you want this ebook, please join our group. 



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Legal Maxims and Aphorisms  Part two    ( 1st Edition)

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In the English legal system, a practicing lawyer must have one of two professional qualifications: he must either have been admitted to practice as a solicitor or have been called to the Bar as a barrister. An English lawyer may not act both as a solicitor and as a barrister. This traditional split in functions was, however, affected by the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990. Solicitors lost their monopoly on conveyancing, probate and the conduct of litigation. Barristers lost their monopoly on the right of audience in the higher courts. A solicitor, if granted an advocacy certificate, would have the same rights of audience as a barrister. He is then known as a solicitor advocate. A radical new structure for providing legal services has been created by the Legal Services Act 2007. It is now possible for different types of lawyers and non-lawyers to form businesses together. The two new business structures are:

* Legal Disciplinary Practices (LDP): these firms provide legal services involving different kinds of lawyers and non-lawyers and have been in effect since 2009.

* Alternative Business Structures (ABS): these structures allow the external ownership of legal businesses; a non-lawyer may be a manager or have an ownership interest. They are multi-disciplinary practices that provide a mix of legal and other services. They came into effect in 2012.

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