

 hercules028 2023-10-08 发布于四川


1. ’If I were a bird, I would fly high in the sky.’ - Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Translation: ’如果我是一只鸟,我会在天空中飞翔。’ - 简·爱 (夏洛蒂·勃朗特)

2. ’I wish I could go back and change the past.’ - The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Translation: ’我希望我能回到过去并改变一切。’ - 了不起的盖茨比 (F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德)

3. ’She acted as if she were the queen of the world.’ - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Translation: ’她举止如同世界女王一般。’ - 傲慢与偏见 (简·奥斯汀)

4. ’I would rather die than betray my principles.’ - 1984 by George Orwell

Translation: ’我宁愿死也不愿背叛我的原则。’ - 1984 (乔治·奥威尔)

5. ’If only she had listened to her instincts, she wouldn’t be in this mess.’ - Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Translation: ’要是她听从了自己的直觉,她就不会陷入这个困境。’ - 呼啸山庄 (艾米丽·勃朗特)

6. ’He spoke as though he were the wisest person in the room.’ - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Translation: ’他说话的口气就像他是房间里最聪明的人一样。’ - 杀死一只知更鸟 (哈珀·李)

7. ’I would give anything to be with him right now.’ - Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Translation: ’我愿意付出任何代价,只为此刻与他在一起。’ - 理智与情感 (简·奥斯汀)

8. ’If it were not for your help, I would have failed.’ - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Translation: ’如果不是因为你的帮助,我会失败的。’ - 哈克贝利·费恩历险记 (马克·吐温)

9. ’She acted as if she had seen a ghost.’ - The Turn of the Screw by Henry James

Translation: ’她举止如同见了鬼一般。’ - 螺丝在拧紧 (亨利·詹姆斯)

10. ’If I had known the truth, I would have made different choices.’ - Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Translation: ’如果我当时知道真相,我会做出不同的选择。’ - 安娜·卡列尼娜 (列夫·托尔斯泰)


1. ’I would rather live a short life with you, than spend a thousand years alone.’ - The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Translation: ’我宁愿和你一起过短暂的人生,也不愿孤独度过一千年。’ - 《道林·格雷的画像》(奥斯卡·王尔德)

2. ’If only I were stronger, I could have saved him.’ - The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Translation: ’要是我更强壮些,就能救他了。’ - 《老人与海》(欧内斯特·海明威)

3. ’She spoke as if she were the voice of reason in a chaotic world.’ - The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Translation: ’她说话的口气就像是混乱世界中理性的代言人。’ - 《麦田里的守望者》(J·D·塞林格)

4. ’If he had not been so foolish, he would not be in this predicament.’ - Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes

Translation: ’如果他不那么愚蠢,就不会陷入这种窘境。’ - 《堂·吉诃德》(米格尔·德·塞万提斯)

5. ’I wish I were a child again, free from the burdens of adulthood.’ - The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Translation: ’我希望自己再次成为一个孩子,摆脱成年人的负担。’ - 《红字》(纳撒尼尔·霍桑)

6. ’If it were not for his arrogance, he might have found true happiness.’ - Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert

Translation: ’要不是他的傲慢,他可能会找到真正的幸福。’ - 《包法利夫人》(古斯塔夫·福楼拜)

7. ’I would give anything to turn back time and undo my mistakes.’ - Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Translation: ’我愿意付出一切,来扭转时间并纠正我的错误。’ - 《罪与罚》(陀思妥耶夫斯基)

8. ’If he had known the consequences, he would never have taken that path.’ - Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Translation: ’如果他当时知道后果,他绝不会选择那条路。’ - 《黑暗的心》(约瑟夫·康拉德)

9. ’She acted as though she were the protagonist in a tragic play.’ - Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Translation: ’她的行为就像是一出悲剧中的主角一样。’ - 《哈姆雷特》(威廉·莎士比亚)

10. ’I wish I had the courage to follow my dreams, no matter the consequences.’ - The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Translation: ’我希望我有勇气去追随我的梦想,无论后果如何。’ - 《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》(保罗·柯艾略)

These sentences continue to showcase instances of the subjunctive mood, where hypothetical or contrary-to-fact situations are expressed, often conveying desires, regrets, or unreal possibilities.



