

 昵称40677350 2023-09-02 发布于山西


Module 1

Unit 1

Part 1

1. What did Laura do last weekend?

She went hiking in the mountains with her friends.

2. What did they do during the hike?

They saw beautiful flowers and took photos. They also had a picnic and enjoyed the scenery.

3. How did Laura feel about the hike?

She was very happy because she had a good time with her friends and enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful nature.

Part 2

1. Who is Uncle Li?

He is a famous photographer who loves nature and takes beautiful photos.

2. What is his advice to people who want to take good photos?

He advises people to be patient and observant, and to look for natural and interesting backgrounds.

3. Why does he not like to take photos of people posing in front of a camera?

He believes that natural poses and expressions make for better photos and that people should be captured in the moment and in their natural element.

Unit 2

Part 1

1. What did Zhang Peng do last weekend?

He spent the day with his grandparents.

2. What did they do together?

They went fishing, visited a park, and had lunch together.

3. What did Zhang Peng learn from spending time with his grandparents?

He learned about their experiences and stories from the past, and appreciated the time he spent with them.

Part 2

1. What is Annie's dream?

Her dream is to become a writer and write about her experiences and observations.

2. What does she do to achieve her dream?

She writes in her journal every day and tries to observe and learn from the world around her.

3. Why does Annie think that writing is important?

She believes that writing helps people express themselves, share their ideas and experiences, and connect with others.

Module 2

Unit 1

Part 1

1. What is the difference between a culture shock and a language shock?

A culture shock is when people experience disorientation and confusion when faced with a different culture. A language shock is when people feel overwhelmed and unable to communicate effectively in a foreign language.

2. What are some ways to deal with culture shock?

Some ways to deal with culture shock include learning about the new culture, being open-minded, and keeping a positive attitude.

3. Why is it important to be aware of cultural differences when traveling to a foreign country?

Being aware of cultural differences can help people understand and respect the local culture and avoid unintentional misunderstandings or offenses.

Part 2

1. What is the purpose of the "Speak Up!" campaign?

The purpose of the "Speak Up!" campaign is to encourage people to speak up against bullying and support each other.

2. What are some ways to prevent bullying?

Some ways to prevent bullying include teaching empathy and kindness, promoting a positive and respectful culture, and encouraging people to speak up when they witness bullying.

3. Why is it important to stand up against bullying?

Standing up against bullying can help prevent harm, protect people's dignity and rights, and promote a safe and supportive environment for everyone.

Unit 2

Part 1

1. What is one of the main causes of environmental pollution?

One of the main causes of environmental pollution is human activity, such as industrial emissions, vehicle exhausts, and littering.

2. What are some consequences of environmental pollution?

Some consequences of environmental pollution include health problems, ecological damage, and climate change.

3. What can individuals do to reduce environmental pollution?

Individuals can reduce environmental pollution by adopting eco-friendly habits, such as using public transport, reducing waste, and supporting renewable energy sources.

Part 2

1. What is the impact of social media on teenagers?

Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on teenagers' social and psychological development, such as facilitating communication and socialization, but also increasing stress and anxiety.

2. What are some ways to use social media in a positive way?

Some ways to use social media in a positive way include creating meaningful connections and communities, sharing positive messages and experiences, and using it as a tool for learning and self-expression.

3. Why is it important to balance online and offline activities?

Balancing online and offline activities can help teenagers maintain a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, and avoid negative impacts of excessive screen time, such as sleep deprivation and social isolation.

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