1. 虚拟条件句(Conditional Sentences):

- If + 主语 + 动词(过去式),主语 + would/could + 动词原形。

Example 1: If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.

Translation: 如果我学得更努力,我就能通过考试。

Example 2: If he were taller, he could reach the top shelf.

Translation: 如果他个子高一些,他就能够够到顶层架子上。

Example 3: If it rained tomorrow, we would stay indoors.

Translation: 如果明天下雨,我们会待在室内。

2. 虚拟假设句(Hypothetical Statements):

- 主语 + 动词(过去式)+ 宾语 + 形容词/名词/副词。

Example 1: She acted as if she were a superstar.

Translation: 她的行为好像她是一位超级明星。

Example 2: If I had wings, I would fly across the sky.

Translation: 如果我有翅膀,我会飞越天空。

Example 3: He looked at me as though I were invisible.

Translation: 他看着我好像我是透明的。

3. 虚拟愿望句(Wish Statements):

- 主语 + 动词(过去式)+ 宾语/从句。

Example 1: I wish I were rich.

Translation: 我希望我很富有。

Example 2: She wishes she hadn’t said that.

Translation: 她希望她没有说那句话。

Example 3: They wished they could travel back in time.

Translation: 他们希望能够穿越时空。

4. 虚拟建议句(Suggestion Statements):

- (I/We/You/They) + 动词原形 + 宾语/副词。

Example 1: It is suggested that she take some time off.

Translation: 有人建议她休息一下。

Example 2: He suggests we go for a walk.

Translation: 他建议我们去散步。

Example 3: They suggested that I study abroad.

Translation: 他们建议我出国留学。

5. 虚拟感叹句(Exclamatory Statements):

- If only + 主语 + 动词过去式。

Example 1: If only I could play the piano like her!

Translation: 要是我能像她一样弹钢琴就好了!

Example 2: If only he hadn’t missed the train!

Translation: 要是他没有错过那趟火车就好了!

Example 3: If only it were summer forever!

Translation: 要是夏天能永远持续就好了!

6. 虚拟命令句(Imperative Statements):

- (I/We/You/They) + 动词原形。

Example 1: Let’s imagine a world without poverty.

Translation: 让我们想象一个没有贫穷的世界。

Example 2: Don’t be late for the meeting.

Translation: 不要迟到参加会议。

Example 3: Please let me know if you have any questions.

Translation: 如果你有任何问题,请告诉我。



Sure! Here are 50 examples of ’if I verb+ed, I would/could’ sentence structures along with their Chinese translations:

1. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam. (如果我学得更努力,我就能通过考试。)

2. If I won the lottery, I would buy a new house. (如果我中了彩票,我就会买一栋新房子。)

3. If I had known, I would have come earlier. (如果我早知道,我就会早点来。)

4. If I were a bird, I could fly wherever I wanted. (如果我是一只鸟,我可以随心所欲地飞翔。)

5. If I had more time, I would travel the world. (如果我有更多时间,我会周游世界。)

6. If I could speak French fluently, I would move to France. (如果我能流利地说法语,我会搬到法国。)

7. If I lived closer to the beach, I would go surfing every day. (如果我住得离海滩更近,我每天都会去冲浪。)

8. If I had the opportunity, I would learn how to play the piano. (如果我有机会,我会学习弹钢琴。)

9. If I were taller, I would reach the top shelf. (如果我个子高一些,我就能够够到顶层架子上。)

10. If I knew how to cook, I would prepare a delicious meal. (如果我知道如何做饭,我会做一顿美味的饭菜。)

11. If I had more money, I would donate to charity. (如果我有更多的钱,我会捐给慈善机构。)

12. If I were a famous actor, I could travel the world for film shoots. (如果我成为一名著名演员,我可以为电影拍摄而周游世界。)

13. If I had a time machine, I would go back to my childhood. (如果我有一台时光机,我会回到我的童年时光。)

14. If I knew how to swim, I would go scuba diving in the ocean. (如果我会游泳,我会去海洋中潜水。)

15. If I studied harder, I could get a scholarship. (如果我学得更努力,我可以获得奖学金。)

16. If I had the chance, I would visit all the wonders of the world. (如果我有机会,我会参观世界上所有的奇迹。)

17. If I won the lottery, I would quit my job and travel full-time. (如果我中了彩票,我会辞职全职旅行。)

18. If I lived in a bigger city, I would have more job opportunities. (如果我住在一个更大的城市,我会有更多的工作机会。)

19. If I had more free time, I could pursue my hobbies. (如果我有更多的空闲时间,我可以追求我的爱好。)

20. If I were a great chef, I would open my own restaurant. (如果我成为了一名出色的厨师,我会开一家自己的餐厅。)

21. If I had a private jet, I could travel to any destination in the world. (如果我有一架私人飞机,我可以去世界上任何一个目的地。)

22. If I had more friends, I would organize a big party. (如果我有更多的朋友,我会组织一场盛大的派对。)

23. If I were the president, I would make education free for all. (如果我是总统,我会让教育对所有人免费。)

24. If I had a magic wand, I could make all my dreams come true. (如果我有一根魔法棒,我可以使我的所有梦想实现。)

25. If I could speak multiple languages, I would work as an interpreter. (如果我能说多种语言,我会从事口译工作。)

26. If I were a superhero, I could save the world from evil. (如果我是一位超级英雄,我可以拯救世界免受邪恶侵害。)

27. If I had more self-confidence, I would pursue my dream career. (如果我有更多自信,我会追求我的梦想职业。)

28. If I were a teacher, I could inspire young minds. (如果我是一名教师,我可以激励年轻的思维。)

29. If I had the ability, I would bring peace to the world. (如果我有能力,我会给世界带来和平。)

30. If I won the lottery, I would donate a large portion to charity. (如果我中了彩票,我会把很大一部分捐给慈善事业。)

31. If I had more experience, I could apply for higher positions. (如果我有更多经验,我可以申请更高的职位。)

32. If I were more organized, I would manage my time better. (如果我更有组织性,我会更好地管理我的时间。)

33. If I had better financial knowledge, I could invest wisely. (如果我有更好的财务知识,我可以明智地投资。)

34. If I were a great singer, I could perform on stage in front of thousands. (如果我是一位出众的歌手,我可以在舞台上面对成千上万的观众表演。)

35. If I had more confidence in myself, I would take more risks. (如果我对自己更有信心,我会冒更多风险。)

36. If I knew how to code, I could develop my own mobile app. (如果我会编码,我可以开发自己的移动应用程序。)

37. If I had more time, I would learn a new instrument. (如果我有更多时间,我会学习一种新乐器。)

38. If I were a great artist, I could exhibit my paintings in galleries. (如果我是一位出色的艺术家,我可以在画廊展览我的画作。)

39. If I had a private beachfront property, I would host beach parties every weekend. (如果我有一块私人沿海物业,我会每个周末举办沙滩派对。)

40. If I could turn back time, I would correct my past mistakes. (如果我能倒退时间,我会纠正我过去的错误。)

41. If I won a million dollars, I would invest in real estate. (如果我赢了一百万美元,我会投资房地产。)

42. If I were a professional athlete, I could compete in international tournaments. (如果我是一名职业运动员,我可以参加国际比赛。)

43. If I had the chance, I would climb Mount Everest. (如果我有机会,我会攀登珠穆朗玛峰。)

44. If I had more discipline, I could achieve my fitness goals. (如果我更有纪律性,我可以实现我的健身目标。)

45. If I lived in a different country, I would learn the local language. (如果我住在一个不同的国家,我会学习当地的语言。)

46. If I had better communication skills, I would excel in public speaking. (如果我有更好的沟通技巧,我会在公众演讲中脱颖而出。)

47. If I were a scientist, I could make groundbreaking discoveries. (如果我是一名科学家,我可以做出突破性的发现。)

48. If I had more patience, I could handle stressful situations better. (如果我有更多耐心,我可以更好地处理紧张的情况。)

49. If I were a detective, I could solve mysteries and crimes. (如果我是一名侦探,我可以解开谜团和犯罪案件。)

50. If I had the talent, I would pursue a career in acting. (如果我有天赋,我会追求演艺事业。)

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